(Q) We Have An Ancient Past, But Do We Have A Future?

We are taught in school that the earliest fossils of anatomically modern humans date back around 200,000 years ago. However, there’s plenty of evidence of highly advanced human civilization having come and gone dating back as much as 3 billion years ago. The scientific establishment has consistently ignorantly dispensed with the evidence often cruelly ridiculing or denouncing the findings as not being sufficiently researched nor intelligently interpreted and sometimes outright destroyed it; almost always with the intent of hiding the truth. For, it completely undoes our current theories of human evolution.

Michael Cremo, author and researcher of the possibility of anatomically modern humans dating back millions, perhaps billions, of years states in his biography, “From the very beginning, my life has been a spiritual quest for love and truth. My father served as an American Intelligence Officer for the United States Air Force, and from that time my life was one of periodic change and travel. I went to high school at an American school in Germany and spent my vacations traveling all over Europe. Once, in the spring of 1965, in a youth hostel in Stockholm, I met some kids who had been to India and back, traveling overland. I decided I would someday do the same thing. I also became deeply interested in Eastern philosophy, particularly Indian esoteric teachings. ” “After carefully studying the Bhagavad-gita, a gift of some Hare Krishna people at a Grateful Dead concert, I decided that I should absorb myself in the yoga of devotion to the mysterious Lord Krishna.”

How can we not love this guy? I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area and during the 60s and 70s in particular, the Hare Krishnas were everywhere (People’s Park in Berkeley, rock concerts, bus terminals, etc.) dressed in colorful garments, joyously drumming, chanting and dancing barefoot with bells on their ankles. For Michael, they made quite an impression apparently. What I learned in Cremo’s book, “Human Devolution” of Hindu spirituality and how he unabashedly and meaningfully incorporates it, as well as the extraordinary, mystical or paranormal phenomena along with scientific research and findings was fascinating.

“FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY” [914 pp], “HUMAN DEVOLUTION” [554 pp. the one I read] and “THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE” (an abridged version of the first two) are impressive and most important works. But, Cremo emphasizes, “Human Devolution” and the abridged version are not a substitute for the full version and seeing for oneself the massive amount of evidence that contradicts the idea that anatomically modern humans evolved from ape-like specie over the past 6 million years. He adds that this evidence confirms that we really do require an alternative to the present theory of human evolution.

Michael Cremo, in the middle and Charles Darwin on his right (shushing the evidence).

Strong Evidence

Here are a few examples from his book “Human Devolution” strongly suggesting anatomically modern humans dating back millions of years:

~ “A Relic of Bygone Age, “Scientific American” magazine (1852). A blast was made in the rock in North Dorchester [Boston, Massachusetts] throwing out an immense mass of rock; some of the pieces weighing several tons and scattering out in all directions. Among them was found a metallic vessel in two parts. Putting them together formed a bell shaped vessel. On the side were six figures of a bouquet, beautifully inlaid with pure silver, and around the lower part of the vessel a vine, or wreath, also inlaid with silver. The vessel was blown out of solid stone 15 feet below the surface. The stone, now called the Roxbury Conglomerate, is of the Precambrian age, over 600 million years old.

~ (Winchell 1881 pg. 170) A copper coin was found in Yarmouth, Illinois from a well-boring at a depth of 114 feet. The Illinois State Geological Survey estimated that the age of the deposits at that level to be somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000 years ago. According to standard views humans started using coins in Asia in the 8th century B.C., and homo sapien sapiens (developed enough to make and use coins) are thought not to have lived more than 100,000 years ago.

~ In 1897 “The Daily News” of Omaha Nebraska carried an article titled “Carved Stone Buried in a Mine.” A coal miner at 130 feet deep in the Lehigh Mine in Webster City, Iowa found a dark gray stone about 2ft. by 4ft. and 4 inches deep. Over the very hard surface are carved/drawn lines at angles forming perfect triangles and in the center of each triangle is a face of an old man. The Lehigh coal is from the Carboniferous period (roughly 360 – 300 million years ago).

~ In Castenedolo, Italy a landowner noticed some bones in an excavation. Geology Professor Giuseppe Ragazzoni recovered the bones. Soon the full skeleton was revealed to be that of an anatomically modern female. The stratum of blue clay within which the skeleton was recovered maintained its uniformity and showed no signs of disturbance (as would be the case if buried). The skeleton appears to have been deposited in a marine mud and not buried at a later time – showing a mixture of substances above the skeleton. There were also other bones discovered there earlier as if tossed by waves yet the strata where they settled was also undisturbed. Modern geologists place the blue clays in the middle Pliocene period giving them an age of around 3 – 4 million years.

* Again, Cremo states that there are so very, very many examples in “Forbidden Archeology.”

Cremo is elderly and has Parkinson’s disease, which obviously doesn’t stop him, so bear with the slowness of his speech. His interviews are quite fascinating nonetheless. He has many other talks online at universities, scientific institutions and a Google campus:

NEW THINKING ALLOWED – Michael Cremo interviews with Jeffrey Mishlove:

Forbidden Archeology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibEAaaWlVv0

A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFB_ONZ8tRc

Other Evidence

Below is an image of roughly 2.8 to 3 billion year old Klerksdorp spheres found in 3 billion year old pyrophyllite deposits mined near Ottosdal in South Africa. They consist of different substances than is present in the pyrophyllite deposits. According to the analyzes, they are composed of hematite, wollastonite or pyrite materials that are not particularly hard or rare. Perhaps as many as hundreds have been found; rock hounds have found and taken quite a lot. I did find a record of some discovered in the 1980s.


Where did the spheres come from?

There are two theories that attempt to explain these spheres that are often called by the name Klerksdorp spheres (simply because they are preserved in Klerksdorp museum):

1. One theory states that the spheres are an outcome of concretion – a natural process in which mineral matter masses get hardened over time.

2. The second theory states that the spheres were made by intelligent prehistoric beings.

The first theory comes from the study of some of the spheres which were elliptical in shape with the central portion having rough ridges. The second theory on the other hand takes into consideration the fact that some of the spheres are so well-balanced in proportion and shape and that the central grooves are so perfectly straight that a natural formation is completely ruled out, leaving behind only one possibility – they are hand-carved.

Some Scientist’s Theories 

From University of Nebraska-Lincoln, mainstream scientist Dr. Karrie Weber who is currently involved in microbes research states that the spheres were formed from the byproducts of the microbes that lived 2.8 billion years ago.

Dave Corby, a geologist proposed a theory that a meteor impact on earth released molten spheres which were scattered on earth. These spheres according to Corby, eventually condensed to form the hard-shelled spheres. However, Corby later examined the spheres carefully and found that no evidence of meteor impact were found.

The stone above was found by Semir Osmanagich, nicknamed the “Bosnian Indiana Jones”

It is a 60 ton stone sphere found in Bosnia. There have been smaller ones (20 to 35 ton spheres) found in Costa Rica and Mexico. Similar spheres have been discovered in 20 different locations in Bosnia and made of different substances: granite, sandstone and igneous rock and, the one above consists of a high iron content..

Another mainstream scientist, Dr. Mandy Edwards from Manchester’s School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, claims that this rock formation is the result of the process of concretion where rock is formed by the natural process of precipitation from minerals cemented within the spaces of sediment grains.

Michael Cremo and others who believe that the 2.8 billion years old Klerksdorp spheres were works of intelligent prehistoric civilizations say that mainstream scientists really need to open up more and accept new theories that can actually contradict dominant views.

Here’s an article on the subject: https://goenkanscienceblog.wordpress.com/2014/04/02/the-mystery-of-klerksdorp-spheres/

Scottish Spheres

Four hundred and twenty geometric stone spheres have been found in the vicinity of Neolithic (the stone age – 12,000 to 3,500 BCE) stone circles in Northern Scotland. Outside Scotland, examples have also been found in Ireland and in England.

Most of the Scottish spheres are around 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter, with some examples 3.6 inches (9 cm diameter) and date from 3200 BC to 1500 BC. One of the most striking aspects of the spheres  is the intricate geometry, many of which appear to show the five Platonic solids, long before Plato lived (around 424 – 347 BCE).

The Sociopolitical Importance of this Information and its Relevance to Spirituality

Most articles that are focused on matters of sociopolitical importance would not venture into topics such as reincarnation, life after death, or other spiritual matters. But I, like many others, do not separate them. It’s that separation that is at the core of the problem; the problem of the likelihood of human failure to further evolve as a specie. Though I do not believe it is a given that our specie will cease to exist. Rather, I go along with the enlightened French Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s [1881 – 1955] philosophy as expressed in his brilliant book “THE PHENOMENA OF MAN” that facing difficulties, particularly societal, is an opportunity for the increase of mental complexity (intellectual, creative and spiritual) of the individual and collective human mind that facilitates our evolutionary development. De Chardin, points out that it is human mental complexity that places human evolution far in advance of the animal kingdom.

Although here I must add that there are other highly intelligent specie such as the sperm whale:

Sperm Whales

Sperm whales exceedingly loud underwater clicking sounds, at 236 decibels, makes them the loudest animal on earth. These clicks are a form of sonar, eco-location allowing them to picture everything in their environment. They are also a sophisticated form of language which allows them to communicate with other whales over hundreds, even thousands of miles. These clicks have been analyzed revealing as many as 1,600 micro clicks per second, and they can repeat very complex patterns of micro clicks many times over.

Sperm whales brains are 6X larger than human brains. Their neocortex is also 6X larger. The neocortex, the top layers of the brain’s left and right hemispheres, sometimes referred to a gray matter, governs high level mental functions including, sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, language and so much more. They also have 3X more spindle neurons which are relatively large brain cells that may facilitate neuronal communication across the relatively large brains of humans, great apes, elephants, and cetaceans (whales, orcas, dolphins, porpoises). These spindle cells are also found to be involved in feelings of compassion, love, emotional suffering and language. Sperm whales have had their brains, having been around, for 15 million years.

What Are We Learning From The Language Of Whales? James Nestor / TEDxMarin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM77aTk1XyI

Unrestrained, Reckless Scientific and Technological Developments

One of the major difficulties we are facing is largely due to unrestrained scientific and technological developments. The inordinately wealthy and out of control developers and abusers of chemical and technological products (in particular some, not all, military, corporate, and political leaders) have devolved into hubristic and spiritually devoid sociopaths, thus dangerous persons. They, along with the many ordinary individuals who have become equally as utilitarian and mechanistically minded (empathy, or feelings, for them too is disregarded) who are either eager to follow and, as well, those feeling, caring individuals who understandably are afraid not to fearing being left behind, homeless and impoverished, or physically destroyed.

These dangerous leaders claim, and may even themselves believe, to be motivated by advancing and improving worldwide political, social and cultural conditions – “A new world order,” according to George H. W. Bush, with them at the top in charge of everyone and everything. They may very well perceive humankind as best functioning much like an insect colony and are now implementing a world order based on such a model. As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin states, though we may admire insects for their rapid movements, precision and, in some cases, perfectly ordered social structures they are frozen in their evolution.

Daedalus and Icharus

In Greek mythology Daedalus managed to create two sets of wings for himself and his son, Icharus, that were made of feathers glued together with wax. He taught Icarus how to fly and warned him not to fly too high, which would cause the wax to melt. Together, they flew out of the tower towards freedom. Icarus soon forgot his father’s warnings, and started flying higher and higher until the wax started melting under the scorching sun and he fell to his death.

“The Lament for Icharus” by H.J. Draper 1898

Spacetime as Viewed From a High and Vast Expanse

European explorers (Cortez et. al) discovered the new world in the 15th century and with their guns, germs and steel destroyed the indigenous peoples throughout the Americas largely motivated by power and profit. Today, many justify these and other global carnages claiming they are a necessary evil – natural selection, survival of the fittest. I disagree and believe that it is precisely because of this Darwinian justification why our species are, yet again over billions of years of evolutionary opportunities we are evolving intellectually and technologically yet arrested spiritually (the unseen, non physical radiance, that connects one and all with ALL). Thus, over billions of years perhaps, repeatedly not moving beyond those crucial times when we humans are confronted with our seemingly inevitable nearly if not total destruction.

In the context of cosmic-wide spacetime (or beyond even, and there is a beyond) events occurring over hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years is but the blink of an eye. Or, from the vast perspective of the eternal ALL encompassing, all events and things are still present and knowable. Try to imagine that your perception is so extensive, so vast, so all encompassing (within, thus one with) that any part of or all of spacetime, past present and future, would be instantly knowable to you.

Again, and strictly materialistically thinking, the whole of the planet, the milky way, the entire observable universe even, from a perspective vast enough would be like viewing a city from a very high vantage point and appearing as but a dot on the landscape. But, because of the all encompassing aspect of this vast all encompassing perspective, all the information in that dot is within the perceiver (not off at a distance) and would therefore be apprehendable to the perceiver in but an instant, just as one’s limbs are instantly apprehendable. If a given region of the spacetime matrix, for lack of a better word, and all the things therein is relatively contracted by and within, encompassed, the expanded consciousness of the perceiver then all the events over that space and time, over hundreds, millions of years or more even, are also relatively, not literally, contracted to the perceiver. If one’s perception encompasses the spatial region of a nation then all the events over time within that nation are consequently encompassed by that consciousness, thus knowable.

More locally speaking, yet still from a greatly expanded perspective, one could, if evolved enough, view a hundred years of activity in a U.S. city in but a few seconds, or focus in on a town square at a chosen particular time during that century. Along those lines, a million years of all the changes and activity on earth (species, geological, atmospheric), or throughout the solar system, the galaxy, and so on, would be perceived as occurring over a consistently briefer period of time from an increasingly vaster all encompassing consciousness. This is not like the historian’s, geologist’s, anthropologist’s, or cosmologists, etc., studious analysis of the past, nor a computer programmer’s algorithm predictions of the future. This is the actual state of the non physical, spiritual, wholly free state of being, of consciousness. Your Higher Self.

To clarify, why events over time contract as the perception increases therefore diminishing the observed space, or area? Space and time, spacetime, are one and the same. One only exists because of the other which only exists because of the other. To give a simple analogy, sort of like two sides of the same coin.


To wholly consciously encompass anything (person, place or thing no matter how big or  small) as one within, as unified with one’s own consciousness, is what Love is. Spacetime, the space and time between, seemingly separating a consciousness from its center of interest, is in itself a state of mind that lasts but an instant, like a passing thought. Spacetime is meaningless in eternity where one and all are forever present, near and so very dear – the Kingdom of God, so to speak.

Plato’s Cave

Plato’s “ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE” begins with a scene describing a group of prisoners who have lived chained to the wall of a darkened cave their entire lives.

Every day these people imprisoned in the cave watched the two dimensional shadows projected on a wall in front of them. For them, these shadows were real and shaped their entire lives. Entirely fixated on these shadows they were unaware of the radiance illuminating an opening in the cave, leading to their freedom, right behind them. Then one of the prisoners looks around, sees the illuminated opening, leaves the cave and ventures outside into the light. For the first time in his life, he can see the “true” forms and shapes of reality beyond the shadows he thought were real.

He returns to his brethren in the cave and tells him of the far greater freedom, beauty and brilliance of what he saw and is right there, behind and accessible to them. Being entirely absorbed by the two dimensional world before them, they were not open to the truth. In fact they killed him.

Our overuse, and abuse of the illuminated 2-D screen is narrowing, flattening, in every way contracting our consciousness awareness. We are consciously and unconsciously mistaking the images on the screen for reality. This technology is also being intentionally and unscrupulously used as a hypnotic, and other forms of mind control, device by those who chose to objectify, control and exploit their fellow human being and we’re willingly, eagerly subjecting ourselves to this diminished, darkened state – enslavement basically.

“PLATO’S CAVE” from artist Lelita Hamil’s philosophical works

Warfare – Our Undoing

War is not the destruction of a perceived enemy, it is self-destruction. There is something here I am reluctant to go into detail about. It involves earthquakes and weapons of mass destruction; either intentional or reckless and stupid testing detonation. If we survive what all is going on, the only rational thing to do is to immediately embark on the dismantling of the military industrial complex.

Interview with retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson “America Exists Today to Make War” : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYHRlK3VYbI

Technology – We Are All Being Spied On By Our Government, The Military and Corporations

Currently, the everyday person everywhere is looking at luminous 2-D screens, talking into, writing on, creating, sharing and storing photos and videos via technological devices that, on the other side, are biological or AI spies looking back at, grabbing and storing all that data, the details of our personal and private lives. Governments, the military, and tech corporations are easily capable and willing, if not eager, to exploit or destroy us underdeveloped primitives should we get in the way of their futuristic visions of the world with our valid concerns regarding mass surveillance, our recommendations to slow down to be certain of no biological or environmental harm due to all the radiation emitted by these devices, towers and satellites, or should we merely be deemed unfit by them.

We can’t be reminded enough of this prescient novel (pub. in 1949).

EDWARD SNOWDEN, a former CIA computer systems analyst, discusses in his book, PERMANENT RECORD” the relevance of George Orwell’s novel “1984” in the age of Google – a far worse and invasive surveillance today than what the novel depicts, he claims. From his book one also gets an idea of the outlandish cost to the taxpayer – months and months of workers’ labor on behalf of the military, the defense industry, intelligence agencies and all their contractors and subcontractors. What a pathetically foolish waste!

The U.S. government is suing to seize the profits from his book.

Read Edward Snowden’s book, “PERMANENT RECORD” – a real eye opener. Also, or at least,watch Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy And Threats To Democracy / The 11th hour / MSNBC : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9yK1QndJSM

It’s No Secret that History Repeats Itself

The great pains, unimaginable sorrows and tragedies of yesteryear are permanently recorded and still present today. Spacetime, separated things and events, are but physiological/neurological interpretations.

Some claim of the unseeable existence of the cosmic-wide Akashic records that store all information everywhere down to the smallest, seemingly insignificant bits of information about things, thoughts, words and activities. On the human scale, the hypothesis is that the American seer and healer Edgar Cayce [1877 – 1945] was able to access these records during trance. I tend to think of universal wide aggregations of quantum structures of H20 molecules, often entangled thus instantly transmitting information facilitating structural, or development of form, processes (as in cellular differentiation), and evolutionary advantage information. And, meanwhile storing all this information everywhere. Sort of like 1s and 0s strung together, bits of information, in computer programs enabling massive amounts of information storage and functions. So why have we not access to all this cosmic information? Well, just look at what’s being done with all the information technology accumulates. Look at what we’ve done with the knowledge of all the energy compactified within an atomic nucleus and how to release it – the atomic bomb (and there are far more devastating bombs now) of course. We’re on shaky ground quite literally.

I digress, nonetheless many of these tragedies of the past are still present, having not yet healed, like an open wound, regardless of the countless professings of the wise to forgive and forget. Perhaps a much needed truth has not been revealed or lessons having not yet been learned making the way for forgiveness, a healing, a correction. Thus history repeats, or re-presents, itself. Consider for example the remarkable coincidences associated with the President John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln assassinations. [For a chart listing the comparisons see below].

Those well meaning recommendations to forgive and forget don’t work for the most part. Yet, there are times when they do then along comes another plan led by one, or a few, and sometimes followed by many, to carelessly, callously and mercilessly destroy life for some sociopolitical cause or another, shrouding the ignorance and cruel sadism, the objectifying of the victims. Yet, the greatest sufferers of these activities are often the perpetrators themselves. Many, if not most, later in life as they inevitably and unavoidably change are tormented by their permanently recorded and re-presented thoughts, words and deeds..

Above All Things Harm No One!

Years ago I watched an interview with a woman in her fifties (it was either Leslie Van Houten b. 1949 or Susan Atkins 1948 – 2009) who was one of the young women involved in the brutal, senseless Manson murders in California in 1969. Having been incarcerated for decades, she was up for parole and spoke honestly and frankly of her state of mind. One of the things that she said, that I shall never forget, was when a harm is inflicted on an individual, for the victim, time does heal. Yet, to the person who inflicts the harm the events surrounding the circumstances, including their inner thoughts and things they hadn’t consciously observed at the time the harm was done, are recalled in increasingly vivid detail each and every day throughout the perpetrator’s life.

Charles Manson’s followers: Leslie Van Houten, Susan Atkins and Patricia Krenwinkle, 1969.


She went on to say that every morning, over decades by then, she awakens to a fresh detail or realization associated with the horror that she inflicted on her innocent victims that initially, and for a time afterwards, she had been unaware of. By the end of the interview my impression was that her suffering was far greater than that of her victims’ or those that loved them, and that she deserved forgiveness thus parole. Family members of the victims were always present at her parole hearings vehemently expressing their desire that she remained in prison. Years later, having personally experienced being criminally victimized, I understood and came to sympathize with their position as well

I’ll be 69 this year [2020], and although I’ve never committed a crime (other than smoking pot) what, over the past five years or so, will mentally surface out of nowhere are memories of thoughtless, selfish, even mean spirited actions on my part that I hadn’t realized at the time were such and hadn’t thought of over the decades since. Mostly they are seemingly minor events; something hurtful I said to a coworker or a classmate, or having insensitively broken a lover’s heart. Regardless, I’ve learned that I wasn’t always as nice as I thought I was. A sort of a preview perhaps of what my afterlife life review will present to me that near death experienciers, NDEs, speak of.

Elizabeth Ann Smart, a pretty blond haired blue eyed child who, at 14 years old in 2002, was abducted by two mentally ill perverts, a man and his wife, and held captive for nine months during which time she was repeatedly sexually molested. Her abduction, the subsequent successful rescue by law enforcement officers and the arrest and prosecution of the couple who committed this heinous crime were all over the news throughout the U.S.. The man was sentenced to life in prison and his wife received a lesser sentence of 15 years. Smart has since gone on to be a public speaker, author and activist who speaks of the importance of forgiveness enabling healing.

Only weeks after her rescue, she hiked with her family to the camp where her abductors had taken her nine months before. “I felt great. I felt triumphant,” she said of the experience. Smart also helped to author the United States Department of Justice’s 2008 handbook for kidnapping survivors, “You Are Not Alone: The Journey From Abduction to Empowerment.”

Think of all those persons for whom there was no public outcry, no one cared what happened to them, they had no familial loving support during their ordeal or to return home to, nor show of kindness in response from anybody at any time. And the system of law enforcement, let alone the justice department, was of no help to them at all; maybe even contributed further to their pain by not believing them, or worse. To forgive is far more difficult for them than for someone like Elizabeth Smart and her family – and thank God they had all that support.

What does help and lead to forgiveness, is a loving caring response from the community, family and friends, and a reliable, functional system of justice and law enforcement doing their job – and clearly there are those in these fields who try their best, sometimes quite heroically, to help. As you can imagine forgiveness would be far easier, even for a child, than for the person who has no one to turn to – no one gives a damn. Due to my own, yet different, experience I’ve lost all faith that, for the most part, there exists a meaningful, working system of law enforcement and justice here in the U.S.. Then of course, that’s what non whites, most notably African Americans and native American Indians, have known all along.

“Pink Pearl” an oil painting by Leslie (Maggy) Taylor


And now, all of us, all ethnicities, all nations are facing a global-wide invasion and destruction of individuals’ rights to privacy, property rights, the right to be informed of and participate in matters that greatly affect how we live, our communities, our life style and our and our children’s futures by those who are imposing technology, launching tens of thousands of 5G satellites, installing worldwide billions of mega and small 5G towers (one every few buildings) and spying cameras on the streets, in our neighborhoods, public bathrooms and dressing rooms, inside our computers and so called smart phones – everywhere we go documenting and permanently recording everything we do, even during our most private moments.

Government employees, NSA analysts, are taking this so far as to use spying technologies to stalk, in particular women, for voyeurism or other sexual exploits [Edward Snowden “Permanent Record” p. 279 – 282] as well as leading to the control and ruin of a person’s professional and personal life should the government arbitrarily decide to do so.

I’m personally familiar with this having been gang stalked by covert operators hired and trained by contractors (security companies), or military veterans, or organized crime (already familiar with gang stalking tactics) contracted by the government. Could this country sink any lower? Actually yes, and it is. Anyway, in my case, I was gang stalked for having protested against the invasion of Iraq [launched in 2003] in marches and in the newspaper. Prior to that I was quite involved as an activist in the Democratic Party in Boulder, Colorado. I suspect these activities put me on President G. W. Bush’s hit list. His statement prior to the invasion, “You are either for or against us.” was no idle threat.

Here’s a report by former NSA employee, Karen Stewart “NSA Stalks Innocent Americans” regarding gang stalking. She, because of her publicly exposing these programs, is now herself a targeted individual, a TI. Her bravery is amazing for she knows what she’s up against.


Again, I go along with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin here, rather than some, certainly not all, of my high school classmates posting on Facebook who seem to be mostly concerned with exceedingly trivial matters: what restaurant they recently dined at, how little money they got for their collection of ceramic tea cups, photos of their new washer and dryer, etc. Observing their interests and concerns during these crucial times tells me much about how, for example, the Nazis influence had grown to the extent that they were able to inflict so much irrational and cruel harm on and the murder of tens of millions of innocent people, children included. Of course there were also the Stalinist’s in Russia, Mao Zedong’s communist party in China and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia all during the 20th century.

Albert Einstein, “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

We all need to be focused on our being currently and rapidly invaded, not with boots on the ground but with technology, and how we can best contribute to the protection of our rights, our future and our children’s future. This takes learning, thinking and Love (the source of spiritual strength and miracles, no less) thus the wisdom and the courage to act – the reasons we are here.

A 50 foot high 5G mega tower. One of many installed within a 10 mile radius of my home.


*Note: This article does not address the physiological and neuropsychiatric impacts of the use of wireless devices on humans, particularly the young, and other species nor the impacts on the atmosphere from all the radiation emitted from the satellites, towers, small cells and billions upon billions of wireless devices. I contend that these RFs (called radio frequencies, though they’re largely microwave and some infrared frequencies) are what’s causing the accelerating global-wide atmospheric heating and chaos; and not nearly so are C02 particulates from fossil fuel burning. This is not to say that spewing soot into the atmosphere is a good idea either, but again, it’s not anywhere as lethal presently as saturating the biosphere with all this electromagnetic radiation.


LIFE AT THE PLAYBOY MANSION – Choices we make that have lasting, unintended, consequences even after our departure.
“Purrsuit” oil painting by Leslie (Maggy) Taylor

I was invited to the Playboy Mansion to test as a playmate. I thought I would just go, have photos taken of me then leave with a bag full of money, a little bit of fame and would therefore no longer have to wait on tables in order to pursue my career aspirations as a professional artist. Their interest in me was probably enhanced by my having done portraits of S.F. Mayor George Moscone and California Lt. Governor Mervyn Dymally.

When I arrived at the mansion Bill Cosby was at the door just waiting for the next new arrival – me. He had brought with him, as a guest of his, an airline stewardess and back home he had a wife. I wasn’t interested in him for those reasons alone. There were women there, playmates and prospective playmates, that were more beautiful (prior to the common plastic surgery of today) than I thought people were. Dorothy Stratten, (1960 – 1980) who was murdered by an ex-boyfriend during her tenure as Playmate of the Year, was one of them; she had a quiet, like an aura if you will, beauty about her. Bill Cosby, during his recent sexual harassment trials, publicly stated that he felt like a kid in a candy store at the mansion.

One thing that struck me early on at the first party I attended was an extraordinarily beautiful girl sitting alone slumped in a chair with a subtle expression of shock and sorrow on her face, and everyone was ignoring her. Intuitively, this made a strong impression on me. Another incident was that many of my clothes were stolen from my room in the mansion with “Deep Throat” pornography actor Harry Reems’ room on one side, Bill Cosby’s room on the other and across from a short hallway leading to Hef’s room. It was then suggested during breakfast the next morning that I go to Rodeo Drive in downtown Beverly Hills and get some new beautiful clothes. When I said I could not afford to shop at Macy’s, much less Rodeo Drive, a number of persons looked at me incredulously and exclaimed, “You don’t need money!” On another occasion, also during breakfast with around 6 others, I asked what time it was. The response by a couple of them was, “Time! What does time matter?

In the dining room was a painting by Salvador Dali titled “A Woman Sodomized by Her Own Chastity.” In front of Hef’s room was what was referred to as a bronze butt, but was actually a sculpture of the top half of a penis where one could leave little notes to Hef in the slit at the top. In the hallway just past Harry Reem’s room was a glass cabinet filled with figurines of couples copulating in every imaginable position. Late at night I would hear running around in an upstairs attic, or floor.

Being pitifully naive I asked a former playmate what the deal was because the process involving my being featured in the magazine as a Playboy Playmate was taking a rather long time among other indications that all was not what I had assumed it would be and came for; they get to take beautiful pictures of me to appear in their magazine and in return I would leave and go on to become a rich and famous artist.

She described a circumstance that would unfold in the cave-like hot tub with Hef, Sandra (his most frequent girlfriend then), another man and me that was to involve us two women together sexually. She said if I go along with the foursome I would wake up the next morning to find a diamond watch (ironically) on my bureau. Sure enough, a couple hours after we had that conversation, I was invited by a friend of Hefner’s (whom I had hooked up with for safety) to go to the hot tub and once there events began to unfold just as she described. Needless to say, there was no diamond watch on my dresser the next morning.

Many of the girls there seemed to comfortably fit right in, revel even, in this environment. However, it was not at all suited to my personality. I was initially given a two-way plane ticket and flew home to unemployment and even greater poverty, and fewer clothes, than when I had arrived. I’ve always felt that I never departed from the Playboy Mansion able to get on with my life completely free of them. It definitely was not a good choice in pursuit of career advancement.


EDGAR CAYCE (1877-1945) has been called the “sleeping prophet,” the “father of holistic medicine,” and is the most documented psychic of the 20th century. For more than 40 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic “readings” to thousands while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses, revealing past lives and prophecies of what is yet to come.

Recently I came across an article online that includes a description of Edgar Cayce’s prophetic interpretations of the Book of Revelation. I learned that Cayce’s interpretations of the symbolism in the book are credible and brilliantly insightful. And, what he expresses about the prophecy in Revelations makes perfect sense and may reveal the truth of what we are currently experiencing in the world.

Given the considerable upheaval in our daily lives and having no say in nor being informed in advance, if at all, of what’s going on, nor do we know who or what source to trust, we are naturally depressed, frightened and angry. Yet, I find Cayce’s interpretation of Revelations prophecy to be hopeful, helpful and beautiful even.

Below is the link to the article. What is most interesting are the charts on the site that make very clear what the many symbols in Revelation represent. So be sure and check it out. Also what’s important is to comprehend the information about the nature and state of humankind presently as a whole, the collective mind of human consciousness.

Here’s a brief overview of the literature describing Cayce’s meditations and interpretations of The Book of Revelation, the final book in the New Testament:

He put himself into a sleep-like state by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach. In this state of relaxation and meditation, he was able to place his mind in contact with all time and space; universal consciousness, also known as the super-conscious mind.

Through these “other worldly” journeys, Cayce learned the interpretation of the Bible. According to him, the Bible is the symbolic account of the fall of the human soul from its divine origins (as symbolically described in the “Book of Genesis”) and restoration of the human soul to heaven (as symbolically described in the “Book of Revelation”). In other words, Genesis is the symbolic testimony of humanity’s fall from heaven and paradise lost. Revelation, Cayce claims, is the symbolic testimony of humanity’s restoration to heaven and paradise regained.

Cayce described the true nature between humanity and God. He revealed that humans have three different dimensions of human awareness: the conscious mind (personality), the subconscious mind (soul) and the superconscious mind (spirit). An important goal in everyone’s life is to awaken our superconscious mind to attain what Cayce called “at-onement” with God.

The superconscious mind is called by many names by many religions in many different cultures. Some of these names are: Buddha consciousness, Christ consciousness, the Collective Mind, the Universal Mind, the Collective consciousness, the Holy Spirit, Brahman, God, the Clear White Light, Allah, Higher Self, the Mind of Christ, etc.

Cayce explains that In The Book of Revelation, John records a vision he experiences, probably while dreaming or meditating. This vision contains a tremendous amount of symbolism; the same kind of symbolism one would see in a dream, or a vision of the spiritual realm.

According to Cayce, John experiences a mental awakening when he attains the spiritual level of the superconscious mind, within the throne of his own body. Cayce goes on to explain that the four beasts symbolize John’s four lower spiritual center, his animalistic desires. The twenty-four elders symbolize the twenty-four nerves from his brain leading to his five senses. Here I’ll add that humans have been found to have twelve pairs of (sensory perception) cranial nerves.

In John’s revelations the body is symbolized as a book with seven seals (interpreted as the seven chakras) which “no one has the ability to open on his own.”  Only through the development of the superconscious, the collective mind within a person, can these spiritual centers within the body be opened (i.e., spiritually activated).

In the book, John is shown a picture of the soul of humanity in its development since eternity. The woman pictured symbolizes the soul of humanity crowned with twelve stars; the twelve basic patterns of human personality as described in the zodiac. The child she bears is the conscious mind (the personality). As the conscious mind is born, a rival force comes into being, which brings about recurring periods of rebellion in humanity. This “beast rising out of the sea” is the selfish bestial desires that arise which are capable of ruling humanity. These desires spring from the unspiritual, intellectual forces in humanity whom the world worships and rewards in the form of materialism. In doing so the human intellect cuts itself off from all that is divine and thus loses spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

“Babylon” in Revelations represents the excesses of materialism which becomes destructive as humans experience the consequences of their having prostituted their higher divine faculties in favor of wealth, prestige and power.

The lamb that John sees, Cayce explains, symbolizes the forces of the superconscious mind coming into action and the return of Christ, or Buddha consciousness, Allah, universal consciousness, Brahman, the Holy Spirit, God.

Again, go the the article and review not only the written material but the charts correlating the symbols with their meanings.

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