MIRACLES – For the Creative Spiritual Life

This website explores the miraculous experience, states of enlightenment, unexplained sudden and placebo healings, remote viewing over space and time, the near death experience, etc. The menu above leads to a variety of chapters covering valid reports of such extraordinary events. Here below is a paper I’ve composed combining cosmology and spirituality, both of which I’ve studied in depth, into an easy to follow thesis and a way to access God, no less.

Leslie M. Taylor – artist and author

WordPress constantly updates this website every couple of weeks and not at all for the better. They’ve become like like Microsoft’s constant updates – usually for the worse. The latest update has corrupted my artworks here (images of my human made oil paintings), horizontally compressing thus distorting the images therefore not making the artworks available for realistic viewing online and utterly useless to view on spyphones. Anyone can see how important the details, the realism, of my oil paintings are and this gross distorting of the images is quite frustrating. That complaint aside, the written information below is life saving for humanity.

P.S. I’ve since figured out how to fix the problem. Throughout the website, I’ve made the artwork smaller and so far this seems to be working.


The Musical Path a 36″ X 48″ oil painting by artist Leslie M. Taylor

Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center. Big, undreamed-of things. The people on the edge see them first.

~Kurt Vonnegut

It helps considerably to know of the origins of the universe, God’s creation. As humanity explores and discovers the universe, including its origins, we are able to specifically identify God’s presence in the beginning and throughout spacetime, including and especially within ourselves and each other; one and all. Not only will we then have ever increasing access to the Divine, to God, and not only heal our specie and survive, but greatly and suddenly evolve. Otherwise humanity will self-destruct, which we are well into the process of doing.

Until around 13.7 billion years ago everything in the entire universe was condensed within a 2D membrane-like structure called the event horizon enveloping a ‘black hole’, and at the very center of this black hole, is the singularity. This singularity is described by scientists as a point of infinite denseness and heat from which the nascent universe, then but a hot dense plasma of primordial matter, rapidly expanded outward to the event horizon [EH]. This took around 380,000 years it is estimated. However, all within this event horizon and black hole, including the singularity, is not quantifiable as in temperature or rate of expansion from the singularity out to the event horizon. For neither the forces nor spacetime were as yet organized constructs, as they now are, beyond the 2D event horizon membrane with its material construction instructions mapped out spatially and temporally. The singularity would be more aptly described as a point of infinite brilliance, creative intelligence and love.

Within this 2D EH enclosed black hole (called such given that no light can escape from within it) hot dense primordial plasma, matter, (quarks, neutrinos, electrons, photons) organized into neutral, positive and negative charged particles: neutrons, protons and electrons. Photons, particles of light (electromagnetic radiation) radiated from the singularity, yet not until the plasma expanded and cooled could the photons and primordial matter escape – radiate through the 2D event horizon. Again, the plan for the creation of the universe is encoded and mapped out spatially and temporally on the 2D event horizon, a blueprint so-to-speak. Then, once this matter and radiation extended through and beyond it the universe began evolving, coalescing the primordial particles into increasingly more complex atoms and molecules and the forces. The expanding spacetime web-like matrix consisted of the forces described below.

The forces include electromagnetic radiation, the weak and strong force within atomic nuclei, gravity, dark matter and dark energy. The weak force, also known as nuclear decay; is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus spontaneously loses mass (emits particles), or energy (e=mc*2, energy equals mass and visa versa) and is generally referred to as radioactivity. The strong force holds atomic nuclei together, protons and neutrons, forming atoms with or without surrounding electrons (as in a single hydrogen ion – one proton and no electron) forming inert, non reactive, meaning neither positively or negatively charged atoms and molecules. If there are more or less surrounding negatively charged electrons than positively charged protons (also known as cations) in the atomic nucleus, they are referred to as ions – ions are a positively or negatively charged atom. The same number of protons in the nucleus as there are surrounding electrons result in an inert, non reactive (neither attractive or repelling) atom.

In the early universe these charged particles aggregated into clumps of matter; cosmic dust and rocks basically. Next, the gravitational force (a theoretical density of spacetime, mine) coalesced these clumps of matter into increasingly larger and complex structures, such as moons, planets, stars, solar systems, etc. with all organizing into galaxies and quite possibly other currently unseen structures. Dark matter, the weaker gravitational force, congregated galaxies and rotating galaxy groupings referred to as galaxy clusters. And dark energy (still something of a mystery – perhaps outside the spacetime web, or matrix) seemingly results in the ever increasing speed of the expansion of the universe. All forming what is referred to as the cosmic web, a filament-like network of interconnecting galaxies, dust and gas stretched out across the universe with vast voids in between.

The forces, thus the varying degrees, or densities, of spacetime (gravity, for example, the dense field of spacetime surrounding the Earth) and charged particles, electrons, are all around coalescing and separating things allowing for the innumerable individualized forms, each and everyone sentient, that exist in the universe presently. Again, all of this activity occurred as initially instructed and mapped out on the nascent universe’s 2D, film-like and permeable, event horizon.

It’s important to again state that the term black hole simply means that no light illuminates from behind the event horizon that we can detect and therefore we cannot look beyond it and see the singularity, an energetic living light source from the very Source of all of creation. This is true of the universe’s 2D event horizon and any other, as in galactic event horizons, their black holes and singularities. The singularity, the light of God, in all things is shrouded from nearly all for we are looking with our minds and our instruments, and not sensing with our open and loving hearts.

“Here Comes The Light” a 30″ X  30″ oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor

As just referred to, galaxies similarly have event horizons and black holes with their singularities at their centers. The current understanding is that black holes in the center of galaxies suck up matter, stars, galactic debris and dust, light even, should these things get too close to their galactic centers’ event horizons and the strong gravitational fields there. This may be incorrect however. It is also claimed that any information about anything sucked into, passing through, galaxies’ event horizons into their black holes is encoded on their 2D event horizons. I suggest that it is just the reverse, as in the universe’s first singularity, black hole and event horizon. Instead these galactic black holes are spinning out matter forming stars, solar systems, and other celestial structures (all of which just keeps on spinning, by the way) just as is encoded and mapped out spatially and temporally on their blueprints, their event horizons. This would also explain the every increasing expanse of the universe as matter is constantly being spun.

This presents a conundrum however. If the whole of the universe emerged from the first singularity, black hole and 2D event horizon (referred to as the Big Bang though not a bang at all, but a rapid expansion) then how could galaxies with their singularities, black holes and event horizons have generated all the cosmic bodies surrounding them? In other words, how could the initial big bang, with its singularity, black hole and EH later form the galaxies that formed from their singularities and EHs then spun themselves generating their stars, solar systems, planets, and so much more? This is where all concepts of spacetime break down, quite literally, as was already explained. On the original primordial event horizon as well as all galactic event horizons is where spacetime, the forces and all matter are mapped out and in the center, behind those event horizons are chaotic primordial plasmas (hot dense matter) and their singularities. Again, there is no spacetime there. Therefore, we’re left with the only other explanation that all of creation occurred simultaneously; thus spaceless and timeless,. And if we and all cosmic and any and all other species are here now, then the only explanation for that is that all, everything, is eternal, this very moment even.

To elaborate further: In humans, for example but not limited to, I tend to believe that this very singularity, this eternal, spaceless timeless sentience, brilliance, appears first in the fertilized egg (perhaps deep within a plant seed as well) surrounded by an event horizon, a 2D blueprint. This singularity (singularity = one) remains centered in the heart during fetal development up to birth and the fully developed adult organism, and not in the pineal gland in the center of the brain as is generally believed. Being the very centration of consciousness, the singularity, like consciousness, is not visible. Our singularity, our cosmic connection with the singularity at the very beginning of the universe is the same Singularity in the center of all living things, from the infinitesimally small up to the great cosmic bodies throughout the whole of the universe. We are eternal, spaceless and timeless, we are One.

Manitou – Native American for the life force in all things, detail from an oil painting by Leslie Taylor

The renowned Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) described Christ in a letter to Father Victor White as “More Divine than human, more universal than individual.”

The heart is the first organ to develop in an embryo then the blood and circulatory system. It is largely a feeling organ, and not just a pump, yet it has been found to have many neurons, like the brain, and therefore intellectual in activity and connectivity with the brain as well as a source of feelings, such as love. And as the many great spiritual, religious and philosophical teachers throughout the ages have stated again and again, Love is the great creative power, the greatest power – a unitive as one with God power necessary for the healing of the Son of God, humanity, that we largely ignore in favor of the intellect. We desperately need (it usually takes a state of desperation just as Christ stated, “Only drowning men can see Him”) this healing or humanity will largely die off, quite frankly, and as we do we will die not in peace, but deeply heartbroken instead.

However, and quite obviously, there is nothing God cannot do. God, that singular ineffable, eternal brilliance and extended to the singularity within you.

The event horizons described above surrounding galactic black holes and singularities are, again, a 2D structure where the whole of any developing structure (be it a grasshopper, a human, a planet, a star, a galaxy, or the universe itself) is encoded and spatially and temporally mapped out as on a blueprint. And not necessarily like in computer codes or in mathematical equations only, it likely has images and characters representing objects and words as well, and much more. This blueprint has all the information about any particular structure, or body, and its place in space and time and all of its past, present and future experiences. Yes, the future, given that singularities and event horizons are not confined to the perceived from within its 3D material and linear spacetime causality constraints. Rather, the universe’s forms, forces and events projected by the infinity of singularities (though in truth the infinite and singular One) and beyond their EHs are thus limited only according to our physiological perception faculties which are not nearly as limited as we believe and the very point of this paper. The past as well, seemingly going to all the way back to any and all specie’s very origins, the origins of all of life, the origins of the very first singularity, God – a limitless loving, creative power forever and always present everywhere and in all.

The Story of Heaven on Earth oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor

It is a hierarchical system. Like the whole of the universe, planet Earth for example, has a singularity at its center, its core, surrounded by its event horizon, the 2D blueprint on which the instructions for all of life on Earth (geologic, fluidic, leafed, armored, finned, skinned, feathered and furry alike) is where all of Earth’s marvelous living, fully conscious and beautiful creations are encoded. Their material beginnings and endings mapped out (along with all of their spatial, temporal activities) and recorded for learning. These creations, like all of creation throughout the universe, are projected from the planet’s brilliant singularity at its very center, its heart, through its event horizon and black hole surrounding the singularity; again, the very center, the heart of everyone – the source of their eternal life force and consciousness. The Earth, along with the entire solar system, is the Sun’s creation, its family, with a singularity at its heart center surrounded by its event horizon enabling its great and astoundingly beautiful life giving creative activity in collaboration with its planetary bodies – again, its family, our solar system. The same is true for galaxies, with their singularities, black holes and event horizons at their centers where beyond, ultimately all of life throughout galaxies, the stars, the solar systems, the planets, etc. emerged and perhaps continue to do so. And with all throughout the universe originating from the first, the One singularity in one and all and all at once, simultaneously. (Simultaneity transcends spacetime constraints, as in quantum entanglement which this paper does not elaborate on).

With this knowledge about the source of creation within all throughout the spacetime, material universe we can now consider how to access higher, seemingly miraculous assistance or information. Anywhere from saving interventions by spiritual beings (generally referred to as angels) communications with deceased loved ones, a precognitive warning or intuition about a future event or a solution to a problem conveyed in a dream, telepathic or remote viewing (seeing ‘afar’ in space and time), spontaneous and miraculous healings, and today the most common and quite remarkable, the near death experiences and what those who foray into the other side, back through their events horizons released from spacetime constraints and merge with the Divine light within them and beyond and come back (the grace of God, no less) have to tell us; that it is Love that matters above all things.

So now we have a hint as to where all this information is. Our centers of aliveness, of consciousness, our radiantly brilliant singularities in our hearts surrounded by a 2D structure where all and everything about us, past present and future, is recorded. And this singularity is the same in all, it is the All in All, God.

Though the black hole is darkness and shrouded from our physical sensory or intellectual perceiving organs, our singularities, our brilliant eternal consciousnesses within, know what all is encoded and recorded on our event horizons. I would suggest that this EH is where the whole of the information in the life reviews that so many near death experiencers report of is recorded.  And they claim that during their review all is experienced at once, simultaneously, not over linear time. ‘Experienced’ because they actually live the review (see examples below). Not surprising given what we now know; that event horizons are blueprints directing, thus recording, the organization of matter over spacetime, a web-like matrix, and prior to the construction and destruction processes, within the EH and at the singularity, there is no spacetime. Many NDEs report of traveling through a tunnel toward the light of the Divine, or God, then experiencing a life review. Curiously, tunneling in quantum physics is when a particle passes through an otherwise impenetrable barrier, from one state to another transcending spacetime constraints.

Again, at the center of our hearts is the event horizon within which is a singularity, the very source of the life of the consciousness, the life of the organism, all organisms in fact. It is the Divine presence in one and all and toward which, at the time of passing, one ‘tunnels’ through the EH to the completeness of being with the One singularity, the Divine, or God. At the 2D event horizon record and blueprint and beyond to the singularity, spacetime breaks down thus is not visible with our ordinary sensory perception organs or instruments. And again, on this 2D surface all of our activities, thoughts and feelings are recorded thus the life review that so many NDEs report of. Theosophists refer to it as the Akashic Records, including the grander universal cosmic scale as well as on the individual macro and micro scales.

NDE testimonies, for example:

“My whole life was there for me to witness, much like a movie film of pictures filling up in front of me with a solid background. I was not aware of anything other than these pictures. I would not call this “my life flashing before me” because it was still and entirely present. Knowing and experiencing each emotion ALL AT ONCE [simultaneously] and not one after the other, was incredible to me.”

Another reports: “I went into a dark place with nothing around me, but I was not scared. It was peaceful there. I started to see my whole life unfolding before me like a film projected on a screen, from babyhood to adult life. It was so real! I was looking at myself, but it was better than a 3D movie.”

Source: https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/long-survival-consciousness.pdf

Golden Lining a 36″ X 48″ oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor

Singularities, all singularities, the eternal heart and soul of our own and every other sentient being (and all are sentient) originate in a non physical, spiritual, eternal state. That which many near death experiencers have a hard time describing, for words, they claim, are not adequate.

We don’t have to die to access this state now that we know where the door leading to this state is, in our hearts, and have the key, love, to open that door and see what’s inside that could be of considerable help to us to heal ourselves and all of humanity spontaneously, seemingly miraculously, and greatly evolve in the process, simultaneously. As well, we, everyone of us, have a map, a 2D event horizon blueprint, a record of our lives, all lives, past, present and future; sometimes referred to as the Akashic Records. Are those records permanent, unchangeable in spacetime, past present and future? Do we not have free will? Yes, we definitely do. And now that we know what our Divine light is, where it is and see that we are one with God no less, and there’s nothing that God can not do nor would not do for his Son, let us save the Son of God. Let us with God, with Love, bring Heaven to Earth.

Throughout the day whenever you think of it feel the singularity, God’s brilliant light in your heart. Just be there and not so much engaged in your own thoughts, your mind’s workings. If the need arises, shine it brilliantly on any darkness in need of your light. Let this light be that with which you see, feel and Love, and no less than that, and therefore be your guiding light.

Also of note and to simplify: When wanting to change a painful or frightening circumstance, or the trajectory of such circumstances unfolding before you, note the singularity, your personal light in coherence with the Light of the Divine, God, in your heart, radiating, shining through your event horizon, your personal blueprint of past, present and future events, use this methodology: Repeatedly speak internally or outload, written, and sketched out if comfortable with that expression, including not intellectual thought but heartfelt, loving feelings in coherence with the Divine light, the singularity in the center of your heart, your Divine Self as one, united with God. Frame the desire in positive terms for an outcome not against anyone or anything. For example, to be for a safe and peaceful community rather than against rampant crime and destruction. For to be for something elicits is a far greater power than being against something, which invites resistance. Also, the greater the extent of the Love felt and expressed for the greater number of individuals affected, and all are affected, the greater the power of Love provided for a change, for a miracle no less. There are no limits, no spacetime constraints on miracles. And miracles are a fact of life otherwise we wouldn’t be here. Yes, it is a prayer, which is nothing new other than it is a prayer expressed by and for your Self, all of humanity, the Son of God no less.

The information above, read and reread combined with the Guided and Meditation Healing Recording on this site, I swear, results in healing or other favorable affects. Be patient and keep at it.

by Leslie Taylor in Boise, Idaho on May 14, 2023

The Universal Elixir – an oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor


You can continue reading on the next page (A) MIRACLES at link:

Some of the best posts on this site are on pages (Q) Part I and Part II. Part one is updated with new findings regularly:

(Q) Part I – New Information, Videos and Book Reviews (most recent): https://miraclesforall.com/t-part-i-new-information-videos-and-book-reviews-most-recent/

(Q) Part II – New Information, Videos and Book Reviews: https://miraclesforall.com/q-part-ii-new-information-miraculous-events-and-book-reviews/