It is my intent in this section of the website to mention any new additions to those chapters already published. Also, here I will post any new information or articles that are not, nor will be, included elsewhere on this website. The most recent post will appear at the top and all others will follow in their respective chronological order. A reader new to this section of the website is advised (although it is not necessary) to read from the bottom up and, starting with (T) Part II (see menu above). In some cases the post’s contents are linked to the contents of the one previous to it.
Why miracles matter and are natural and available to all
The paragraph below appeared at the very beginning of this Miracles for All website, before the Introduction. Though I removed it in favor of another entry it was suggested to me by a friend that I at least place the paragraph here for they thought it of value and not to be missed by readers.
Measurement (what science specializes in, and mathematics, the language of science, are what we all are taught to do and told matters most, particularly in contemporary western cultures) embeds human consciousness in the paradigm of spacetime; like being embedded within a maze. Measurement is an impediment to “whole knowing” (as if seeing from outside spacetime though there is no inside or outside as there is no beginning nor end in eternity) which provides information that appears as an insight, intuition, paranormal or psychic phenomenon, but in actuality is a normal and natural function of consciousness; albeit latent in humans. Scientists refer to humans as measuring instruments. If you contemplate your everyday cognition processes you’ll discover you are, for the most part, but a measuring instrument: What time is it right now? What year was that house built? She lives 800 miles away in Colorado. He’s 50 years old as of two weeks ago. When is the final exam? How much money will this cost me? This website gets around 10,000 views per month. The president states that Americans need to work harder, produce, consume and export more goods to get our nation’s GDP figures up or else the Chinese will surpass us, and so on. We need not be limited by, confined (if not outright enslaved) in such a state. In fact, our salvation, including the salvation of the world’s many life forms, depends upon our realizing this and extending our cognition abilities, our very consciousness and its creative potential, well beyond.
Physician and author of ten books, Larry Dossey, M.D., from his book One Mind, “When miracles of transcendent information occurs, it is because it is already so.”
Work is Love Made Visible – Kahlil Gibran Boise. Idaho – October, 2024
This new page on my other website,, demonstrates miracles as do the previous links to the site below. It also includes three delightful videos and a link to a trailer for the Blues Brothers movie – all pertinent to the miracles. I’ve had to create a second website as this one has gotten so large. All three pages are well worth reading and in (alphabetical) order.
Inspiring Literature, Lovely Creative Works and Wow, Miracles Happen! Boise, Idaho – July 2024
This title is not intended to be catchy. On the Miracles Website [link below] I have published an essay that reveals how our thoughts, feelings and activities result in actualized experiences for good or evil. In particular, when passively indulging in electronic entertainment or news media, how we are unwittingly miscreating many of the tragic events we experience in this spacetime 3D milieu. However, the essay features a series of enchanting miraculous and synchronistic events experienced by the author over a four week span of time thus proving how powerful our minds actually are and that we can, as Christ stated, whenever two or more gather as one and by recognizing who we are, move mountains and perform even greater works than he.
Renowned Prophecies – Are They Accurate? Boise, Idaho – June 2024
I have a new article that reviews the books, The Isaiah Effect – Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy by Gregg Braden and the world renown book The Prophet by Gahlil Kabrin. The article was written following my reading these two books and following the completion of the two paintings Manitou – The Life Force In All Things and The Triumph of the Human Spirit – Christ Consciousness, then having framed them and hung them in my study along with the painting completed just prior to them, Reading in My Backyard. The study has become my sacred space for reading, contemplation and prayer given the paintings on the walls and the large window allowing for a vast view of the hills in the distance and the sky above. After having read Gregg Braden’s book I then experienced what may have been a teleportation of objects, or a surprising synchronistic appearance of two books.
The article and the two books I review by Gregg Braden and Kahlil Gabrin are quite uplifting and potentially empowering to the reader. The article takes up more space than I have here so I’ve provided a link to the article posted on on my other website,
Note dated November 2024: This same mysterious phenomena reported below, spontaneous metal bending involving the top metal part of my paint brush, just occured again wile working on my current painting titled The Higher Realm Consultations involving my palette knife. while mixing a color. There’s no way that any light pressure from my hand while working could have bended both objects nor could this have been falsified by my bending the metal with my hands or a tool. The brush handle would have broken before the metal bended and nothing could have bended the pallet knife thusly. The use of a tool, even if it should work, would leave obvious marks on the meal pieces. Just after they both bent down the metal hardened. I could not bend them back to their original position. This has never before occured while painting or with any other metal objects.

As well, here are photos of the paintings hanging in my ‘sacred room’:

Below note the water flowing toward the globe and the heavenly heart ‘radiating’ love onto Earth. The woman in the photograph is my mother. It is her high school, Rogers Hall, senior photograph.

Boise, Idaho August 2023
What a savant is and some examples
I was reading some information about the extraordinary mental capabilities of savants along with their deficits. I am convinced that I can explain these cases and why they are meaningful to mankind as a whole, the rest of us rather ordinary individuals.
The word ‘savant’ is derived from the French word meaning “learned one.” Savants often possess extraordinary knowledge they could not possibly have acquired on the basis of their experience or learning, and are often mentally or socially impaired. Yet, they frequently possess astonishing creative and intuitive powers of obscure origin in areas such as mathematics, art, or music.
Savants are untrained and untrainable, illiterate and uneducable, few can read or write. Yet each has apparently unlimited access to a particular field of knowledge that we know they cannot have acquired through any sort of learning – their knowledge is just there and instantaneously.
The savant syndrome was popularized in the 1988 movie “Rain Man.” Kim Peek, the developmentally disabled man who was the inspiration for the film, knew more than 7,600 books by heart, as well as every area code, highway, zip code, and television station in the U.S.
Leslie Lemke (b. 1952), an adopted blind savant, is developmentally disabled and suffers from cerebral palsy. He was 12 before he learned to stand and 15 before he learned to walk. When he was 16 his mother found him playing Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in the middle of the night. He soon was playing all styles of music. He composed music and was able to play thousands of pieces flawlessly even when he had heard them only once. He went on to be a performance sensation.
Psychologist David Feinstein reports that at least 100 savants with prodigious mental abilities have been identified in the past century. Psychiatrist Darold Treffert who specializes in savant syndrome describes in his book “Extraordinary People” a savant whose conversational vocabulary was limited to some 58 words but could accurately give the population of every city and town in the U.S. with more than 5,000 people, the names and number of rooms and locations of 2,000 leading hotels in American and so much more geographical information and the dates and essential facts of more than 2,000 leading inventions and discoveries.
Many clinicians have reported of savants capable of extra sensory perception, ESP. Parents of savants would report their children as being capable of hearing conversations that were out of the range of hearing and the ability to pick up thoughts not spoken as well as report of unseen events or lost items or what their Christmas presents were a week before opening them.
Note: My source of the information above is Larry Dossey M.D.’s book One Mind. It is very good. Dr. Dossey has written and published 10 books. I am now reading the 8th of the ten with the other two on order. Currently, as I write this, I am reading Be Careful What You Pray For … You Just Might Get It. It is truly funny at times thus a delight to read. His books are interesting, full of wisdom and easy to follow along with. He’s a brilliant writer and, for some reason, I experience many synchronicities while I am reading his books. Books In general, certainly not all, hard copy not electronic, and as many others claim, seem to produce synchronicities. With Dossey’s literary works, I can count on it. Among otherthings, synchronicities suggest that it is of the greatest importance to carefully choose what we focus our attention on and not just with written works but television, movies, music, our fantasies even. They may very well be contributing in ways we don’t currently acknowledge to our actual experiences, good and bad alike.
What I know or, more humbly, hypothesize about the savant syndrome:
These savants, upon entering this world, their present incarnations, did not fully enter from the fuller far greater spiritual state from which they, like all of us, came from and exist in between incarnations. They bring into this incarnation some of the capabilities which are natural in the Divine, spiritual state. And upon entering their physical bodies, did not fully inhabit their bodies. Therefore their bodies and their ability to interact fully in the material world is only partially formed, defective, as they maintained some of their spiritual state’s capabilities thus allowing for a few of their vastly extended abilities to function in their otherwise defective bodies and brains. They’re in the middle, so-to-speak, of the two worlds, or states.
Why is this important? Because it demonstrates how close and accessible, and helpful the vastly extended spiritual, divine state is while in the physical/material state. Below are a few quotes from some near death experiencers (those that spontaneously found themselves upon injury or advanced disease in their wholly divine state then returned to inhabit their bodies) that validate that which I am claiming here. BTW, some claim that they maintain upon being back in their physical bodies some of the advanced and extended abilities they experienced when passing over, such as ESP. What is even more important and significant are those who were wholly, or holy, healed, as one with Divine Love (love is key), in the spiritual state then returned to experience total and remarkable miraculous healings, such as Anita Moorjani (N stage cancer) and Dr. Eben Alexander (total destruction of his cerebral cortex the result of bacterial meningitis). There are innumerable cases of spontaneous (an important word here because there are no spacetime constraints in the loving, Divine spiritual realm) and other seemingly miraculous healings, as in the placebo effect, angelic visitations or prayer.
Another example, though not a savant as we generally think of them (and western intellectuals and religious leaders largely ignore), was Neem Karoli Baba, also known as Maharaj Ji in India. In 1967 Ram Das, the author of “Be Here Now” met him and Neem Karoli Baba became his guru and this was the turning point in his life. He states that his guru knew, just knew and spontaneously, everything about him (and others) and that Karoli Baba loved him wholly and unconditionally. These advanced individuals have to keep a low profile for there are those who would destroy them seeing them as a threat to their industries or religious beliefs, their egos, or in some way try to use them for their own advantage which would naturally inhibit, block, these abilities.

Here are a few near death experiencers’ statements about ‘knowing.’ What I don’t include here, and is important to mention, is that nearly all NDEs state, knowledge and advanced abilities aside, it is love that matters above all things.
“More importantly, I knew what had happened; it seemed I knew everything.”
“In this ‘moment’ I understood everything. Creation, purpose, love, physics, numbers, existence.”
“It was as though I had several sets of eyes and ears and a brain that could compute all this information simultaneously.”
“It was an experience where everything was instantly self-evident.”
“I knew the answers to everything.”
“She (the author’s wife at the time of her mother’s passing who experienced a shared NDE with her mother) told me, everything had felt so primally ‘connected’ that she had been presented with every piece of information that had ever existed across all time – and every bit of it ‘made sense’.”
Note: I feel compelled to state that there are many contrived NDE videos online now, one must use their discretion.
In Summary
Again and to summarize, some savants know instantaneously, for example, the amounts of things or some can suddenly read complex sheet music or play music on the piano just after listening to a piece though having no musical training, among other remarkable mental abilities. As well, some savants’ parents will claim they possess ESP, knowing what others think, were or are doing. I believe these advanced, “otherworldly” if you will, and other seemingly miraculous abilities such as spontaneous healings, are nearer and more available, within, than we realize and this is what the savant demonstrates.
Do continue reading …
Boise, Idaho August 2023

Reading in My Backyard a 30″ X 30″ oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor
Billy Joel – The River of Dreams
Joel woke up one day singing what would become the title track to his 1993 album. Joel adds, “It wouldn’t go away.” He took it as a sign that he should work on it. It’s a great song and video. Joel is a master singer, songwriter, musician and performer.
Paul McCartney – Yesterday
The melody to “Yesterday” came to Paul McCartney in a dream. He woke up and stumbled to the piano by his bedside to work out the chords. “I just fell out of bed, found out what key I had dreamed it in … and I played it.”
My own similar, and rather trivial, experience with waking up from a dream and suddenly excelling at something was soon after I purchased and started playing the game Tetris (before it was an app). I awoke one night then went into the living room, sat on the couch and picked the little digital game box up. My score was immediately three times higher than it had been and it stayed at that very high scoring level from then on after.
Here are two and quite often referred to cases of dreams leading to an invention and a scientific discovery.
Elias Howe – The Sewing Machine
The idea for the sewing machine came to inventor Elias Howe in a dream in 1845. He had been musing over the idea of a machine with a needle that would dew going back and forth through cloth, but hadn’t managed to figure out exactly how it would work. Hoever, a particularly lucid dream showed him about to be cooked by cannibals while they were dancing around a fire waving their spears. He noticed that at the top of each spear was a small hole, with the up and down motion of the spears and hole remaing fixed in his memory when he awoke.
Fredrich August Kekulé – Benzene
Kekulé said that he had discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie or day-dream of a snake seizing its own tail (an ancient symbol). He said that the vision had come to him after many years of studying the nature of carbon-carbon bonds.
Note: I do use my dream state regularly to find solutions. I have a “celestial council”, if you will, consisting of Christ, ancestors, authors, musicians and scientists that I think of and ask for advice prior to sleeping. I don’t recall anything specifically, but it seems helpful information does come.
Insomnia – How To Get to Sleep
If you have trouble getting to sleep, this unfailingly works for me. With eyes closed, look at the vague, dynamic whitish sparkles and blobs within the black field before you. Notice the changes, just keep looking, don’t think about or try to do anything with them. Sometimes the whitish forms coalesce into shapes floating about. You won’t think this will put you to sleep but stay with it. Then later, hours later sometimes, you wake up for you did fall asleep after all. If you do this observing with eyes shut technique right after waking in the middle of the night, the shapes can be quite interesting looking and active. Regardless, just look at them and you’ll fall back to sleep. The other thing to do upon waking in the night time or too early in the morning to get up is to immediately recall what you were dreaming. Just focus on that and recall as much as you can. If at first you can’t recall your dream, stay with it, the dream recall will occur. This will put you back to sleep. If not, return to the first method.
Continuing along the lines of dreaming about musical compositions and NDEs …
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Tony Cicora had a near death experience following having been struck by lightening in 1994. Later, following his recovery, he had a strong desire, which he never had before, to listen to classical music and to learn to play the piano. Then, following a dream where he was performing a particular musical piece as pianist, he went on to composed it and did go on to perform his musical composition. In the video below he begins his testimony about his sudden interest in classical music, learning to play the piano and the dream at 17:55 minutes. But the whole video is well worth watching.
Here’s his testimony:
Writing a Question Down and Waiting for an Answer
Boise, Idaho – February, 2023
I sometimes, not often, write on a piece of paper a question then allow for a written response. I did this last night (Feb. 9, 2023), see results below. But first, I want to emphatically state that MIRACLES ARE A FACT OF LIFE. Most people have experienced at least one miracle in their lifetime or know someone, whose word they trust, that has. MIRACLES transcend cause and effect, work, over spacetime often resulting in the avoidance of or a correction of a dire situation. Here’s what I wrote and the response:.
Leslie: What miracles could be realized through me?
Response: What miracles would you most like to facilitate?
Leslie: Healing miracles, what the world desperately needs now.
Response: Consciousness, as you know, is predominant over matter. Collective consciousness is particularly strong when united in God, in Love, and for a loving purpose. Fear has caused humanity to inflict harm on itself time and time and time again, thus guilt and the repeated, and usually tragic (karmic in Hinduism) incarnations. Correcting, like learning, can though not always, require repetition. Love extends, shares. Copy this simple yet powerful prayer and put it where you will see it, then recite over and over again, and share.
Let us not blame and see ourselves as victims weakened by others. But know we are strong, tremendously strong united in God, in Love, and we are healed, healed one and all and in all ways.
In Love we are healed, healed one and all and in all ways.
In Love we are healed, healed, one and all and in all ways.
Repeat this part like a refrain in a song as often as you like.
Golden Lining is a 36″ X 48″ oil painting by Leslie Taylor. My paintings, like diplomas, are my credentials. I just knew how to paint by-passing art school:
Boise, Idaho – July, 2022
Spirituality Reality and the Afterlife by D.C. Porteous, Jr.
The book, Spirituality Reality and the Afterlife – Materialism meets Immortality by D. C. Porteous Jr.
D. C. Porteous is a retired publisher of scientific and technical magazines who has spent two decades of research on this “deepest of all subjects.” Like Porteous, I’m a long time researcher of miraculous and spiritual experiences and this website is the result. When I first briefly read through various sections of his book I thought, “I already know all this.” But once I began reading it from the beginning I was greatly impressed with the author’s research, documentation and his extraordinary quality of writing. The first chapter describes miraculous healings which above all things I find worthy of further investigation. On my blog, this page: is an article titled Miraculous, Spontaneous and Placebo Healings. Included in the blog is a very uplifting article titled The Story of Heaven on Earth describing the miraculous, synchronistic and prescient events associated with the painting below along with another page of just my artworks titled Artworks by Leslie M. Taylor.
The Story of Heaven on Earth by Leslie M. Taylor – oil on canvas – 30″ X 30″

Boise, Idaho – January, 2022
Among us are true teachers, and yes, they are still quite present among and with us all.
Lord Dowding

Lord Dowding [Air Chief Marshal Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding] who, in 1940 during World War II, was one of the most prominent men in the UK. What is less well known about him is, after the Battle of Britain, Dowding devoted most of his life to exploring life after death; what we now refer to as psychical research.
Here are excerpts from a chapter in Dowding’s book, “God’s Magic” available on the White Crow Books website:
“On the long journey of life the soul experiences much that is disappointing and painful. It is difficult to see through the haze of deceit and horror to the still peace of the divine plan. Yet it is a truth that lies behind all ugliness and malformation.”
“Truth leads to happiness and to joy that is not understandable until it is experienced.”
“Many men teach and believe that sorrow and pain and misery are necessary parts of the evolutionary plan. That is not true. They are necessary only so long as man wills them to be so. You will reply that men learn by suffering, that in these last years the people who suffered became more kindly with one another, more thoughtful, more considerate, while those who were absent from the scenes of horror and destruction remain self-absorbed and wrapped up in their little world. No doubt this is a truth, for humanity is young and weak. But is this the only way to teach tolerance and pity and love? Must you have destruction of life and beauty of form, and horror indescribable, to learn to love your neighbor as yourself? Surely man is not so vile that there is no better way! The way of the divine plan does not include that kind of suffering.”
Here is an excerpt about Lord Dowding from Jeffrey Mishlove’s extraordinary book “The Roots of Consciousness” [link to the essay and the book below]:
“Lord Hugh Dowding, head of the Royal Air Force during WWII, and often called “the man who won the Battle of Britain,” had experiences during the war which led him later to become a major figure in the spiritualist movement. Released secret documents of the British Army reveal that Dowding’s wife was a sensitive. Using methods now known among psi researchers as “remote viewing,” she was able to detect enemy air bases that the army had not discovered through conventional surveillance. These abilities were coupled with a spiritualistic belief which so impressed Lord Dowding that he believed himself to be in contact with spirits of the British airmen who had been downed in battle.”
Link to essay from Jeffrey Mishlove’s “The Roots of Consciousness”:
The entire book “The Roots of Consciousness” online and free.
Boise, Idaho – July 13, 2021
“Miracles of Mind” by Russell Targ and Jane Katra Ph.D.
For more and very interesting information that includes this paranormal event go to the new post on Miracles For All: (S-1) NEW as of 12/2021 – from Alpha to Omega (see link in menu above).
In a highly classified project, funded by the military and CIA, conducted first in California at a research lab at Stanford University (SRI) in the 1970s and later at an Army base in Maryland until 1995. The researchers, physicists Russel Targ and Hal Puthoff, recruited individuals who demonstrated abilities of extrasensory perception (ESP) with the intention of uncovering military and domestic intelligence secrets. By the time the program was shut down in 1995, psychics known as “remote viewers” (clairvoyance or seeing at a distance) had taken part in a variety of operations, from locating hostages kidnapped by terrorist groups to tracing the paths of fugitive criminals within the United States. What inspired the financial backing of the project were claims that the Soviet Union was heavily involved in researching ESP, psychokinesis (the ability to move objects with the mind), remote viewing, etc., for espionage purposes.
The research team at SRI invited Uri Geller, an ex-Israeli paratrooper who had become internationally famous for his psychic powers, to Stanford for testing. Though Geller was best known publicly for his ability to bend metal cutlery with his mind, the CIA was much more interested in his other abilities: the ability to read other people’s minds, and even control their minds with his own. There is much online discrediting Geller that, for example, I’ve come to think of Wikipedia as useless due to this and other blatant information biases whereas in the past I used them frequently and contributed annually. However, with the Israeli and US intelligence extensively studying his abilities, including astronaut Edgar Mitchell (see the Miracles For All (L) Astronaut Edgar Mitchell “The Way of the Explorer” [link above and below], I tend to think Uri Geller was the real thing. During the early 1980s spoon bending became all the rage in the U.S. and parents would contact Mitchell complaining that their little boys were destroying the family silverware. Mitchell’s take on it was that innocent children, not knowing that they couldn’t do such a thing, did.

Image of Uri Geller
Spoon Bending
Russell Targ tried metal bending himself and eventually did so successfully. He keeps the bent aluminum rod, roughly 11″ long by 3/8″ in diameter, on his desk as a reminder. He states that no human, no matter how strong, could possibly bend the metal rod with their hands. I had watched his talk, including this account, and he shows the rod during the talk. After I finished watching the video I drove to the Amazon owned and operated Whole Foods Store to meet with a friend there. As an aside, I have since ceased patronizing Whole Foods after being verbally abused by an employee there for walking in with my backpack having brought it with me given that I rode my bike to the store because my backpack, they claimed, was likely covid contaminated. Anyway, I parked my car in the Whole Food’s parking lot, got out and started walking along a cement path and grassy area toward the store’s entrance. And there, lying on the ground, was a silver colored metal rod of similar dimensions (it was an aluminum and stainless steel alloy industrial rod with threads on both ends). I thought to myself, “No way, it’s just a coincidence,” left it on the ground and caught up with my friend inside and sat down across from him at a booth. He was looking at his computer and turned the screen toward me to show me something. On the screen was an image of a metal rod, again of similar dimensions. I can’t recall what the context was. I immediately jumped up, walked outside, picked up the rod and returned to the café and my friend and described to him the series of synchronicities.
It doesn’t stop there, synchronicities rarely do. Now, around five years later (as of this writing) as I am reading the book by Russel Targ and Jane Katra, Ph.D. titled “Miracles of Mind,” I personally experienced metal bending. Only for me, it was the metal part at the top of a paint brush I was using.
Brush Bending
I am working on an oil painting; a very large and involved landscape that includes an American Indian. The photograph of the Indian I am using shows him holding a rifle horizontally with the barrel facing up and the butt of it on the ground. I’m a peacenik and not comfortable with guns so I thought I’d replace the gun with a spear which of course is still quite suggestive of violence. Then I considered a paintbrush, it will look like a spear unless examined very closely. Eventually I decided on a monarch’s scepter, or a sorcerer’s staff, so to speak, and at the head I’ll put a crystal. I collect rocks and have several beautiful crystals. Here below is a detail, of that part of the painting.
Detail of the oil painting Manitou – The Life Force In All Things

I paint very realistically, gently applying the paint in a thin layer. Rather than blend I overlay thin layers of wet on dry paint to get a 3D effect. I use soft, not coarse, bristled brushes. As I was working on the painting and just as I pulled the brush away to get more paint on it, the top metal part of it bent over on its own. This made no sense. I absolutely could not push the metal part back upright nor further forward; it’s a strong metal piece. I could not bend the metal tops of others of the same or similar brush I have. Had I applied the brush to the canvas with that much pressure, which I would never have reason to do, it undoubtedly would have damaged, likely torn through, the canvas. Do notice, though hard to see here, that where the metal is bent there is no crease or damage to the metal, it’s just bent as if made that way. Also note where the brush is bent and where the hand of the Indian is on his scepter!
Explanations of synchronicities
Author Manley Hall reports in his tome The Secret Teachings of all Ages that British philosopher David Hartley (1705 – 1757) held that if a sensation be repeated several times there is a tendency towards its spontaneous repetition which may be awakened by association with some other idea, or in another context, (ital. mine) even though the object causing the original circumstance may be absent. This to me is a good explanation and definition of synchronicities if taken beyond just repetitious mental then physical activity (as in obsessive compulsive behavior or as in Pavlov’s dog salivating at the ring of a bell though no food was present). The metal bending circumstances described above, persons (Geller, Targ, Mitchell and me, Leslie), things (metal objects) and circumstances (metal objects suddenly becoming soft and bending over) well illustrate this.
Dr. Jacques Vallee’ is an internet pioneer, computer scientist, venture capitalist, author and ufologist. In mainstream science, he began his professional life as an astronomer at the Paris Observatory. He describes the universe as information systems. He states that, “Synchronicities are caused by a “Double Causality” – our observations and intentions cause effects in the future that become the future causes of present effects.” Vallee’ adds that we “Recognize the universe that we perceive as a sub-system of a meta-reality of information associations – an all information structure and all simultaneous.” Well worth pondering.
“Miracles of Mind” by Russell Targ and Jane Katra, PhD.
The book is in two parts. In the first part, Russell provides detailed information about his experiments involving remote viewing and quite worth reading, particularly if not already familiar with Targ’s and Puthoff’s experiments. The second part is written by Dr. Katra who is a healer. She facilitates one’s (the patient’s) own healing by recognizing The Divine inherent in all and everywhere and does this either in the presence of the person in need of healing or over the phone, or when thinking of them. For me, she provides the best explanation that I’ve come across as to how this natural healing is enabled. Her explanations are simple and rather repetitive but that does not at all take away from the profoundness of her message.
Here is a brief description of Katra’s healing work and observations in their book:
Healing by changing the past. She states “that a healer can better heal a patient with a vague discomfort and not presently “locked in” by a medical diagnosis.” Here I’ll add that when feeling pain I ask someone or something, a spirit perhaps, as if they are with me to please alleviate the pain. I’m surprised how often that works. I don’t think of any cause or diagnosis and I generally avoid going to the doctor.
Physicist and parapsychology researcher Dr. Helmit Schmidt (1928 – 2011) demonstrated that prerecorded 1s and 0s, and where no one knows the random distribution over time, then a randomly selected period of time is chosen where a person tries to affect the distribution. (The distribution is like millions of flips of a coin where the random distribution ultimately results in a very close to 50% of the time it’s heads up). Schmidt discovered a significant difference in distribution of 1s and 0s in that selected time frame. Similarly, he demonstrated that prerecorded, but unobserved, breathing rates in the past can be affected by the mental activity of a person at a later time. The breathing patterns are later observed to be different during that period than the rest of the recording.
Dr. Dean Radin, chief scientist at IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) did studies where subjects’ measured galvanic (skin) responses reacted to strong, alarming images prior to the images appearing to the subject on the computer screen before them. The images were randomly selected by the computer and no one, neither the subject nor researchers, could know what type of images, either beautiful, benign or alarming, were about to appear.
How Dr. Katra describes her healing process: During intentional psychic functioning the individual must assimilate the mind with the Divine, or Universal, Mind with the thought of the person or condition in need (which need not be physically present). For, to specifically direct Universal Mind, infinite and eternal, at a specific condition, or state, and require a specific healing is contradictory to that which is ever present everywhere and quite outside the limitations and laws of spacetime constraints. So the intention is to bring awareness of the presence of Universal Mind to the person or condition, healer not excluded, and not attempt to specifically direct or circumscribe it or to expect specific results within a particular time frame. Also, she points out that the healing may result in not the healing of the specific condition but something of greater need.
My input: To attempt to heal with a misunderstanding of Universal Mind and thereby limiting that which is limitless is why psychic healing, or psychic endeavor in general, is so tenuous and elusive. It is understandable however, for we are held by and functioning within a spacetime, material world.
Dr. Katra states that when engaged in a healing she experiences a very peaceful and beautiful state of transcendence.
Here’s a quote in their book from “A Course In Miracles”: “Miracles are both beginnings and endings and so they do not alter the temporal order which seems to go back, but really goes forward. They undo the past in the present thus release the future.” Worth thinking about, even in regards to reincarnation. Other quotes from the book are “There is no order of difficulty in miracles” and “You are not a body, you are spirit.” So to Katra to assimilate, to attune one’s self, one’s mind, with Universal Mind is the endeavor.
If the reader feels they already know all this, then surely the repetition is of considerable benefit.
Here is the whole of the painting, Manitou – The Life Force In All Things (the original and giclees are not that bright red)

Links and additional information:
Manitou is the spiritual and fundamental life force among Algonquian groups in Native American theology. For an essay providing more historical information go to (copy/paste):
For more on the topic featured on this page [here below] including links to three videos of Russel Targ and his further explanations of their work and findings, scroll down to the post dated July 27, 2017 titled “An Experiment to Remote View God – My own and why not?” and “Russell Targ’s Stanford Research Institute International Work with Remote Viewing.”
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell “The Way of the Explorer” on Uri Geller and the healing abilities of Norbu Chen:
As well, here is a brief article on the subject titled “The CIA Recruited Mind Readers to Spy on the Soviets.”:
April 20, 2021 – Boise, Idaho
“PORTRAIT OF A WISE MAN” and his words – painting by Leslie M. Taylor
“Miraculous healing (though natural) is the expression of the truth – that being that you are spiritual, radiant, light-like if you will, and therefore unassailable, impervious to disease or injury, to say nothing of being immortal. You are here to evolve and in doing so naturally contributes to the evolution of your fellow spiritual beings. Being radiant, your evolution thus your increase in brilliance as a matter of course, extends thus increases the evolutionary state, the radiance, of the whole of humanity – unity, or love (one and the same). To constantly remind one’s self, feel even, this truer state as predominant over the denser, vulnerable, physical impressions and feelings eventually results in a stabilizing then subsequent transcendence to a higher state of existence in the higher realms. The reason we are here.”
January 18, 2021
“Real Magic: Entangled Minds, Supernormal and Conscious Universe Conversation with Deepak Chopra & Dean Radin.”
Idealism asserts that reality is fundamentally mental; mentally formulated and perceived, thus immaterial and that the world’s seemingly material constructs are but the perceptions of a physical/material brain. Idealism maintains that all entities (persons, animals, insects, planets and plants even (of which there is evidence of)) are primarily consciousness, or spirit, and eternal.
This [link below] is one of the most fascinating and informative discussions on idealism as well as the extraordinary experiences and abilities that most of us have had or possess to some degree (i.e., telepathy, out of body experiences, mediumship, NDEs, clairvoyance or seeing at a distance, precognition and reincarnation). These substantiate idealism.
Dr. Deepak Chopra, is a licensed physician, in 1980 he became chief of staff at the New England Memorial Hospital. In 1985, he met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (image below) and became involved in transcendental meditation. Chopra’s Eastern Indian origins naturally influence his knowledge of Hinduism as well having been a long time yoga practitioner, both of which contribute much of interest to the discussion.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Dean Radin PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences [IONS] founded by astronaut Edgar Mitchell in 1973 following his samadhi experience while in outer space following his trip to the moon with two comrades, Stuart Roosa and Alan Shepard. Dr. Radin is also an Associated Distinguished Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned a BS in electrical engineering (magna cum laude, with honors in physics), and then an MS in electrical engineering and a PhD in psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Before joining the IONS research staff in 2001, Radin worked at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI [Stanford research Institute) international.
Dr. Radin has given over 600 talks and interviews worldwide, and he is author or coauthor of hundreds of scientific and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, two technical books, and four popular books translated into 15 foreign languages. His work at IONS includes conducting scientific experiments providing empirical evidence that the nature of human consciousness goes well beyond the traditional physical/materialist understanding and limitations.
A Course In Miracles on the same concept – Idealism:
There is nothing outside of you. Heaven, so to speak, is neither a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect completeness, Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing else outside nor nothing else within for there are no barriers. The belief that you could give to or do to something outside yourself has cost you the awareness of Heaven and of your true Identity. Minds are joined, bodies are not. Only by assigning to the mind the properties of the body does its limited, separate state seem true. It is but a limit imposed on the universal communication that is an eternal, neither temporal nor in any way enclosed, property of the mind. Mind reaches, goes to itself. It does not go out there (spacetime is but a concept, like national borders or the need for machines in order to get somewhere or be with another). It is not made up of separate parts to reach out to or retreat from. Within itself there are no limits and it encompasses everything, including you entirely, for you are everything.
The body, like everything else, seems outside you and surrounds you shutting you off from others keeping you apart from them and them from you. To be separate from all, All that Is, is but an illusion and therefore the body, the symbol of separateness, is but an illusion. It can and does change as does all that is perceived through the body, nothing more than a construct of your imagination, your dream of separation. Dream not of a limited, separate, walled off awareness, the root of all suffering, Escape from fear to peace asking no questions of the truth but merely accepting it; accepting reality instead of the body’s perceptions by not letting your mind be limited by it and allowing yourself to be one with so much more – thus healed and whole.
Here’s the video on Deepak Chopra’s Facebook page (though I’ve moved away from Facebook due to their excessive manipulation (users’ visibility and what they see) and biased censoring of legitimate and well-meaning FB pages and posts).
Regardless, I can’t recommend the video enough!
November 2020 in Boise, Idaho
November 2020 in Boise, Idaho
This report has recently been sent to a few organizations and individuals:
Around two months ago (August or September 2020) in Boise, Idaho between 9:30 and 10:00am I was riding my bike southeast on the road leading to the river green belt and path when, overhead at maybe a 1/4 mile distance, I saw a flying black box headed in my direction. As it drew closer at an altitude of maybe 100 to 150 meters it cruised downward and stopped midair directly overhead with the front of it tilted facing right at me. It was never going very fast and it came from the southeast, above and through the river canal. It made no sound nor had any sort of propelling apparatus (as in drones with propellers). The dimensions were roughly 6′ X 5′ X 2′. Correction on a later date than originally posted here for I am a poor judge of size and height. The object was larger, more like 8′ X 5′ X 3′. The image of the black crate below, although obviously an illustration of a false flying object, is similar in color and dimensions. By the time it stopped in front of me I had gotten off of my bike. I don’t use a cell phone and therefore did not take a picture.
I equated the object with a drone (for a small, typical drone flew around me while biking a week prior) and assumed that the object was merely looking at me and recording information. This made me uncomfortable so I moved behind the nearest tree. The trees are small there, being newly planted, and though it provided no protection the leaves covered my face somewhat. One other person was nearby on the other side of the road; a landscaper on a go-kart lawnmower. He too stopped near a tree and we both acknowledged each other and the object. I grew impatient standing behind the tree with the craft suspended overhead and eventually got back onto my bike and headed in the opposite direction to resume my ride. I did not look back.
Upon later contemplation I realized that if it were merely an audio visual recording device nothing larger than a small drone would be necessary, therefore it was carrying additional payload. It was not camouflaged, not for daytime anyway, but would be in the nighttime. In the direction from where it came is a large 5G mega tower. I consider the possibility that it is a U.S. cabal (elite billionaires and others; ‘the great reset’ club) military style policing, anti gravity craft. Anti gravity and other advanced technologies do exist, and not in the general public’s interest or well being. Otherwise, these technologies would have been openly operational long ago (particularly in the energy sector). 5G is so disliked and distrusted that it would be vulnerable to shooters or other assaults and this craft could perhaps not only track and locate suspects (vaccinated with nano tracking devices in the vaccine solutions), but also contain weaponry that instantly eliminates them and any trace of them. Read the article below on anti gravity aircraft (and other technologies); all kinds and have been around for decades now.
As well, around ten years ago in Boulder, Colorado while on a walk in the evening with a friend we observed an anti-gravity aircraft directly overhead. It was very different in appearance; huge, triangular, also black and also perfectly silent. I described the aircraft to an astrophysicist that led the cosmology study group that I was a member of. He confirmed to me that this technology does exist.
I have mentioned this to but a few realizing that these technologies (from crashed ET or alien UFOs as is commonly suggested) have been hoarded and hidden from the general public for over 50 years now and therefore would only frighten or cause disbelief. I know nothing more than what I have stated above.
Link to article, US Government Anti Gravity Fleet is Operational Today:
Note: I’ve since been informed that the link above no longer works.
An illustration, not real, to visualize the color and dimensions of the object.

A seemingly similar object photographed in Georgia.

November 2020 – Boise, Idaho

ENGLAND’S KING GEORGE VI (1895 – 1952) had a speech impediment, stammering. Knowing that the country needed her husband to be able to communicate effectively (during WWII) his wife, Elizabeth, hired Lionel Logue, an Australian actor and speech therapist. Logue had no academic training, degrees nor board certifications. He was an actor, but then again, so was the King. He read speeches that others wrote, wore the costumes of a King, lived in a castle and played the role assigned to him.
The King’s physician advised him to smoke cigarettes claiming that they relaxed the vocal cords. Sadly, the King died of lung cancer at 57 years old. Logan had learned of speech therapy working with shell shocked WWI veterans. He knew that the source of the impediment, like most physical disorders, was fear. Another thing that Logan believed was not uncommon with stammerers was that the King was naturally left handed but this was discouraged when he was a child and he had to learn to be predominantly right handed.
One can easily see how an actor could teach another to speak effectively, and that along with some physiological techniques, could help one overcome a speech impediment. But what stands out, to me, is that they both were actors, who also became friends who cared for each other, which contributes to a mental coherence, a oneness, producing healing effects. And everyone everywhere is in truth playing a part in a production, a production of Mind; the Source and that which most of us will to cohere with.
I had read of musicians playing together and although they are playing entirely different musical instruments and making very different sounds with different timing, EEG brainwave readings demonstrated coherence, continuity. The same was observed with listeners; that their brain waves cohered in keeping with the musicians, but not as much.
The relationship between King George VI and Lionel Logue is a perfect example of the teachings in a Course In Miracles as well as many other religious and philosophical teachings. Personally, I keep in my mind the perspective “I am Mind” bearing in mind that mind is not physical/material and therefore I am not confined, let alone ruled by, a brain/body (either my own or another’s) and it’s perceptions confined to causality over space and time But rather open to miracles, which I do experience and not infrequently.
I’ve recently experienced a series of synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) and quite appropriate to what all we are currently being encouraged to feel – fear basically and its harmful effects if we let it.
Here’s a link to the movie “The King’s Speech” about their relationship (and it’s free):
It was asked of me if I posted this (originally on Facebook) because U.S. presidential candidate Joseph Biden had, perhaps still has, a stammering problem. No, it just worked out that way. I was compelled to post it because after I saw the movie I went for an early dinner at a small cafe. The waiter and I began discussing the difference between the elements tin and aluminum. The only other customer in the cafe contributed some additional information. He too had a serious stammering problem.
Prior to watching “The King’s Speech” I couldn’t recall anyone whom I have known or met who stammered. But three days following the post above I watched an interview by Joe Rogan with billionaire Elon Musk [worth $92bn] and CEO of Space X Corporation launching thousands of satellites into space to facilitate 5G who apparently has a stammering problem as well (along with Biden, the man in the cafe, and King George VI).
Note: Speech fluency can be disrupted due to emotional distress, or fear. A stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other brain disorders can also cause speech that is slow or has pauses or repeated sounds (neurogenic stuttering).
October 2020 – Boise, Idaho
“THE UNIVERSAL ELIXIR” oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor and the essay, “HOW THE HEALING MIRACLE WORKS” based on teachings from “A Course In Miracles“
Forgiveness in its true, not morally charitable, sense denies attack’s effects (disease notwithstanding), not just by preventing further harm done, but also by denying the attacks and the effects as being from outside yourself. Cause and effect being one and the same transcend the body’s perceptions just as miracles transcend the laws of this world.
Healing without healing the cause merely shifts the effects of attack to other forms; thus disease and disability in the world remains, increases even. All sickness is from separation from God, all others and everything – all of which is perceived as outside yourself. Separation is symbolized in your perception by a body which is clearly separated and a thing apart. What this symbol represents is your wish to be apart and separate; an illusion the result of that wish. And, it is not possible that any illusion is less amenable to truth than any other. But it is possible to place greater value (as in perceived impact, duration and extent) on some thus considered less amenable, or willingly offered to truth for healing and for help. A hierarchy of illusions demonstrate preferences, not reality. Illusions are illusions.
Forgiveness induces the correction, the atonement, or at-onement. It is the wish for unity with (not distance from) your brother. It is called a “wish” because the mind conceives of other choices, and has not yet reached beyond the world of choice, to knowing. Yet this wish is in coherence with your true nature. It removes the obstacles (the façade, the mask) that you have placed between the recognition of who and what you truly are.
Forgiveness is but a willingness that truth be true. What can remain unhealed and broken from a unity which holds all things within Itself? You are created as everything and having everything. The miracle is that which is your natural function in creation as shared by and with God. This is the treasure you seek but you look on fear instead. Can fear be a treasure? Or are you mistaken about what you want and what you really are?
Time and space, spacetime, are but one illusion which takes different forms. If the illusion has been projected beyond your ability to be with, you think of it in terms of time. The nearer it is to you, you think of it as space between. This engenders the belief that your brother is external to you making trust impossible. Yet trust, or faith, would solve every problem now. Yet you see an interval between giving and receiving, eventual salvation, and not immediate results. Salvation is immediate, now, letting you instantly become as one transcending spacetime. (See my previous “Holy Instant” post).
Although miracles work in time, where they are needed, they are not of time and the laws of time do not affect their working. The miracle is possible when cause and consequence are brought together as one, of one mind, transcending space and time. Thus the sudden miraculous healing, and they do happen. In every miracle all of healing lies being God’s answer to them all. Again, forgiveness is the answer to any form of attack. When confronted with a grievance, ask for a miracle instead and do not deny anyone the grace of God, for their release is yours. Attack being deprived of its effects is replaced with love, with union with one another, with God.
A miracle makes no change at all. But it can make what is, always has been and will always be true recognized. And, by this little gift of truth allowed to be itself the Son of God is allowed to be himself – free along with all of creation.
October 9, 2020 – Boise, Idaho
by Christian Jarrett is an award winning article on the subject of the placebo effect published by the British Psychological Society Research Digest. There are several more findings (studies cited) on the effects of the placebo than I was previously aware of. It’s a fascinating read that will no doubt, in and of itself, positively affect your physical and your psychological well-being. See link below photograph.
Unfortunately this article has been removed, it leads only to the British Psychological Society and online searches for the author and article leads to a brief text based on the original article and with Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing taking credit for those few findings from the original article claiming more research needs to be done. There is currently so much suppression of our remarkable abilities. I’ve lost all respect for medical journals and academic institutions who have sold out to big tech and, in particular, pharmaceutical industries.
“THE NOCEBO RESPONSE” published in the Harvard Medical School Journal “Harvard Health Publishing.”
Of equal importance for consideration here is the nocebo effect demonstrating how negative expectations from an inert treatment or substance can produce negative physiological effects. The article “The Nocebo Response” reports that medications and other treatments take on feature that can have nocebo effects. Red is associated with stimulation, blue with sedation, so red and blue pills may produce those responses as unwanted side effects. Many people who have heard about penicillin allergies, wrongly think that they are allergic to penicillin, and report reactions. Rumor of contagiousness is another source of nocebo responses.
The pill may be inactive, but the side effects are real. About 20% of patients taking a sugar pill in controlled clinical trials of a drug spontaneously report uncomfortable side effects — an even higher percentage if they are asked. These effects are one kind of nocebo — a word that means in Latin “I will harm,” as placebo means “I will please.”
Oct. 8, 2020 – Boise, Idaho
INNER EARTH – Admiral Byrd’s Secret Diary
ADMIRAL RICHARD B. BYRD (1888 – 1957) a WWII hero, aviator and polar explorer who was threatened and severely slandered by the U.S. government for telling of his experiences beneath the Earth’s mantle, the advanced, developed world and contact with alien beings there and their message to humankind which he was instructed to convey. When I was involved with The Cosmology Group in Boulder, Colorado the head of the group, an astrophysicist, told me of the findings that there is an ocean of water underneath the Earth’s surface greater in volume even than the volume of water on the surface. Below is a link to Byrd’s final entry in his diary. There are false diaries, and other literature, most likely intended to confuse researchers about the authenticity of his experiences and about advanced alien species inhabiting and visiting earth in general.
Here’s the link to the diary entry (very interesting):
October 8, 2020 – Boise, Idaho
Earlier this year I began reading a book by the Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [1881 – 1995, image on left] titled The Phenomenon of Man. It is a metaphysics work that examines the evolution of man physiologically, mentally, socially and spiritually; all aspects of human development. It is very difficult to comprehend and I grew weary of the constant strain. Just past halfway, I decided to quit and closed the book leaving it on the couch where I was reading. The next morning, I made coffee and sat down on the couch. The book was next to me and I impulsively opened it to a random location and at the very top of the left page was a subtitle that read, Do Not Be Discouraged.
I am not unaccustomed to ‘messages’ of this sort, particularly involving books, and I pay attention to them. I went on to finish reading the book, reading it twice in fact, for it’s quite an impressive work. I like to document these synchronistic events and, whenever possible, I include evidence. So I returned to the book looking for the page number with that subtitle on it. It was, still is, nowhere to be found. I looked extensively enough that I did find those words in the smaller text within a paragraph, but found no subtitle in large, bold text.
Also, that very morning, as I had been doing for several days, I was reviewing around 50 pages of handwritten notes I’d taken from written works and lectures, organizing and placing them in labeled folders. I came across this quote by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove (YouTube “New Thinking Allowed” interviews some of which are featured on my “Miracles For All” website), “It’s important not to be discouraged, believing that the situation is hopeless and that there’s nothing that can be done.”
Below those words I had written a quote by Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978) a renowned American anthropologist, author and speaker in the 1960s and 1970s. “Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Of course, we now have a small group of multi billionaires and technopaths trying to force technological developmental changes determining how we all live (using fear keeping us separated, isolated and communicating by staring at psychologically controlling and spying computer screens) and changes in our bodies (regular injections of foreign chemical substances and physically embedded technologies to mechanize human function – transhumanism); de-spiritualization, their idea of human evolution. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED, we are not in the least bit powerless. We are strong, lovingly radiant and spiritually connected – Son of God, no less.
April 2, 2020 – Boise Idaho
STRING THEORY, an oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor, and GATES OF THE MIND by Joseph Sadony (1877 – 1960)
JOSEPH SADONY’S regular correspondents were Gandhi, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Kipling, Tagore, King Gustav V of Sweden, King George VI of England and Admiral Byrd. He avoided public recognition.
Joseph Sadony was psychic. Here [below] I have included a link to a free copy of his book, “Gates of the Mind” where he analyses his abilities in an attempt to provide the source and further development, thus usefulness, of psychic function. Although his book, given the context of the place and time of its writing, is more religious than I am comfortable with (it took me a while to get into it) I do not feel that his religious views at all undermines the useful information presented. The state of the world presently demands that we further develop our spiritual, beyond our ordinary sensory perception and awareness, faculties.
The strings which he metaphorically refers to below can be thought of as mental resonances with another or others, and distances in space and time are not an impediment to this resonance (as in precognition or mentally seeing at a distance).
He writes: So many (psychic) experiences I had when a young man made me realize that my responses were due to my “harp of experiences” as it were; and that whatever confusion and error came into the picture was due to what I lacked in this respect. So I made deliberate efforts to enlarge and perfect this instrument of understanding. Each tool or instrument mastered added so many more strings, enabling me to give an opinion based upon absolute knowledge, a knowing, a certainty. And as I continued to add to this supply of strings, I found a readier, reliable response within myself when seeking knowledge by intuition, or endeavoring to interpret this knowledge; a knowledge acquired only through the transference of “feelings” from others or an unknown source (which would generate specific thoughts, images in his mind and sometimes physical sensations). Sadony trusted these sources rather than dispensing with them as being nothing but nonsensical imaginations.
I would describe these psychic experiences slightly differently; as resonances, the ongoing natural cognitive state of being in-phase, resonant with, all persons places, things and events one experiences, a natural self organizing process at work. This is where the practice of empathy (listening, caring and feeling for another) is quite helpful. Here I’ll add, there is no inner and outer, subjective and objective, there is no spacetime. There are however, changes of state which we perceive as temporal events occurring over space and time in linear order.
February 18, 2020 – Boise Idaho
Clink on the link below to listen to an excellent reading by Victor Alexander of the last chapter of Steiner’s book The Path to Higher Knowledge. I listened to it several times and and took notes.
YouTube video of reading:
RUDOLF STEINER (1861-1925) was born in the small village of Kraljevec, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Croatia), where he grew up. As a young man, he lived in Weimar and Berlin where he became a well-published scientific, literary, and philosophical scholar, known especially for his work with Goethe’s scientific writings. At the beginning of the 20th century, he began to develop methods enabling one’s essential spiritual development leading to knowledge of higher spiritual worlds (described in the reading and text below).
Here is the last of Steiner’s thoughts following which I briefly describe a correlated experience I had.
~ Following dissolution of the body is metaphorically like circles (representing individuals) overlapping other circles yet each circle’s ‘colors’ are maintained – maintaining its identity within the whole.
In a sudden transcendent state, not an NDE, I experienced this and though I was still myself, I was also extended and became wholly one with two others, not dissipated in any way, but rather as though I was so much more. I was not aware of my body, but instead felt immersed in love. There are many testimonies of people experiencing this very state with the whole of the universe. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell describes his samadhi experience beautifully in his book “The Way of the Explorer”. There’s an in depth book review of his book on this site which includes his description [link below or click onto chapter (L) in menu above].
Here are some other quotes from the recording:
~ Thoughts from knowledgeable and wise persons constitute a living force that goes on working within ourselves, becoming active within us and arising dormant potentials. They grow and bear knowledge as a seed bears fruit.
~ Thinking is the highest human faculty. The need to subject ourselves to the hard work of thinking is necessary if we want to develop our capacity for higher knowledge. It is critical for access to the higher worlds.
~ Those who work on their inner knowledge in the manner expressed here advances step by step and initiation (access to the higher spiritual worlds) is bestowed on them by the great spiritual powers guiding the human race. They become disciples of wisdom.
~ We become messengers of truth and beauty. We advance to becoming participants in the spiritual world and thus are lifted from one level of development to the next.
~ Spiritual insight flows from a higher source. The light of knowledge no longer shines on them from the outside – they stand at this light’s source.
Boise, Idaho, January 2020
Former CIA agent Edward Snowden reports of the collection of data (everything about everyone) – called bulk data.
The details of a person’s life is recorded through their cell phone or laptop, through the camera, screen, text messages, and phone or background conversations whether the phone is on or off, or being recharged, and the information is stored indefinitely. That information can be individually reviewed, sold and used against a person at will by corporations and the government. The U.S. is the only major democracy in the world that does not have and basic privacy laws whatsoever despite the 4th amendment (against unreasonable searches and seizures).
He refers to the current surveillance and control state of China. It’s much the same here in the U.S.. His book “PERMANENT RECORD” is excellent. The government is suing to seize the profits from his book. There are other heros. For example, what this courageous former female CIA agent reports, I am personally familiar with: “NSA GANG STALKS INNOCENT AMERICANS: Interview with NSA Whistleblower and TI, Karen Stewart” (she’s now herself a targeted individual – a TI).
Also reported of here is motive I’ve finally come to know why I’ve been gang stalked for over a decade now. Many of the incidents are reported of throughout this website and I was convinced that the mafia, persons involved in prostitution and pornography who had a real estate business and office located near a property of mine were the sole perpetrators. Now it appears they were contracted to menace me (and others no doubt) by the U.S. government.
A MILLION U.S. CITIZENS TERRORIZED, GANG STALKED, BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT – The government identifies individuals as dissidents or whistleblowers and gangstalks (known of as hands off torture) them; as many as a million US citizens and mostly women.
I protested the invasion of Iraq in the paper and in marches and, having been active in the Democratic Party, I became a targeted individual. Bush’s statement, “You are either for or against us,” was no idle threat – and not just limited to torturing non US citizens here and abroad (though horrible enough). As also reported by a former professional gangstalker who was trained by a security company (now also a TI and homeless as a result) is that criminal government and military forces will contract the mafia, who already know how to gang stalk and have persons willing to follow orders, no questions asked, and/or security companies who train military veterans to gang stalk victims.
Initially I thought the mafia, involved in prostitution and pornography, were terrorizing me as a forced recruit (for what I could not say) and I decided to heed the call, as it were, and report of their illegal activities to law enforcement given that the main organization, a real estate company near a property of mine, managed 1,600 university student housing properties and I observed their harassments of student aged males, along with other evidences. Now I think the government is the source. Gang stalkers flagrantly access (wanting the victim to know) victims’ homes, mailboxes, cars, phones, etc. and destroy things (car windows, plumbing, etc.) that need immediate replacement or repair. You can’t function professionally (or academically I would imagine), they ruin your reputation (spread rumors) and relationships (people think you’re crazy) to say nothing of your life becoming over the top stressful. Gang stalkers are told not to steal victim’s valuable items. Recently my will was removed from my files at home which would mean that if I died (having been driven to suicide or murdered and made to look like a suicide) the government would have seized my property thus paying for my harassments (this motive is speculation).
The Nazis, the mafia, the KKK, and the KGB all practiced this. The children of Jews the Nazis murdered couldn’t claim the funds their parents had placed in Swiss bank accounts for them should they survive and get to Switzerland – the accounts were closed. My father, a WWll veteran said that the Nazi leadership were but criminals. We now have the same problem here in the US.
The first link is a brief part of the full interview advising of the spying your devices are now doing. The 2nd link is the full interview and quite worth watching:
Snowden [6:44 minutes]: The Government Can Hack Your iPhone Like A Criminal To Track You:
Full Interview: Edward Snowden On Trump, Privacy, And Threats To Democracy | MSNBC :
January 2020 – Boise Idaho
The Book, “The Secret Life of Plants”
and 3 videos covering the 1st chapter of the book: Cleve Baxter’s indisputable findings demonstrating the sentience of plants.
The fascinating book “The SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, first published in 1973, continues to be a top seller. Having read it, and watched the 3 videos below covering the first chapter, I’ve learned so much about the fact of the consciousness, the sentience, of plants; they undoubtedly display intent, feelings, memory and telepathy.
Also, the book informs of the importance of natural organic farming. For, we are gifted with and stewards of a biosphere that is naturally life giving and self replenishing if only we weren’t singularly focused on profit.
The 3 videos [links below] describing the (accidental) findings of FBI lie detector specialist Cleve Baxter who kept up his research for 30 years. They also chronicle the work of scientists worldwide who have discovered that plants emit inaudible frequencies and are influenced by similar frequencies in the world around them. In short, they seem to display consciousness.
The profound implications are this: Our thoughts, our very consciousness, affect the physical world around us, including water and plants. In other words, our every thought, word or action leaves an imprint on every living thing we pass by.
The highly profitable to chemical corporations (with the backing of US government agencies) production and sales of toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers are lethal to the soil, plants, humans and other species. These chemicals kill microbes in the soil, aerating worms, and healthy plants’ natural defenses against insects which build up a resistance to these poisons constantly requiring more and more pesticides be applied to crops in order to work. They, along with the scientific community, are ignoring or outright denying the dangers of these practices and meanwhile slowly killing everything. And, I’ve learned that non toxic organic products don’t have to be more expensive, for it’s not due to the products themselves but distribution networks and market availability.
We can no longer believe that our thoughts and feelings are powerless and never leave the confines of our physical bodies. Rather, we have become aware that the exact opposite is true.
This information contained in the videos are fascinating (starting with part 2 – in part 4 the Russian’s lab experiments findings are amazing!) :
Part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
November 2019 – Boise Idaho
“Home” a poem ‘mostly’ by Professor Joe Geraci
If you gaze at the man in the photograph then fix your eyes toward the center of the light you’ll see him, not as a black silhouette, but as white light perfectly illustrating the poem below!
Total immersion in light;
A beautiful bright light!
Brightness, peace, warmth and safety.
You have become it.
It has become you.
You are peace.
You are love.
You are not a body.
You do not perceive with physical sensory organs.
You just know.
Love is all knowing.
Oh, the extraordinary beauty
Of being holy united with One and All!
You were, are, always have been and belong here.
Your earthly state of existence lasts but an instant.
Spacetime (seconds, hours, eons, stars and galaxies light years away!)
Is meaningless in eternity.
Where One and All is forever present,
Near and so very dear.
September 2019 – Boise Idaho
CHARLES LINDBERGH (1902 – 1974) was an American aviator. In 1927, at age 25, he made a non-stop flight from Long Island, New York to Paris, France. Lindbergh covered the 33.5 hour, 3,600 mile (5,800 km) flight alone in a single-engine plane called the Spirit of St. Louis. Lindbergh’s flight was not the first non-stop transatlantic flight. Alcock and Brown achieved this in June 1919. Lindbergh’s flight was the first solo non-stop transatlantic flight.
He writes in his autobiography, “While I’m staring at the instruments, during an unearthly age of time, the fuselage behind me became filled with ghostly presences; vaguely outlined forms, transparent, moving, riding weightless with me in the plane. I feel no surprise at their coming … Without turning my head I see them as clearly as though in my normal field of vision. There’s no limit to my sight – my skull is one great eye, seeing everywhere at once.” “These phantoms speak with human voices – friendly, vapor like shapes with substance, able to vanish or appear at will, to pass in and out through the fuselage as though no walls are there. Many are crowded around me, then only a few, then one or another presses forward to my shoulder to speak above the engine’s noise. At times voices come out of the air itself, clear yet far away, familiar voices conversing and advising me on my flight, discussing problems of my navigation, reassuring me, giving me messages of importance unattainable in ordinary life.” He goes on, “I’m on the border line of life and a greater realm beyond.”
Lindbergh never dismisses the“phantoms” as hallucinations induced by sleep deprivation as some claimed (the flight took 33 hours) but rather embraces them as “emanations from the experience of ages, inhabitants of a universe usually closed to mortal men.” For him these phantoms are, “like a gathering of family and friends after years of separation, as though I’ve known all of them before in some past incarnation.” “I live in the past, the present, and the future, here and in different places, all at once. Around me are old associations, bygone friendships, voices from ancestrally distant times.”
This must be addressed: Lindbergh was accused by President Roosevelt of being a Nazi sympathiser, but it was not so simple as that. He claimed that without Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia would sweep across Europe. The fear of communism was strong at the time. Lindbergh’s public support of Eugenics and racial purity were a matter of public record, and he had accepted a medal from Hermann Goring when he visited Germany. Publicly, Lindbergh said he deplored the brutality of Nazis. He was especially against their intolerance of Jewish people. After the defeat of the Third Reich, much of Eastern Europe had fallen to Soviet forces and Lindbergh’s early assessments were proven correct. But when he saw the extent of the Holocaust and after having seen a concentration camp he stated, “Here was a place where men and life and death had reached to its lowest form of degradation. How could any reward in national progress even faintly justify the establishment and operation of such a place?”
ERNEST SHACKLETON (1874 – 1922) was a British explorer who led three expeditions to the Antarctic. During his second, the Nimrod Expedition in 1908, they got closer to the South Pole than anyone had come before – within 97 miles (180 km) of the pole before brutal conditions forced them to turn back. Later, in 1911, Shackleton’s dream of becoming the first person to set foot on the South Pole was shattered when Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen reached the earth’s most southerly point. The achievement forced Shackleton to set his sights on a new mark: crossing Antarctica via the South Pole. After Amundsen’s successful expedition in 1911, this crossing remained, in Shackleton’s words, “the one great and main object of Antarctic journeyings” afterall. However, his 1914 – 1917 Imperial Trans-Antarctic expedition failed to accomplish this objective, but instead became recognized as an epic feat of endurance having lost their ship ‘The Endurance’ in an ice floe among other extraordinary challenges. He attempted a fourth Antarctic expedition, aboard the ‘Quest’ in 1921, which had the goal of circumnavigating the continent. However, Shackleton died in South Georgia, an island in the southern Atlantic Ocean, at the outset of the journey due to a heart attack; or general exhaustion it is suggested.
Shackleton reports that during their arduous trek having sensed a fourth phantom companion. “When I look back at those days (in 1916 – his third, the Imperial Trans-Antarctic expedition) I have no doubt that Providence guided us, not only across those snowfields, but across the stormy white sea that separated Elephant Island from our landing place on South Georgia. I know that during that long and racking march of 36 hours … it seemed to me that we were four, not three.” I said nothing to my companions but afterwards Worsley said to me, “Boss I had a curious feeling on the march that there was another person with us.” Crean confessed the same adding, “one feels the dearth of human words in trying to describe things intangible, but a record of our journeys would be incomplete without reference to a subject very near to our hearts.” F. A. Worsley wrote that each step of the journey comes back clearly, and even now I again find myself counting our party, Shackleton, Crean and I, yet who was the other? It is strange that in mentally reviewing the crossing we should always think of a fourth, and then correct ourselves.
EUGEN HERRIGEL (1884 – 1955) was a German philosopher who taught philosophy at Tohoku Imperial University in Sendai, Japan, from 1924 to 1929 and introduced Zen to large parts of Europe through his writings. He was taught archery by a Japanese Zen Master. He was told by his Master to wait while drawing the bow until something beyond his normal reflexes released the arrow. One day after Herrigel made a perfect shot, the Master made a deep bow, broke off the lesson then stated “It shot!” and I followed up with an expression of delight having then understood he had meant. “What I said was not praise,” the Master told him severely, “nor was my bow meant for you, for you are entirely innocent of this shot. You remained absolutely ‘self-oblivious’ and without purpose at the time of the highest tension [those words are meaningful here and in the other accounts] and it was then that the shot fell from you like ripe fruit. Now go on practicing as if nothing had happened.”
Only after considerable time did more right shots come off which the Master signified with a deep bow. How it happened that they loosened themselves without my doing anything and how it came about that my tightly closed hand suddenly flew back wide open I could not explain. The fact is that it did. The qualitative difference between the right shots and the failures is so great that it cannot be overlooked once it has been experienced. Hegel goes on to say that right shots had the effect of making him feel as the day has just started and putting him in the mood for all right doing – or more importantly, all right not doing. He adds that only unbroken equanimity can accept it in such a way that ‘it’ is not afraid to come back.
DENISE PARKER (born in 1973) is an American archer who was a member of the American squad that won the team bronze medals at the 1988 Summer Olympics. She described her state when she became the first American female to score 1,300 points in a particular competition. “I don’t know what happened, I wasn’t concentrating on anything. It didn’t feel like I was shooting my shots, but like they were shooting themselves. I try to remember what happened so I can get back to that place, but when I try to understand it I only get confused, like trying to understand how the world began.”
*NOTE: I have in my notes, though not sure of the source, the quote: “All I have to do to keep that sensation is not to question it.”
Source: These accounts are reported in Michael Murphy’s (Co-Founder of the Esalen Institute) book, “The Future of the Body.”
September, 2019 – Boise, Idaho
Around six years ago, while still living in Colorado and before my move to Idaho, I had read Dr. Eben Alexander’s book Proof of Heaven about his near death experience. All of it seemed plausible to me except for the part about his riding on a butterfly wing next to a beautiful woman over a lush valley where below people dressed in colorful clothing were singing and dancing. This part seemed too fantastical to me thus undermining the reality of his account a bit. At the time of his NDE he had never met his birth sister (he was adopted) who had died a few years prior. When later shown a photograph of her he cried for she was the same woman with him on the wing of the butterfly.
After I finished Dr. Alexander’s book I told my hairdresser about it, not mentioning the part about the butterfly or any other details in the book. I was referring, in general, to his and the many other accounts of near death experiences. She had never heard of NDEs before our conversation. But, she went on to tell me that when she was a little girl her grandfather had suffered a serious heart attack following which he told her that during his heart attack he had died briefly and had a beautiful experience involving a butterfly. She said he had mentioned the butterfly to her many times during her childhood; which I don’t think she took very seriously. However, this, of course, made Alexander’s claims of the butterfly more believable to me. So naturally I followed up by giving her my copy of Proof of Heaven which she later told me, when returning the book, that once she began reading it she could not put it down.
A week or so after my visit with my hairdresser I was at my favorite Mexican restaurant and bar and while sipping on a margarita, Ray, the bartender, by then in his fifties, told me of his marrying his high school sweetheart. They were the best of friends and lovers, he said. She had died but a few years before this conversation. A couple of days following her funeral some friends took him golfing to cheer him up. He stated that while out on the golf course a white butterfly flew around and around encircling him. He thought perhaps it was the spirit of his beloved wife so he extended his forefinger hoping it would land on it, which it did. He then said to the butterfly, “If you really are Jessica [not her real name] then you will let me kiss you.” The butterfly let him bring her to his lips and gently kiss her!
Curiously, that very morning, before my conversation with Ray, I had climbed onto a section of the roof of my home to clean the art studio windows when a white butterfly began flying all around me. So I asked the butterfly, “what is it that you want?” Several days later I went back to the restaurant and gave Ray a copy of Proof of Heaven thinking that’s probably what the butterfly wanted.
I quit painting for the most part but I did paint portraits, as gifts, of my hairdresser, Sarah, and Ray. They were delighted, outright thrilled in fact, with the paintings. Only now as I write this am I realizing the book, the portraits and the butterflies, or metamorphosis, connections. Pretty amazing when you think about it.
Here I’ll include (in 2024) this video Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Amazing Butterfly Story. It is absolutely charming.
August 7, 2019 – Boise, Idaho,
[Note: The piece immediately below titled “The Sensitivity and Intelligence of Water” has been moved to follow this essay for it is ideal to read it following having read this one.]
Water is quite likely the universal storer of all information and the intelligent guiding force that is behind the assembly of all chemical compounds (molecules) and chemical operations involved in all biological life and the biosphere on Earth, correlating parts and processes on other planets, and on and in other cosmic bodies throughout the universe. In fact, water in the form of steam has been detected on the Sun. Five moons in our solar system are known to have water. There’s an almost unimaginably large cloud of water encircling a black hole 12 billion light years away.
An artist’s depiction of an immense toroidal of water surrounding a quasar which are thought to be supermassive black holes.
In animals’ cells, for example, the genetic coding in the DNA strands store some, but far from all, of the information needed for protein production (referred to as protein synthesis). Within the cytoplasm (a gelatin substance consisting mostly of water) of a cell the construction of a single protein involves the connecting of sub units, amino acids (on average 300 – 400 aa per protein), in a specific and ordered sequence made possible by other numerous and complex organizational processes occurring throughout the cell. The strings of amino acids (referred to as polypeptides) then fold into specific three dimensional protein structures depending on their function.
Amino acids folded into a variety of specific protein structures.
More amazing yet is cellular differentiation: the process of cellular division and multiplication once a [human] female egg, is fertilized by a sperm cell forming a zygote which then divides and multiplies developing into roughly 600 stem (generic) cells. From there, the cellular multiplication process produces nearly 200 different types of specialized cells (neurons, blood, bone, heart cells, etc.) that take up their specific positions in the body in order to perform their specialized functions in the developing and adult organism. No scientist can identify what guides this process.
Nobody knows how many different types of proteins are coded by the 20,000 to 25,000 genes in the human genome consisting of DNA [deoxyribonucleic acid]. The span of estimates run from hundreds of thousands to billions of different protein species. Equally unknowable presently is the number of other intracellular structures and processes going on inside any one cell (such as the number of mitochondria for energy production, the cytoskeleton for structural stability among other functions, ribosomes involved in mRNA and tRNA amino acids assembly). It’s probably like trying to count how many things there are and processes going on in a sizable community. However, as most of us do know, our bodies, consisting of roughly 75 to 100 trillion cells, are 70% water and 90% of our molecules are H2O molecules.

The role of microtubules and centrosomes during cellular division is fascinating. Learning of their functions is when I realized, “clearly there is a creative intelligence at work here.”
As Michael Cremo, author of “Human Devolution” “Hidden History of the Human Race” and “Evidence for Extreme Human Antiquity” states, “At a factory, the raw materials may arrive, in the form of steel, glass, rubber, plastic, etc. But the factory workers also need to shape and arrange those raw materials into an automobile. Similarly, genes may specify the formation of molecular raw materials, but it has not been shown that the genes specify exactly how those molecular raw materials are organized into the bodies of chimps or humans.” “It appears that something more than DNA is necessary to put together the complex structures that define different species.” Cremo is making a case for an intelligent designer. Perhaps an aspect of that Designer is the Holy Spirit operating as the intelligent, creative life force throughout the material universe, yet physically perceived as but water by the human brain, or more inclusively, the central (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral (the nerves that branch out to the rest of the body) nervous system. Before you judge that statement, specifically regarding the Holy Spirit, finish this article and read the next article below this one.
Water’s choreography of life is hardly limited to the development and activities of biological matter here on Earth, obviously, given the numerous great and small bodies of water, falls and tributaries of water, snow capped mountains, ice caps, glaciers, and atmospheric H20 products and processes. The water on our planet is the same water that was present during Earth’s formation in the solar system around 4.5 billion years ago.
It is suggested that water acquires and stores information by way of the H2O molecules coalescing and forming into various nano-structures. This process is compared to bits (1s and 0s) of information sequentially arranged differently thus enabling the storing of information in computer programs. See link below: “Water Memory – a documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier.”
I tend to think water stores information in the form of symbolic representational three dimensional structures (not unlike the formation of amino acids into 3-D proteins, a process likely guided by H2O). Lifelike representational symbols can store whole, non-linear information including feelings, and therefore better replicate and guide material processes than information stored in bits, or words, or mathematical symbols and equations. Or maybe those ‘bits’ of coded information generate symbolic or representational structures. Either way, or both (coded bits of information and/or representational or symbolic symbols), that’s a lot of stored information acquired everywhere over eons.
According to Dr. Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize having discovered and identified the HIV virus, “Water is the key element of life, but new information is coming to light regarding the element which we thought we were so familiar with.” That is the belief shared by the advocates of a surprising theory called “water memory.” For Professor Luc Montagnier, water has the ability to reproduce the properties of any substance it once contained. Having followed up on the work of Dr. Jacques Benveniste who was much derided by the mainstream scientific community for his theory, Montagnier considers the possibility that many people with chronic or life threatening diseases could be treated thanks to this controversial theory. I’ll add that it is much like homeopathy where a receptacle of water containing a medicine can be so diluted that few traces of the molecular substance remains, yet the full medicinal properties of the medicine recorded in the water still work. Here, the scientists have perhaps identified these salutary operations at the molecular level. These additional findings further increase our trust in and access to the recorded information and healing forces in water.
Left: Dr. Jacques Benveniste
The researchers detected an electromagnetic signal in a sample of water containing DNA molecules from the blood of an HIV infected person. They then repeatedly diluted the water until it no longer contained the actual DNA molecules. The vial containing the water was placed on a sensor that recorded the DNA electromagnetic signal, or wave, still corralled inside H2O nano-structures though, as already stated, the DNA molecules were no longer present. The wave information was then transformed into digital bits (1s and 0s) on a computer where it could then be transmitted via the internet to another computer a thousand miles away. Once the digital information was received it was then transformed back into the original EM wave frequencies that were then conducted through water in a vial containing some fragments of human DNA (nucleotides of Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine and an enzyme acting as catalyzer). The fragmented DNA then self-organized into duplicates of the original HIV infected DNA genetic products within 98% accuracy.
The same process was tried with medicines. Molecules of a medicine were introduced into a vial of water. After high dilutions and no molecules remained, the water was found to also have a molecular EM signature, an electromagnetic wave frequency, which was then conducted through a second vial of water. The same electromagnetic signature waves, or frequencies, were found (it takes a couple of hours) in the new H2O structured ‘curative water’. Treating a disease medicinally could potentially cost but pennies. The pharmaceutical industry is not at all happy with the possibility and therefore the research has to be privately funded. Dr. Montagnier has more to say on the nature of serious and widespread chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, some cancers and autism in children and how they can possibly be effectively treated; it’s well worth it to watch the video.
It is also quite likely that water stores other types of information such as those produced in subconscious and conscious thoughts and feelings both internally and externally in the world around us. It may also record the behavior of organisms, or entire species, and their evolutionary progress. All of this and so much more information throughout all of space and time may very well be stored in water. (Spacetime actually, for space and time are one and the same – like two sides of the same coin).
Super cooled, nano sized, water crystals form having been exposed to feelings of love and gratitude. Perhaps the feelings are electromagnetically contained and stored within the crystals center as the EM waves outwardly form the crystal.
As Already stated, H2O molecules are ubiquitous throughout the universe but also are entangled, meaning interacting as one, with all other H2O molecules providing specific information as the need arises from near and far (locally and non locally) and, simultaneously (acausally – no first this then that). In the case of computer transmission of information (enabling our brains to detect such processes) that information is transmitted at the speed of light. However, the simultaneity of H2O information recording, reconstruction and guiding of cellular processes is why, for example, scientists cannot say what came first, proteins or DNA. For example, DNA is necessary for the construction of proteins and proteins are necessary for the processing of information coded in DNA in order to build proteins. As well, DNA coded proteins are required for intracellular energy production and processing (converting ADP molecules into high energy ATP molecules) yet the cell requires an already existing supply of ATP (or similar products) in order to do this work in the first place. It’s like the conundrum, what came first the chicken or the egg.
Many have learned of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s findings that water forms either symmetric and lovely or asymmetric and ugly micro crystals given the thoughts directed at the water prior to super-cooling (thus rapid crystal formation. He also discovered that rice kept in beakers of water produces changes in the rice dependending on particular thoughts directed at the beakers repeatedly over time. Kind thoughts were revealed to produce fermentation whereas completely ignoring the beakers of hostile thoughts directed at them rotted the contents. Many laymen have reproduced this experiment in their homes.
What is important to note here is repetition and feeling.
Another and even more striking example involves research done in Japan to develop a new generation of bacterial weapons. The scientists involved were at a meeting to discuss the properties of the weapons when suddenly the meeting came to a halt. They were taken to the hospital with symptoms of severe food poisoning though they had only consumed water from the karafs on the table. The water was tested and it was just H2O. The report stated, “poisoning by ordinary water.”
Stored information is potential energy just as gravity is potential energy. A rock falls off a cliff. The gravitational potential energy it had while at rest on the cliff is converted into kinetic energy (the energy of motion) as it falls to the ground. Information is potential energy. When released, it’s a guiding force behind activities such as those leading to an organism’s behavior, development and growth, evolution even and universally. Again, representational images or symbols stored in water via H2O molecules coming together forming various structures are produced by sentient beings’ (not just humans) thoughts, feelings and actions. The whole of the information recorded in H2O structures is stored and potentially extended and universally accessible among same or similar and, as well other, species. And it is recorded indefinitely. Space and time (where and when) is irrelevant here. For, spacetime is a construct of the human mind and H2O molecules are not confined by this construct. Therefore, information from afar, including the past, is as present as is information in one’s immediate surroundings. The same is true of future events; distant in both space and time. In fact, precognitive dreams are very common.
Representational images or symbols stored in water via H2O molecules coming together forming various (nano sized) structures produced by thoughts and feelings.
This information, potential energy, stored in water everywhere is a force that can be accessed for creative or destructive purposes. The latter far less so mostly having been transmuted into a creative means or stored as information about that which does not work. Otherwise there would be no universe. Again, all H2O recorded information is available and freely extended. Whether or not it is accessible to a particular consciousness (or species even) depends upon the receptibility of that consciousness, or collectively, consciousnesses. We often access this information not realizing its source.
In truth, seeing truthfully and not how the human brain/body perceives, water is sometimes seen as liquid light, albeit rarely. In clearer seeing yet, water is seen as light, or spirit. This light is the life force, or light force, the elan vitale, that runs through all living things throughout all the universe. In religious terms, though not at all generally correctly understood and identified, this creative and intelligent force is referred to as the Holy Spirit. Though this is realized (subconsciously anyway) in religious ceremonies when ‘holy water’ is used as a purification or during a baptism. Consider as well the miraculous healings that are known to have occurred in Lourdes, France following the drinking of or bathing in the water flowing from a spring there. The healing is initiated by the individuals having activated the appropriate stored information in the water at Lourdes; both in the spring and in their bodies’ cells. The placebo effect works similarly – an inert pill taken with water, or the distilled water used in a placebo injection is effective for the patient knows the treatment as being able to produce healing effects. Of course, healing could occur working directly with the body’s H2O molecules not needing an external source of water. Healing is a correction restoring the organism to its inherently healthy state. It can be psychological as well as physiological. In both cases it is a spiritual operation working with the Holy Spirit, the elan vitale, in all living things.
From another perspective, “… both artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial life (Alife) researchers have failed to provide convincing models of living things,” says Rodney Brooks, of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT. He adds, “[There is] … some aspect of living systems that is invisible to us right now. The current scientific view of [living] things is that they are but machines whose components are biomolecules. It is not completely impossible that we might discover new properties of biomolecules, or some new ingredient. Let us call this the ‘new stuff’ hypothesis — the hypothesis that there might be some extra sort of ‘stuff’ in living systems outside our current scientific understanding.” Michael Cremo, as already mentioned is the author of “Human Devolution” (a very important book) says, “Other philosophers, both natural and religious, might hypothesize some more ineffable entity such as a soul or elan vital — the ‘vital force. That “something” more is arguably creative and intelligent.”
Left: Michael Cremo during an archaeological assignment.
And what might this new stuff be? Rodney Brooks mentions David Chalmers as an example of a philosopher who proposes that consciousness might be a currently unrecognized state of matter. But Dr. Brooks goes on to say, “Other philosophers, both natural and religious, might hypothesize some more ineffable entity such as a soul or elan vital — the ‘vital force.’” Going along with such philosophers, he proposes that both a soul (conscious self) and vital force are present in humans and other living things. This conscious self and vital force are necessary components in any explanation of living things and their origins.
Here’s a quote by Lyall Watson, a South African biologist, from the book “One Mind” by Larry Dossey, M.D.:
“As a biologist, I am aware at times – especially when steeped in some natural cycle – a kind of consciousness that is timeless, unlimited by space or by the confines of my own identity. In this condition, I perceive things very clearly and am able to acquire information almost by a process of osmosis. I find myself, at these times, with knowledge that comes directly from being part of something very much larger, a sort of global ecology of mind. And, the experience of it is literally wonderful.”
And here again I’ll state, that knowledge, that creative intelligence may be the Holy Spirit which we perceive as but ordinary water. Yet, it is the elan vital, the vital force facilitating all of creation.
Link: “Water Memory – a documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier
July 2019 – Boise, Idaho
Very early on a Sunday morning I woke up following what was perhaps a prophetic, or providential dream of global (not personal) significance. The dream was uniquely brilliant in color and detail which can suggest that something more than just an ordinary dream occured. It was nighttime and I was standing outdoors looking up at a brightly lit full moon. Then, from further out in space, a slightly smaller asteroid, or moon-like object, appeared rapidly travelling in the direction of the moon then crashed into it shooting debris out in every direction, but also seeming to be merging with the moon. I was terrified, for I knew that this disaster would very soon impact the Earth and all life on the planet would then be completely annihilated. Then suddenly, in the sky above, where the celestial objects collided, appeared a perfect and radiantly beautiful brand new Earth. Immediately, I sat up in my bed and said out loud, “Thank you God for this dream! Thank you!” I’ve never done that or anything like that before.
The movie poster below perfectly illustrates the dream. I had not seen the movie nor the poster before the dream though I’ve watched a couple of trailers since. Curiously, the woman in the poster plays the part of an astrophysicist. And, the leading theory regarding planet formation is known as the “protoplanet hypothesis” which claims that very small objects orbiting the sun crashed and merged together accumulating more and more objects growing large enough to form planets.
February 1, 2019 – Boise, Idaho,
THE SENSITIVITY AND INTELLIGENCE OF WATER and why we can not continue to recklessly bombard the biosphere with manmade electromagnetic radiation from satellite and wireless technologies – most recently 5G technologies.
by Leslie Taylor
“Silent Flight” oil painting by Leslie Taylor
An acquaintance (he has 2 PhDs in science and a master’s degree in education) told me that he grew flowers that open in the morning and close at night. He conducted an experiment by exposing them to different types of music during daylight and discovered that when he played hostile, discordant music they closed, yet remained open when the music was melodic and beautiful. Quite possibly an effect of the sounds vibrations on the water circulating throughout the plants.
I’ve recently been looking into the unique properties of water: its 3 phases: liquid, gas and solid, and now, quite possibly, the discovery of a 4th – a naturally occurring, negatively charged, alternately polarized, layering of H20 molecules. (Don’t stop here if that part doesn’t make sense to you). The findings suggestive of this 4th phase of water is the result of Dr. Gerald Pollack’s research at the University of Washington. Many have learned of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s findings that water forms either symmetric and lovely or asymmetric and ugly crystals given thoughts directed at the water prior to super-cooling (thus rapid crystal formation). And, he discovered that rice kept in beakers of water produces changes in the rice dependent on particular thoughts directed at the beakers repeatedly over time. Kind thoughts were revealed to produce fermentation whereas ignoring or hostile thoughts rotted the contents. Many laymen have reproduced the latter experiment in their homes.
The water on our planet is the same water that was present during Earth’s formation in the solar system roughly 4.5 billion years ago. It is theorized that water acquires and stores information by way of the H2O molecules coalescing into various structures. This is compared to bits (1s and 0s) of information sequentially arranged differently; thus stored bits of specific information in computer programs. In the case of structured water, that’s a lot of stored information acquired and stored everywhere, throughout the universe even, over eons. Information, like gravity is potential energy – capable of doing work.
I believe it is the water (not DNA molecules) in the cells (the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm) that conduct cellular differentiation processes; the fertilization of a single egg dividing and multiplying into the roughly 75 – 100 trillion cells, of at least 200 different types, of the adult organism. Also consider the many other complex functions gong on inside cell’s nucleus and cytoplasm fluid regions, such as RNA transcription (copying) of DNA genes; directions for amino acid sequencing then folding into specific proteins, and so much more, all orchestrated by the information stored in water.
Many, myself included, consider that water is a singular organism in itself, regardless of its separately observed states (dew drop, river, ocean, cerebrospinal fluid, tap water, etc.). It is claimed that if you have two beakers of water poured from the same pitcher then both beakers are separated, over any distance, and one is exposed to electromagnetic radiation the other will exhibit the same structural changes as the exposed one [this is called entanglement or non-locality]. Nonetheless, H2O molecules (in schools of fish and flocks of birds even) are entangled (act simultaneously as one) throughout the whole of the universe.
I’ve also considered the historical spiritual associations with water, as in holy water and baptism in religious rituals or the claims of the healing power of the water at Lourdes. As a result of all this, and more, information I place before me a crystal goblet filled with water, say aloud a repetitive prayer, rhythmically, with feeling, to beautiful music: “The world’s return to God … return to Love … to peace … and to freedom … all minds are joined, healed and whole” … and repeat again and again. I then drink some and take the rest to the river just outside my home and pour the water in. I don’t doubt the efficacy of this prayer.
On a beautiful note, something more to consider – ” Mystical Experiences as Windows on Reality” from the book “Beyond Physicalism”:
Poet and scholar Kathleen was gazing at a hyacinth on her writing desk when the following occurred: “I found that I was no longer looking at it, but was it, a distinct, indescribably but in no way vague, still less emotional, shift of consciousness into the plant itself. Or rather, I and the plant were one and indistinguishable: as if the plant were part of my consciousness. I dared scarcely to breathe, held in a kind of fine attention in which I could sense the very flow of life in the plant’s cells. I was not perceiving the flower, but living it. I was aware of the life of the plant as a slow flow or circulation of a vital current of liquid light of the utmost purity.”
“Allison” oil painting by Leslie Taylor
July 2019 – Boise, Idaho
PURPOSE OF REINCARNATION explained by a young, yet very wise, Chinese woman in Berkeley, California in the 1980s.
PORTRAIT OF A STUDENT by Michele del Campo
I took detailed notes and kept them in my “Ancestral Portfolio” [photo album], appropriately enough.
The Psychic Jack Schwarz and Arthur M. Young the Inventor of the Helicopter.
First off I’d like to tell a story involving a man I recently learned about named Jack Schwarz while watching an online interview with Arthur M. Young (1905 – 1995) who was the inventor of the first fully functional helicopter. He became a very wealthy man as a result and was then free to pursue his true passion, the study of the nature and potential of human consciousness. He married Ruth Forbes Paine, a member of the Boston Forbes family and great granddaughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) a poet, philosopher, and essayist who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century (very similar to Chinese Taoism dating back to the 4th century BCE). The Youngs moved to Berkeley, California where they established the “Institute for the Study of Consciousness” in 1972. She was also the founder of the “International Peace Academy” in 1970 being very concerned about the potential for nuclear warfare.
[Photo above of Arthur M. Young]
Arthur Young was introduced to Jack Schwartz (1896 – 1987) who was a well known psychic as well as being able to control his autonomic, involuntary nervous system associated with pain control, heart rate, sleep and metabolic requirements. Young said that Schwarz, a Dutch Jewish writer, who at 19 years of age was forced into Nazi concentration camp during World War II where, like so many others, he was beaten, starved, and tortured. It was then that he developed his remarkable abilities to control his body’s reactions in response to these conditions. At one point while he was being brutally beaten by a guard he suddenly looked at his assailant and said, “I love you.” At that moment the guard fell to the ground and began sobbing. And Jack, from that moment on, became clairvoyant. Arthur stated that Jack Schwarz had then experienced a jump in his evolution.
Once having learned of this account I ruminated over it now and then over the next couple of days and considered that Jack, in great pain and extreme stress given the likelihood of his imminent death, had a transcendent experience. He saw the guard beating him not as the vicious brut he was acting out, but instead ‘seeing’ the man’s true and holy nature and therefore he could not but love him. At that moment the man realized how his own true and holy self had been desecrated and that he was violating, desecrating, another wholly innocent being. And, this sudden awareness brought him to tears. What happened to Jack and the guard was a simultaneous ‘seeing’ truthfully. ‘Seeing’ as is described in the concept of Christ vision is to see in another as they are in truth, God’s perfect and holy Son, and it is then that one becomes aware of their own true nature, God’s perfect and holy Son. This ‘seeing’ is two-way and simultaneous; as one. Similarly, in Mahayana Buddhism, the wise person perceives tattva-darśana, meaning seeing true reality. Also in Indian philosophy and religion, in particular Hinduism, Sarshan, true seeing,is observing and being observed back. It is a two way, a simultaneous, reciprocal relationship between the devotee and holy person or deity (in image form).
[Photo above of Jack Schwarz].
What’s important to note here is the simultaneity of unity, of love; the transcendence of space and time, of linear (first one thing then the next) causality.
The Young Chinese Woman’s Explanation of Reincarnation
Choice alone determines the state and degree of extenuation, or brilliance, of the individual consciousness. Choices are made due to their attraction and what attracts may or may not be chosen. Some choices become addictive wherein the consciousness is then controlled by the initially freely chosen interests and activities. For example, television programs and advertisements are intentionally created combining psychology and technology to hypnotically control and addict viewers. So too are other illuminated screen technologies. Sugary foods can be addictive, same with intoxicating substances, and so on. Choices made that become addictive are often prompted by fear, my Chinese friend told me. For example, the need to control others fearing being otherwise powerless, or the fear of rejection, or being alone, the want of distraction from facing an uncomfortable truth about oneself, or fear of the unknown. She worked with drug addicts and said that many become addicted to drugs in search of spirituality, or the meaning or purpose of life, realizing that the intellectually reasoned materialist perspective, as is persistently instilled into us beginning in childhood, can’t possibly be all there is and academic institutions have little to contribute here. Then there are choices inspired by love: all forms of kindly beneficence and helpfulness, the sincere uncritical expression of appreciation of another, others, of beautiful works and all else which engenders peace and joy.
Fear contracts consciousness whereas love extends consciousness, she claimed. One’s state and extent of consciousness is largely determined by choices made during various incarnations as it interrelates with other consciousnesses (all forms: plants, animals, as well as humans). The choices one makes during their life, or lives, also effects, in particular but not limited to, same or similar incarnated or spiritual consciousnesses; referred to as one’s soul group. Any and all incarnations include the contributions of so many other beings (like the genetic inheritance of a talent) and the spiritual evolution of all are at stake.This is often expressed by near death experiencers, NDErs, who claim that during these early, or premature, stages of death previously deceased relatives or friends meet with them and often insist that they return to their earthly life and often against the will of the experiencer who finds that the unearthly, spiritual state is reality (more real than the physical, material world they’ll often insist) and their true home. Some encounter the presence of a brilliant and loving spiritual being whom the NDEr felt they knew and had always known encouraging them to return. In both cases due to their work, the reason for their earthly incarnation, not having been completed.
All incarnated states of the individual consciousness (the varied physical bodies and environmental conditions) are one and the same consciousness and experiencing their ongoing circumstances all at the same place and at the same time. Think of actors on a stage, my friend suggested, and although the actors’ appearance changes as well as their costumes, stage settings and props – all giving the impression that the scenes occured at different locations and over the course of many years, yet the actual location of the play never varies, and furthermore, but and hour or so, not decades, have passed. When a scene presents a dilemma for the actors, they have the option to respond with fear or love. Should the choice, or choices, be prompted by fear the play continues to its completion and the curtain closes. Then the curtain opens and the play begins again – same place and time with some, not all, of the same actors wearing entirely different costumes along with different stage settings and props. Yet the theme of the choice to respond with fear or love in a given scenario is again presented to the actors. Until love is chosen, sincerely, willingly and repeatedly, they return to play their parts over and over again; as in saṃsāra. Saṃsāra is a fundamental aspect of most Indian religions meaning, karmic cycle, reincarnation, or meaningless wandering and the liberation from Saṃsāra is called Moksha, or Nirvana, my Chinese friend explained. She added that the actors remember none of their previous roles and their results. If they did, choice would be a useless option, for when knowing beforehand the consequences of a choice, to choose is then biased and freedom to choose is irrelevant, thus the gift of life itself becomes irrelevant.
The Transcendence of Space and Time thus as well, Cause and Effect
My Chinese friend elaborated: In reality all is eternal, no time, degradation or death, no distance separating individual consciousness from other and all of consciousness. Anything that changes is not real, not true she said. For, if whatever it was yesterday it no longer is today and therefore can’t possibly be true, or real, for it no longer is. Therefore the physical, material world as we experience it is not real.
Here I’ll add that some theorists claim it’s a hologram. A hologram is made when a laser beam is used (as opposed to ordinary lighting) to record a three dimensional object onto a holographic plate (like film). Only the hologram plate has no recorded image, as does film, but rather an unintelligible pattern appears. When a laser beam shines through the plate an image of the object is reproduced three dimensionally at a distance in space. If the plate is broken into pieces, each piece is capable of reproducing the same, whole 3-D image. The smaller the piece the less precise the projected 3-D image.
Synchronicities, Simultaneous Coincidental Events, Defined by the Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung.
This definition of synchronicity is derived from the quantum chemist’s Lothar Shafer’s book “Infinite Potential” within which he makes references to the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung’s (1875 – 1971) views on synchronicity:
“Synchronicity is a concept introduced by the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung to describe the simultaneous appearance of two or more events that are connected in meaning but not in their visible causes.” Jung’s German term “sinngemabe koinzidenz” is difficult to translate. It means something like “a coincidence according to meaning” or “meaningful coincidences involving two or more events.” According to Jung, synchronistic events occur so frequently that they can’t be explained away as merely random events. And, with such events, our mind seems to transcend space and time. For, within the framework of classical physics, no explanation can be given for how such phenomena can occur or what the means of communication are by which events, ordinarily separated in time and space, suddenly become joined in our experience. The only thing that’s clear is that the connection doesn’t involve physical energy or forces, nor does it involve causality. “No one has yet succeeded,” Jung writes, “in constructing a causal bridge between the elements making up a synchronistic coincidence.”
Here’s another quote from Jung as reported in the book “Incredible Coincidence – The Baffling World of Synchronicity” by Alan Vaughan:
“Synchronistic phenomena point to the psychophysical unity of the transcendental background and carry its paradoxical nature out of the apprehensible [material] realm into the realm of consciousness. They call for the construction of a new and more complete world model, in which acausal as well as causal connections are acknowledged as real.”
Synchronicity Examples that Provide Evidence that We Are One and that Simultaneity is a Fact of Life.
Life is like a dream, events can be symbolic, and here below clearly demonstrating we are indeed one. These examples are from Alan Vaughn’s book mentioned above:
“A Chance Accident” reported in a British magazine called “Modern People” in October, 1974: Motorcyclist Frederick Chance collided with a car being driven by none other than Frederick Chance in Worcester, England. Neither was badly hurt.
“Nice Running Into You” as reported by Dr. Alan McGlasham of London: His stepson was driving home from London to his cottage by the sea at about 2:00 am when a man driving out of a side road ran straight into his car. It was on the outskirts of a village and the village constable happened to be nearby on his nightly rounds. He took out his notebook and said to the driver of the other car, “Your name please.” The man said, “Ian Purvis.” The policeman then turned to the doctor’s stepson and said, “Your name sir?” and he responded ,”Ian Purvis. “Look here,” said the bobby, “this is no time for silly jokes.” But it was the truth, Ian Purvis ran into Ian Purvis.”
“One Good Turn …” This happened in El Paso County, Texas as reported by Doug Storer in an article titled “Amazing but True”: Allen Falby, an El Paso County highway patrolman was racing down the road to overtake a speeding truck when the truck slowed down to make a turn. Unaware the vehicle was slowing down he slammed into the truck’s tailgate. The crash demolished the cycle and, among numerous other serious injuries, he had ruptured an artery in his leg and was bleeding to death.
Alfred Smith was driving home when he saw the accident. Soon he was out of his car and bending over the badly injured man. He could see what had to be done for the dying patrolman, so with his tie, Smith bound Falby’s leg having made a tourniquet slowing the blood flow then stopping it completely. When the ambulance arrived a few minutes later he learned that he had saved Falby’s life. After surgery and spending several months in the hospital and a long recovery the patrolman was able to return to his job.
Five years later, around Christmas, Falby was on night patrol when he received a call about a bad accident along U.S. 80 where a car had smashed into a tree. A man was in serious condition and an ambulance was on the way. Falby reached the wreck before the ambulance finding an unconscious and badly injured man slumped across the front car seat. His right pants leg was saturated in blood for he had severed a major artery and was bleeding to death. Falby, well trained in first aid, quickly applied a tourniquet above the ruptured artery. When the bleeding stopped he pulled the man from the car and made him more comfortable. That’s when Falby recognized the man. He was Alfred Smith, the man who had saved his own life in exactly the same way five years prior. Falby told the author, “Well, you might say, it all goes to prove that one good tourniquet deserves another.”
“A Parakeet Named Olie” (my own example): When I was a child in the late 1950’s, around seven years old, I was in Woolworths, a discount general merchandise store. I wandered into the basement level of the store and came upon a bird cage, probably one cubic meter in dimension. There must have been twenty five or more parakeets crammed into the cage. I was completely enchanted by the adorableness of the little pastel colored birds but also felt concerned for their well-being. How I wished they could be free or, at the very least, kept in a much larger cage. This seemingly uneventful experience made an indelible impression on my mind and from that time on I developed quite an affection for birds, particularly parakeets.
Decades later, in 2013, I was at my flute teacher’s home where he and his wife had three parakeets. He told me that initially they had only one but it seemed so unhappy and lacking in any vitality whatsoever they decided to get their pet parakeet two parakeet companions and, from then on, the bird became a much happier and vivacious little creature. A couple of years later I was volunteering at a Hospice Care facility two days a week. On one afternoon the receptionist, Lisa, and I were having a conversation and she was telling me about all the pets she and her husband had. They were animal lovers and had quite a number and variety of domestic animals one of which was a little pastel blue parakeet named Olie. I asked her about the size of Olie’s cage and she said it was probably too small and that she had been considering getting a larger one. I then suggested Olie might also enjoy having a companion or two. From there I elaborated further telling her of the circumstances involving my flute teacher’s parakeets. Lisa was quite receptive and agreed that her parakeet was probably lonely and needed some parakeet companions as well as a larger cage. That evening as I lay in bed I contemplated Lisa’s parakeet’s circumstances hoping that she would follow through and get a larger cage and another parakeet friend or two for little Olie.
The following week, when I arrived at the Hospice facility, Lisa came up to me enthusiastically exclaiming she couldn’t wait to see me again. She went on to say that a couple of days after our conversation she was taking the garbage out to the garbage enclosure in her residential community when she encountered a neighbor. They introduced themselves and during the course of their conversation and getting to know one another he had mentioned to her he had two parakeets that unfortunately he could not keep as he had developed an allergic reaction to them. You can probably guess what happened next. Olie now has two little birdie buddies. And, the neighbor also gave her his much larger cage within which the three little feathery friends tweet and flutter about, and happily so. [A series of events coming together involving pet parakeets].
What do Transcendent Experiences Tell Us and How Can That Information Be Helpful in Everyday Life?
In reality there is no time nor space separating a conscious being from other conscious beings or all of consciousness. Space and time are a construct of the physical brain. When people transcend their physical state, either due to extreme stress, a near death experience, or during meditation, and sometimes aesthetically induced, they may have any number of extraordinary experiences: a mystical one with ‘All that Is’ experience, an intuitive insight, telepathic knowing, a precognitive knowing either while dreaming or awake, teleportation (the sudden appearance of an object) or telekinesis (able to mentally influence matter) and synchronicities. All of them have one thing in common – a collapse of spacetime, thus causality, between one or more persons, or person[s] and an event or place, or material object. These can all be described as simultaneous events; no causality can be ascribed to them. I use the word ‘knowing’ for the information comes whole, as if it has already happened.
Here’s some descriptions from Dr. Joe B. Geraci about his near death experience, “I knew all, was all.” “I was eternity. Like I always was and will be there.” “This everything is experienced all at once; there is no passing from one thing to another.” Many report of past life reviews where they knew and felt every thought and experience that they had during their lives including the effects of their thoughts and actions on all others affected from the others’ point of view. And, that this ‘total panorama’ of their life happened not over time but all at once, simultaneously.
March 8, 2018 – Boise, Idaho
The Paranormal– “The Gold Leaf Lady” by Stephen Braude, PhD
Throughout this website I have written of accounts, research, and findings of valid paranormal and psi phenomena. Having experienced since my youth paranormal and psi events myself (albeit at a relatively minor level) has led to my delving deeper into the matter seeking the nature of these phenomena and perhaps learning how to further develop these faculties. However, at the core of my intent is spirituality; to gain spiritual knowledge and to evolve spiritually. On this site are reports of many extraordinary people and events and here I’ll briefly refer to yet another: Katie, the gold leaf lady.
Katie was born (in the 1950s) in the Tennessee mountains, one of twelve children. The hardships her family faced forced her to leave school at a very young age. She was basically illiterate. Katie became known to Stephen Braude having been referred to him by the psychiatrist Dr. Berthold Schwartz who knew of Braude’s interest in persons who demonstrate paranormal abilities. Dr. Stephen Braude is an emeritus professor and former chairman of the philosophy department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. He is also a jazz musician. Braude researched her and her amazing abilities for about five years (once she had grown into a mature woman). One of these is the ability to unconsciously and spontaneously manifest flakes of what looked like gold, but was actually brass, on her face and elsewhere on her body. Katie was also able to channel Nostradamus through automatic writing in medieval French, a language she could not possibly have known how to write or speak. She also developed some rather useful psi abilities, such as helping police solve crimes and psychic healing. Braude, being an experienced researcher, rules out fraud in this case.
What I consider interesting in this case is her lack of academic training thus its influence on her thinking. As a child she no doubt lived an active life of fantasy and utilized intuition (not mathematics, reading, writing, scientific explanations, etc.) in order to understand and make her way through the world. Possessing a highly developed imagination probably led to her materializing objects, or teleportation, (as in the gold flakes perhaps) and mentally produce other observable effects like psychokinesis (as in psychic healing). She was also telepathic and possessed the ability to remote view (mentally seeing at a distance). Braude informs us that Katie seems to have acquired these attributes as an adult.
One thing researchers often state is that prodigious psychics often, not always, demonstrate these attributes during childhood. In fact, there are many reports of children having these abilities then losing them later in life once they become adults. A man told me he suddenly became telepathic following a concussion that occurred when he fell during a high school basketball game and that the ability disappeared after a couple of years. In the 1970s when the Israeli psychic Uri Geller appeared on American television programs demonstrating his ability to mentally bend spoons the astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who researched his abilities (as did physicists Russell Targ and Hal Putoff at the Stanford Research Institute) received numerous phone calls reporting of children who watched the programs and they too began mentally warping the family silverware. He investigated these cases (usually boys under ten years of age) and declared them to be real and exclaims “… innocent children who had not yet learned this could not be done.”
Having absorbed all this information and writing about psi and the paranormal in this Miracles For All website for around four years now I have concluded (as many others have) that our reality is actually more dream-like than most of us think. This seems apparent in cases of telekinesis (mental effects on matter) and teleportation (the transfer of matter from one place to another without traversing spacetime) where our concepts of spacetime are brought into question; as is also the case with precognition (seeing into the future) and remote viewing (seeing non-locally). Also, our consciousnesses are not at all confined to our brains for we have the ability to resonate with thus telepathically understand and communicate with another or others, including animals, plants, inanimate objects even. It is reasonably postulated that consciousness permeates all things everywhere including seemingly empty space.
There are many studies providing substantial evidence that suggest our thoughts affect that which we think about (an animal, plant or person) regardless of its ‘perceived’ distance from us. I’m compelled to add that empathy, feeling what another or other feels, plays an important role here. In fact, telepathy actually means feeling at a distance. And, this feeling is unavoidable whether consciously acknowledged and detected or not given that all our experiences, including all else involved in our experiences, physical and mental, is subjective (meaning part of us). Nothing is objective, separate or external from our own consciousness.
This brings in the concept of the holographic universe based on a holographic photographic plate that, should it be broken up, each piece has encoded within it the whole of the photographed image; or the Hindu story of Indra’s Net where each jewel at every intersecting point on the net reflects all the others; or every smaller and smaller branching out of a fractal is a reproduction of the whole of the original design.
We have been told by the sages and mystics since antiquity that separate bodies and things and the identities we ascribe to them are illusory much in the way boundaries around states and nations are but man-made constructs, not actual. And what do they give us? Wars, impoverished and wealthy communities and nations, exploitation of others and natural resources leading to the wanton destruction of human lives and the entire planet for profit, and so on. Competition instead of cooperation, thus hell on Earth.
Organized Crime – Gang Stalking
Embedded throughout this Miracles For All website I have reported of my being terrorized for years by members of organized crime. What I have learned over the course of their menacing, over several years in fact, is that the method utilized on me is referred to as gang stalking. What is surprising is how many persons will participate in this sadistic activity. And, many don’t even know the targeted individual nor why they are menacing them. The intention is to psychologically destroy a person for purposes of: forcibly recruiting, revenge, extortion, driving them to suicide, and who knows what else. It can destroy the victim’s familial relationships, friendships, reputation, career, economic circumstances, and health. It is not only a process utilized by the mafia and has been for decades, but also historically by the Russian KGB, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Nazis.
One of the things that internally hounded me throughout was not knowing why I was targeted, and though my curiosity waned over the years I still wanted to know. Very recently I had a conversation with an individual whom I will simply describe as having knowledge of the mafia’s activities and intentions. He explained to me what he thought (he said he did not know) their motive was and why the police and the FBI handled the case as they did (each differently and for different reasons). When he finished I felt a bit stunned for it seemed true. Suddenly, it all made sense to me.
Ordinarily I would report on this website what I learned for it would contribute to a conclusion here (as would my lifeless body). Here’s why I have chosen otherwise. Just about this same time I feel I have come to a heightened spiritual state, or understanding. Over the course of the preceding years, being as stressed and in danger and as isolated as I was, I invested much time in intellectual and spiritual development. I’m generally inclined in that way but, more so given the circumstances for there was little else I could do and I had lost interest in painting.
One of the, if not the most, important concepts in nearly all spiritual and religious teachings is forgiveness. My spiritual guide is the book “A Course In Miracles” and I well understood intellectually its teachings on forgiveness. That being that forgiveness is not an act of charity as in, “you poor misguided soul though you’ve done this damage I forgive you.” But rather, it is a realization, a knowing, what we and all others are in truth. In Christian wording it is referred to as Son of God: eternal and wholly perfect, spiritual; not physical separate beings, but rather one with and created in the likeness of the Creator. While I intellectually understood and did not doubt the truth of the teaching I did not feel it. I am now beginning to. Seeing will follow.
“A Course In Miracles” states repeatedly throughout the text that the world as we perceive it is but a dream.
“A Course In Miracles” – A Manual For Teachers – How Will The World End?
ACIM: Can what has no beginning really end? The world will end in an illusion, as it began. Yet its ending will be an illusion of mercy. The illusion of forgiveness, complete, excluding no one, limitless in gentleness, hiding all evil, concealing all sin and ending guilt forever. So ends the world that guilt had made. For now it has no purpose and is gone. The father, or origin, of illusions is the belief that they have a purpose; that they serve a need or gratify a want. Once perceived as purposeless, they are no longer seen. Their uselessness is then recognized, and thus they are gone. How but in this way are all illusions ended? They have been brought to truth, and truth saw them not. It merely overlooked the meaningless.
Until forgiveness is complete, the world does have a purpose. It becomes the home in which forgiveness is born and where it grows and becomes stronger and more all-embracing. For here it is needed. A gentle Savior, born where sin was made and guilt seemed real. Here is His home, for here there is need of Him indeed. He brings the ending of the (perceived) world with Him. It is His Call God’s teachers answer, turning to Him in silence to receive His Word. The world will end when all things in it have been rightly judged by His judgment. The world will end with the blessing of holiness, oneness, upon it. When not one thought of sin remains the world is over. It will not be destroyed nor attacked nor even touched. What seems to be will merely cease.
Certainly this seems to be a long, long while away. For, “when not one thought of sin remains” appears to be a long-range goal indeed. But time stands still (time being misunderstood) and waits on the goal of God’s teachers. Not one thought of sin will remain the instant any one of them accepts atonement (correction) for himself. It is not easier to forgive one sin than to forgive all of them. The illusion of orders of difficulty is an obstacle the teacher of God must learn to pass by and leave behind. One sin perfectly forgiven by one teacher of God can make the whole of salvation complete. Can you understand this? No; it is meaningless to anyone here. Yet it is the final lesson in which unity, oneness, is restored. It goes against all the thinking of the world, then again so does Heaven.
The world will end when its thought system has been completely reversed. Until then, bits and pieces of its thinking will still seem sensible. The final lesson, which brings the ending of the world, cannot be grasped by those not yet prepared to leave the world and go beyond its tiny reach. What, then, is the function of the teacher of God in this concluding lesson? He need merely learn how to approach it; to be willing to go in its direction. He need merely trust that, if God’s Voice tells him it is a lesson he can learn, he can learn it. He does not judge it either as hard or easy. His Teacher points to it, and he trusts that he will be shown how to learn it.
The world will end in joy, because it is a place of sorrow. When joy has come, the purpose of the world has gone. The world will end in peace, because it is a place of war. When peace has come, what is the purpose of the world? The world will end in laughter, because it is a place of tears. Where there is laughter, who can weep? And only complete forgiveness brings all this to bless the world. In blessing it departs, for it will not end as it began. To turn hell into Heaven is the function of God’s teachers, for what they teach are lessons in which Heaven is reflected. And now sit down in true humility, and realize that all God would have you do you can do. Do not be arrogant and say you cannot learn His curriculum. His Word says otherwise. His Will be done. It cannot be otherwise. And be you thankful it is so.
Note: I am unable to acknowledge the artist who created the painting above as I can find no information identifying who the artist is.
October 2017 – Boise, Idaho
Here I recommend some other excellent websites where the reader can find written works and videos that are along the same lines of works as is found here in MFA.
White Crow Books
White Crow Books makes available for purchase numerous books, eBooks, and audio books on the topics of psychic phenomena, near-death experiences, spiritual awakenings, etc. Many of the works they feature on their website include chapters from these books enabling one to learn much about individuals they may never have otherwise known of and of their extraordinary abilities and experiences.
Lord Dowding
Lord Dowding [Air Chief Marshal Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding] who, in 1940 during World War II, was one of the most prominent men in the UK. What is less well known about him is, after the Battle of Britain, Dowding devoted most of his life to exploring life after death; what we now refer to as psychical research.
Here are excerpts from a chapter in Dowding’s book, “God’s Magic” on the White Crow Books website:
“On the long journey of life the soul experiences much that is disappointing and painful. It is difficult to see through the haze of deceit and horror to the still peace of the divine plan. Yet it is a truth that lies behind all ugliness and malformation.”
“Truth leads to happiness and to joy that is not understandable until it is experienced.”
“Many men teach and believe that sorrow and pain and misery are necessary parts of the evolutionary plan. That is not true. They are necessary only so long as man wills them to be so. You will reply that men learn by suffering, that in these last years the people who suffered became more kindly with one another, more thoughtful, more considerate, while those who were removed from the scenes of horror and destruction remain self-absorbed and wrapped up in their little world. No doubt this is a truth, for humanity is young and weak. But is this the only way to teach tolerance and pity and love? Must you have destruction of life and beauty of form, and horror indescribable, to learn to love your neighbor as yourself? Surely man is not so vile that there is no better way! The way of the divine plan does not include that kind of suffering.”
Here is an excerpt about Lord Dowding from Jeffrey Mishlove’s extraordinary book “The Roots of Consciousness” [link to the essay and the book below]:
“Lord Hugh Dowding, head of the Royal Air Force during WWII, and often called “the man who won the Battle of Britain,” had experiences during the war which led him later to become a major figure in the spiritualist movement. Released secret documents of the British Army reveal that Dowding’s wife was a sensitive. Using methods now known among psi researchers as “remote viewing,” she was able to detect enemy air bases that the army had not discovered through conventional surveillance. These abilities were coupled with a spiritualistic belief which so impress Lord Dowding that he believed himself to be in contact with spirits of the British airmen who had been downed in battle.”
Link to essay from Jeffrey Mishlove’s “The Roots of Consciousness”:
The entire book “The Roots of Consciousness” online and free.
Daniel Dunglas Home
Here’s a brief biography of Daniel Dunglas Home from White Crow Books: Home is regarded by many as the greatest medium of all time. The term ‘psychic’ was coined as a description for his unique gifts and in numerous tests, under laboratory conditions with eminent scientists of the era; he was never once found to be anything other than genuine. History paints Home as the star attraction of the spiritualist movement that was all the rage during the second half of the 19th century. He lived a life akin to that of a character in a Hollywood movie, coming from a [American] humble background to find himself moving between the royal courts of Europe at the behest of their figureheads and eventually marrying into the Russian royal family.
“Incidents in my Life” by Daniel Dunglas Home (1833 – 1886)
Here are some quotes from Home’s book in his Conclusion chapter:
At the institution of the present Royal Society [an independent scientific academy founded in London in 1660] there was a great outcry on the part of the religious persons of the day against the formation of such a society on the grounds that it was blasphemous and wicked to attempt to inquire into what were called God’s mysteries; and it was said that men already had their Bibles, knew enough and ought not to seek to know more.” “I hope that in the manner in which this subject [incidents of a spiritual origin] has been received will in the same way be brought forward to the same great truth that all knowledge is to be pursued, and that we need not fear that we shall ever have too much of it.” “I anticipate, therefore, that when real men of science find these facts not to be impossible they will by their aid be led to knowledge of higher laws, which at present they conceal from themselves…”
His autobiography can be read in full online in pdf format:
Sacred Geometry and Frequency
No website covering spiritual, paranormal, philosophical, and psychic phenomena would be complete without including sacred geometry and sonic frequency findings. The quality of the material and the presentation in these next two videos covering the remarkable numerical (geometry and sound frequency) coincidences that appear all over the world is most impressive.
Sonic Geometry the Language of Frequency and Form
The introduction states: Throughout history, numerous synchronistic clues and hints regarding geometry and sonic frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form.
The ancient Sumerians are referred to frequently in the video. Here is a sample of ancient Sumerian cuneiform writing.
Sonic Geometry 2: The Language of Frequency and Form
The works in the second video grow even more complete and intriguing. It reviews some of the information from the first video which is quite helpful. I found in both videos that it was worthwhile to take notes and research further some of the facts they present.
For example: The video mentions Göbekli Tepe, an ancient temple in Turkey dating back as far as 12,000 years ago whereas Stonehenge in England is dated back to around 5,000 years ago. Göbekli Tepe has about 20 installations with monumental pillars in the center of each installation. Each T-shaped pillar varies between 40 to 60 tons leaving us to wonder as to how they got these stone blocks there and how they erected them in a time when even simple hand tools are not much found to have existed and no settlement nor society to speak of in a world of roaming hunter-gatherers. The complexity of these temples represents another enigma for archeologists as to how and when civilized human history began.
September, 2017 – Boise, Idaho
Leo Tolstoy Synchronicity
Having read Leo Tolstoy’s post conversion works, in particular, “The Kingdom of God is Within You,” I felt inspired to create a website dedicated to his brilliant arguments on behalf of religion and pacifism, for I felt if many were familiar with his reasoning, especially on pacifism, it could greatly contribute to peace on Earth.
I published the website twelve months ago and was recently perusing a Facebook page from Algiers that appeared in my “People you may Know” section. As I scrolled down the page featuring Algerian street scenes and architecture I noticed an image of Leo Tolstoy along with a quote of his in Arabic. I clicked for a translation and this is what was written in English:
“I’ve loved your beauty for a long time, but I’ve just begun to love the immortal and the Leslie in you – your heart, your soul…” “But when it comes to the spirit, I have to learn first how I know it. Believe me, nothing is given to this earth without effort, even love, the most common sense of nature.”
Leo Tolstoy is prominently featured on this MFA website:
(O) Leo Tolstoy – The Tough Pacifist
Postscript: Synchronicities are always meaningful.
July 27, 2017 – Boise, Idaho
An Experiment to Remote View God – My own and why not?
Russell Targ’s Stanford Research Institute International Work with Remote Viewing
Dr. Russell Targ, a renowned laser physicist co-founded, along with physicist Dr. Harold Puthoff, the remote viewing research program at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) International. He is author and coauthor of many books including “Limitless Mind and The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities.”
In the New Thinking Allowed video [link below] titled, Early Years with Psi Research at SRI International with Russell Targ, he describes the process that led to his involvement in the field of parapsychology. When Targ was a child his father, a book publisher, was publishing books by a renowned magician and this sparked Russell’s interest in magic. He and his father would attend stage magic shows then attempt to figure out, using their analytical skills, how the magicians’ tricks were accomplished. His father gave him a magic kit with linking rings, cups and disappearing and reappearing balls, etc. and Targ became a rather serious child magician.
As a teenager, he became familiar with the card-guessing ESP experiments of J. B. Rhine. Then in later years, while working as a laser physicist, he began to build equipment for the purpose of testing and training both ESP and psychokinesis; simple training with feedback enabling an individual to learn what it feels like when using their psychic abilities. Eventually, in 1971, his work in this field came to the attention of NASA and he had an opportunity to demonstrate his machine to Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun, a German, later American, aerospace engineer and space architect who, by the way, also was quite a fascinating person.
As an amusing aside I am compelled to include a few of von Braun’s quotes:
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.”
“There is just one thing I can promise you about the outer space program – your tax dollar will go further.”
As it turned out von Braun performed excellently with Targ’s ESP training machine and he then recommended Targ and his work to the administrator at NASA. They agreed to fund the work Targ wanted to start at Stanford University (investigating the potential for the development of psychic abilities). He had also been visiting the CIA and they too agreed to help fund his project. From there he approached Hal Puthoff who had already been working at SR. They, along with the astronaut Edgar Mitchell who had just returned from space, got Charles Anderson, the head of SRI, to approve their working at the Stanford institute. By the way, Mitchell conducted an ESP experiment while on the space shuttle.
Jeffrey Mishlove, who interviews Russell Targ on his program New Thinking Allowed, [links to three NTA videos below] mentions that Anderson was taking a big chance in approving the program given that parapsychology research is quite controversial and skeptics, or scoffers really, can be very nasty.
Targ adds that although they had no credentials for doing ESP research he had already established himself as a noted laser physicist and Puthoff was a Stanford Ph.D. who had written a book on quantum electronics. Thus the two of them, along with Edgar Mitchell, had already proven they were experts in challenging fields and that they that could deal with difficult projects. Their psychic research facility went on to be a successful 20 million dollar, twenty year program.
Note: Targ mentions that his ESP Trainer is an app available for free [link below].
Remarkable Remote Viewers Ingo Swann, Pat Price, Hella Hammid, and some CIA Agents
One of the reasons for their success was the very talented psychic individuals whom they attracted and were then able to work with. Ingo Swann, was a New York artist who had already gained recognition for his participation in, not just ESP experiments, but for his out-of- body excursions where he could not only remotely perceive the details of a distant location but actually wander around as though he were there, yet in fact was physically located elsewhere.
The researchers at SRI would ask Swann to describe to them what was hidden in a box, or an envelope, and he soon became impatient stating that he could remotely view any place anywhere on the planet, or in the universe. He said if they did not recognize and utilize his abilities he was going to go home and resume painting. Swann then suggested that they hide someone somewhere in the [San Francisco] Bay Area and he would describe where the person was. And thus they began this practice producing substantial evidence of Swann’s, and others’, remarkable remote viewing psychic abilities.
Targ states that Ingo Swann was the father of the practice of their remote viewing exercises that they went on to study for decades. One thing that came up during the interview was that Swann was involved with Scientology. However, Targ mentions that he was also aware that the artist was genetically predisposed since childhood toward psychic abilities and adds that it appears prodigious psychics generally are.
Around this time Pat Price (who also was a Scientologist) contacted them and said that he had been using these same faculties as a police commissioner explaining that he would quiet his mind and could remote view where, for example, a criminal was hiding and the police would go and pick him up. Targ states that due to his being associated with these individuals over a long period of time he became familiar with Scientology methods yet he did not think that they were at all necessary in order to develop psychic abilities.
In the videos below Targ goes into some detail describing various remote viewing experiments that produced quite impressive results. A person would go to a particular location and the remote viewer at the SRI lab, in a shielded room, a Faraday cage (not allowing even for electromagnetic radiation to penetrate), would sketch what images would arise in their mind. He tells us that Hal Putoff would hide in a particular location in the Bay Area and Price, in seven out of nine trials, could identify the location on the first try. In one case Pat Price saw and drew objects, water tanks, that when the researchers looked at his drawings they assumed he had erred for the tanks did not exist at the location. However, ten years later they discovered by chance that 100 years prior those water tanks were in fact where Price had remotely seen them. They then learned that this faculty was not limited by seeing only currently existing structures, terrain, etc.
If I may conjecture here, space (thus distance) and time are intrinsically linked; one only potentially exists because of the other which only potentially exists because of the other. Spacetime can be thought of as like two sides of the same coin. In fact, spacetime may be but a construct of the human mind (thus the notion of separateness). Therefore, if remote viewing is not hampered by space nor would it be by time.
The CIA was concerned with Ingo Swann’s and Pat Price’s connections with Scientology and that they were both long term psychics (meaning since childhood) and asked if the researchers could find an ordinary person who could remote view. So Targ chose a friend of his, a photographer for Time Magazine, Hella Hammid. She thought it very entertaining that she could possibly be a remote viewer for the CIA and get paid for it; so she decided to give it a try. She had never previously shown psychic abilities although she was open to the possibility and meditated. Hella went on to do extraordinarily well; even better than Price did! The CIA having been impressed with these results sent Targ’s group some agents (one a female mechanical engineer) who also performed excellently.
Mishlove suggests during the interview that even though the SRI project has since closed down that the CIA has perhaps continued with this work. Of course they wouldn’t know if this is the case … or would they?
On one occasion Pat Price did not show up for a scheduled series of remote viewing exercises in Columbia, so Targ tried it and he too produced impressive results.
Attempts to Remote View God
Part of Targ’s job was to keep the remote viewer from analyzing their sketches as they drew them; telling them to just sketch that which came to their minds and not concern themselves with what the drawings may represent. For, this would interfere with the process, and the drawings would most likely appear rather abstruse to the remote viewer.
So I decided I would give remote viewing a try and remote view God. I sketched whatever came to mind then afterward analyzed the rather strange, left-of-center, line drawing and later added the words in an attempt to make sense of the drawing. Steven Schwartz, another remote viewing expert Dr. Mishlove has interviewed, tried something similar with a group of people, instead attempting to remote view the future and he claims this produced significant, verifiable (over the years) results. What if others, having not seen the sketch below, gave remote viewing God a try and then the drawings were compared? I’m not sure what it would prove but it might produce interesting results nonetheless.
Here are links to three Russell Targ interviews with Jeffrey Mishlove on the “New Thinking Allowed” program and below those the link to Dr. Russell Targ’s trainer app:
Early Years with Psi Research at SRI International with Russell Targ:
Military Intelligence Interest in Remote Viewing:
Historical Highlights of Paranormal Psychology with Russell Targ:
ESP Trainer by Russell Targ app:
June 18, 2017 – Boise, Idaho
Miracles and synchronicities are natural and happen all the time.
Miracles and Synchronicities are considered acausal events, but perhaps this is not so.
Step (A) an idea or intent directly leads to → step (D) where a specifically similar objective reality (event or thing) appears.
Steps (B) as in going to the location to purchase an item and (C) makes the purchase – are bypassed, leaped over. Yet, causality (A) and (D) still occurs.
For example (actual): Step (A) Leslie decided to purchase a box of Lego building blocks and step (D) that evening, on an errand to make the purchase, one appears on the ground near the car. Steps (A) Leslie contemplated choosing a number of specific cards from a deck without seeing the face of the 42 cards and goes directly to step (D) repeatedly selects the ones she sought on the first attempt. There was no looking at the faces of the cards then selecting the specific cards in between having the thought of the cards. The intents here seemed to miraculously manifest the outcome by bypassing the in-between, work or doing, steps (B) and (C).
Synchronicities are often referred to as meaningful coincidences. To whom? I suggest they are generally collectively meaningful. And, once the interest, or meaningfulness of something reaches a significant number of parties, a critical mass, associated synchronistic coincidences begin to occur. For example, as in the Ouroboros [see post dated May 26, 2017 below], the symbol of a snake biting its own tail which repeatedly, synchronistically, mysteriously appears globally and often representing the same or similar concept – death and rebirth, regeneration, again and again. For that reason the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung identified the Ouroboros as an archetype [a recurrent symbol]. Carl Jung, along with his collaborator on the subject, the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, were both renowned for their interest in synchronicities. In fact, it was Jung who named the meaningful coincidences such.
An experiencer of a synchronicity may not realize, detect in any way, the participation or contribution of others (neither will the others, for that matter). What is meaningful to one is culturally or biologically meaningful to others within their particular community, and beyond most likely. Collective interest and attention are aspects of that which is determined as meaningful collectively and thus contributes to the greater likelihood of synchronistic experiences amongst individuals.
A singular antecedent, such as an individual’s mental focus on an object or event leading to a synchronistic event correlated with the object or event, is highly unlikely. There are no single antecedents; any thought, any idea (thing or event as well) is preceded by countless sources, consciously realized or not. (Excluding, of course, those ideas that proceed from “The Great Ancestor” or the Divine, or God). To constantly remind oneself of such expands the mind thus also increases the probability of experiencing synchronicities.
The placebo effect is seemingly a miraculous occurrence but, in truth, it is brought about by faith, or believing:
(A) → leads to (C) → which leads to → (D)
Step (A) Sick patient needs medicine → step (C) takes inert pill (not knowing it is inert for, it’s about believing) then → step (D) patient is healed.
Step (B) = scientifically tested and proven, manufactured, and commercially distributed processes (loads of work) are bypassed, transcended.
Multiple Discoveries examples (which can be thought of as synchronistic):
– Calculus (mid-17th century): It is now claimed that Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz both independently formulated calculus, and around the same time.
– Theory of Evolution (1840, 1857): Charles Darwin discovered it in 1840 (did not publish until much later) as did Alfred Russel Wallace, separately, in 1857. They released a joint publication in 1859.
– Polio Vaccine (1950-63): Hilary Koprowski, Jonas Salk, and Albert Sabin all developed successful polio vaccines independent of each other.
– E=mc^2 (1900-1906): While Einstein is credited for producing the famous equation with his theory of relativity, Henri Poincaré, Olinto De Pretto, and Paul Langevin all came up with similar theories of the mass-energy relationship.
– Telephone (1876): Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell filed a patent for the discovery of the telephone on the same day.
Quotes regarding multiple discoveries:
“You do not [make a discovery] until a background knowledge is built up to a place where it’s almost impossible not to see the new thing, and it often happens that the new step is done contemporaneously in two different places in the world, independently.”
- A physicist Nobel laureate interviewed by Harriet Zuckerman: “Nobel Laureates in the United States,” 1977.
“[A] man can no more be completely original […] than a tree can grow out of air.”
– George Bernard Shaw (1905).
“When the time is ripe for certain things, these things appear in different places in the manner of violets coming to light in early spring.”
– Farkas Bolyai to his son, Janos Bolyai urging him to claim the invention of non-Euclidean geometry without delay.
From the book, “Synchronicity: Multiple Perspectives on Meaningful Coincidence” by Lance Storm: “…holds that all of life, that is to say, nature in its entirety is bound together in a highly complex whole through a process of spontaneous self-organization.” – quote by Robert Aziz.
Morphic Resonance example, hypothetical:
A mass of organisms dying off, for example, algae in an increasingly polluted pond, produces some offspring that ultimately, through a series of subsequent generations of mutated, adaptive offspring, enables the colony of algae to survive. That colony of algae, once having reached a critical mass, a certain amount of mutated survivors, by currently unknown, or undetectable, means affects same or similar organisms at a distance. And these organisms, in response to similar changes in their environment, bypass numbers of generations of increasingly adaptive, mutated, offspring that the first colony required in order to successfully mutate thus survive. In other words, it took the original colony of algae more generations to adapt than the second colony.
The first colony, through morphic resonance, relayed the necessary genetic adaptation information to the second colony. Also, and very important to note, the genetic information (how to adapt, to mutate) from the first colony to the second colony has no apparent, no detectable, form of transmission; as in interbreeding, for example. (Thus the theory referred to as morphic resonance). An evolutionary causal leap (a spacetime leap, or transcendence) occurred in the second colony – going from step (A) → to (D) bypassing steps (B) and (C) (steps in this case being generations).
In other words, a spacetime leap, a transcendence, between the two colonies can be said of the transmission of the genetic adaptivity information as well as the skipping of many [numbers] of generations necessary for producing stable, mutated, adapted, organisms.
What is also important to note here is the aspect of a critical mass: that being a particular number of repeated and ultimately thus stablized form of survivors. And, once these stabilized mutations reach a certain amount, a critical mass, then that genetic information transcends the immediate environment affecting same or similar species at a distance. These two colonies, though separated in spacetime, act as one.
Note: See Chapter (K) Rupert Sheldrake “Morphic Resonance” [link below] for an overview and video of the scientist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s proposed theory of morphic resonance. It is a brilliant and important perspective on the evolution of species with even broader implications than just biological evolution.
Consider also, for example, researcher and subject not being separate in and of themselves. Rather, effective, meaningful outcomes, or results, are a process of self-organization involving a complex whole. Inclusiveness and connectedness, as in researcher and subject, and lab, and community, and so on, collectively (although not consciously recognized), harmoniously, resonantly (as in morphic resonance) produce meaningful, much needed results. My point here (and throughout this essay) is that recognizing this wholeness leads to its access and invaluable resources.
The discovery of penicillin: Consider for example, Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin. His findings were a product of a greater, an unseen, collaborative process fulfilling a global need at the time. The objective, the intent, in actuality was a collective, whole process; far, far greater than merely the contribution of one man. The process leading up to this important discovery and its helpful effects was collective; the extent of which is uncountable. The unseen efforts and information contributing to the success of discovering penicillin (like the unseen mutation information transmitted from the first algae colony to the second as mentioned above) can be thought of, for the sake of imagery, as spherical-like; as in invisible orbitals surrounding above and beyond a lower evolutionary state. And, once a critical mass of similarly intentioned participants is reached within a particular state (an evolutionary state), a transcendent jump into a higher ‘orbital’ state occurs. This is obviously analogous to the orbital leaps of electrons surrounding an atomic nucleus once having absorbed a high energy photon.
Enough individuals making these leaps will in time bring the whole of the species into this higher, now actualized (no longer invisible or imagined) state whatever that state may ultimately be. For example, idealistically: no more deaths due to a specific disease; no more disease in general; no more starvation, war, etc. In other words, evolutionary developments are not at all limited to individuals and causal events occurring like discreet points along a timeline of progression. They are more like leaps in spacetime facilitated by a critical mass then greatly influencing the greater whole.
What is important to note here is, that this process of a greater collective contribution is true of all discoveries, all deeds and activities, great and small, good and bad alike.
It is not at all inconceivable that the discovery of penicillin, for example, may have simultaneously occurred amongst similar species and civilizations throughout the universe. Fleming, and others, were somehow receptive to the discovery of a much needed drug at a particular time. This universal wholeness and its processes, its evolutionary effects, are not just a metaphysics, a religious, or a philosophical oneness concept. It may be a natural, impersonal [meaning non-individualized, non-ego] process of evolution. In fact, we all have access to this universal wholeness, its processes, its perfection, its Divinity. (The objective of every meditator is it not?).
The Near Death Experience
Anita Moorjani had been given just hours to live by her doctors when she arrived at the hospital in a coma in February, 2006. Unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for nearly four years, Anita entered another dimension. Her remarkable NDE (near-death experience) and subsequent healing from end-stage cancer is one of the most amazing cases of a complete recovery ever recorded. She states that while comatose and very near death she could see her body from a state of consciousness outside it, yet felt no attachment to it. Anita goes on to describe that while in this state it seemed as though she had all around vision, and not just in her immediate environment, but beyond. She adds that she felt she could be everywhere all at the same time. And, that wherever specifically she focused her awareness, there she was. She describes her experiences in detail in her book, “Dying to be Me.”
Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander III had been at Harvard Medical School for 15 years. He states that he spent the first 54 years of his life committed to a materialist scientist world view. He felt he knew much about how brain, mind, and consciousness interrelated. This was turned completely upside down when in 2008 he was suddenly thrust into a coma with a severe gram-negative bacterial meningitis; the worst meningitis one could possibly have. It destroys the outer surface, the complex functioning part of the brain, the neocortex. There was also swelling down to his brain stem. His brain scans confirm this. Dr. Alexander mentions that neuroscience models of consciousness all postulate that the advanced calculating functioning processes of the neocortex are essential for consciousness. However, while deep within a coma with his neocortex devastated, his consciousness nonetheless expanded tremendously. And, like Anita, he survived and experienced a full recovery, seemingly miraculously.
Dr. Alexander says that technology has enabled more and more persons to survive following having died in a hospital environment (as in cardiac arrest) where they are able to provide verifiable evidence of continuing to survive, even more fully, without a functioning brain or body. And that he believes this is happening now, worldwide, for a reason [reaching a critical mass imparting important, much needed, information]. Dr. Alexander also states emphatically, what he learned was that we have nothing to fear. He also describes his experiences in his book “Proof of Heaven.”
Again, as quoted above, “When the time is ripe for certain things, these things appear in different places in the manner of violets coming to light in early spring.” – Farkas Bolyai to his son, Janos Bolyai.
Dr. Raymond Moody’s book, “Life After Life” (pub. 1979) where he cites interviews with 150 people who reported of near death experiences. His work did much to spark further research into the field of the near death experience and encourage many, many others to share their similar experiences. The paragraph below is from ACIM and can be viewed in the Miracles For All chapter (D) The Book “A Course In Miracles” [link below]:
ACIM – I Release the World from all I Thought it was. “ … the healing of oneself thus the healing of the world is the gift of those who are prepared to learn there is no world of suffering, of death (for, they need not be at all nor are real in their effects) and can now accept this teaching. “Their readiness will bring it to them in some form which they can understand and recognize it. Some see it suddenly on point of death, and rise to teach it.””
From Step (A) → to Unity – A Course In Miracles Lesson 184
The Name of God
You live by symbols. You have made up names for everything you see. Each one becomes a separate entity, identified by its own name. By this you carve it out of unity. By this you designate its special attributes, and set it off from other things by emphasizing the space surrounding it. This space you lay between all things to which you give a different name; all happenings in terms of place and time; all bodies which are greeted by a name.
This space you see as setting off all things from one another is the means by which the world’s perception is made. You see something where nothing is, and see as well nothing where there is unity; a space between all things, between all things and you. Thus you think that you have given life in separation. By this split you think you are established as an entity which functions with an independent will.
What are these names by which the world becomes a series of discrete events, of things ununified, of bodies kept apart and holding bits of mind as separate awarenesses? You gave these names to them, establishing perception as you wished to have perception be. The nameless things were given names, and thus reality was given them as well. For what is named is given the name’s meaning and will then be seen as such; a cause and effect, with an inherent consequence – inherent in and of itself.
This is the way reality is made partial and set against the truth: unity. It conceives of little, discreet things and looks upon them as such. And a lack of space [no separation] thus a sense of unity, vision, sees differently and becomes the threats which it [separation] must conflict with and deny. Yet does this other vision still remain a natural direction for the mind to channel its perception.
It is hard to teach the mind a thousand names, and thousands more. Yet you believe this is what learning is; its one essential goal by which communication is achieved, and concepts can be meaningfully shared. This is the sum of the discreet parts the teaching of the world bestows. And everyone who is taught and learns to think that it is so accepts the signs and symbols that, in turn, assert that such a world is real leaving no doubt that what is named is there. And, such is anticipated, [probabilistically] predicted. That which denies that this is true, [Unity, Oneness with All that Is, God] is considered the illusion, madness even. For, separateness (the discreet parts, their names, their causes and effects] is the ultimate reality and to accept its pretense is the proof of sanity.
Such is the teaching of the world. It is a phase of learning everyone who comes must go through. But the sooner he perceives on what it rests, how questionable are its premises, how doubtful its results, the sooner does he question its effects. Learning that stops with what the world would teach stops short of meaning [of purpose, of realizing its Source]. Yet, in its proper place, it serves but as a starting point from which another kind of learning can begin, a new perception can be gained, and all the arbitrary names the world bestows can be withdrawn as they are raised to doubt.
Think not you made the world. Illusions, yes! But what is true in Earth and Heaven is beyond your naming. When you call upon a brother, it is to his body that you make your appeal. His true Identity is hidden from you by what you believe he really is. His body then responds to what you call him, for his mind consents to take the name [thus the false identity] you give him as his own. And thus his unity is twice denied, for you perceive him separate from you, and he accepts this separate name as his.
Yet, it would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a teaching [and thus learning] function. You have need to use the symbols of the world a while. But, do not be deceived by them as well. They do not stand for anything at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from them. They become but means for which you can communicate in ways the world can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true communication can be found.
Thus what you need are intervals each day in which the learning of the world becomes a transitory phase; a prison house from which you go into the sunlight and forget the darkness. Here you understand the Word, the Name which God has given you [Christ, Son of God]; the one Identity which all things share; the one acknowledgment of what is true. And then step back to darkness, not because you think it real, but only to proclaim its unreality in terms which still have meaning in the world that darkness rules. [Reminiscent of the allegory of Plato’s Cave, is it not?]
Use all the little names and symbols which delineate the world of darkness. Yet accept them not as your reality, recalling instead creation has one Name, one meaning, and a single Source which unifies all things within Itself. Use all the names but for convenience never forgetting they share the Name of God along with you.
God has no name. And yet His Name becomes the final lesson that all things are one, and at this lesson does all learning end. All names are unified; all space is filled with truth’s reflection. Every gap is closed, and separation healed. The Word, the Name of God, represents the inheritance [Heaven, perfect unity, oneness with God] He gave to those who chose the teaching of the world to take the place of Heaven instead. In our practicing, our intent is to let our minds accept, to provide the answer in response to the pitiful inheritance you made [a world of fear, lack, death even] as fitting for the Son He loves.
No one can fail who seeks the meaning of the Name, the Word, God. Still, experience must come to supplement the Word. But first you must accept the Name for all of reality, and realize the many names you gave its aspects instead have distorted what you see, but have not interfered with truth at all. One Name we bring into our practicing. One Name we use to unify our sight – God.
And though we use a different name for each awareness of an aspect of God, we understand that they have but one Name, which He has given them. It is this Name we use in practicing. And through Its use, all foolish separations disappear which has kept us blind [of limited consciousness, limited awareness]. And, we are given strength to see beyond them. Now our sight is blessed with blessings we can give as we receive.
Father, our Name is Yours. In It we are united with all living things, and You Who are their one Creator. What we made and call by many different names is but a shadow we have tried to cast across Your Own reality. And we are glad and thankful we were wrong. All our mistakes we give to You, that we may be absolved from all effects our errors seemed to have. And we accept the truth You give, in place of every one of them. Your Name is our salvation and escape from what we made. Your Name unites us in the oneness which is our inheritance and peace. Amen.
“A Course In Miracles” also states that the Self needs no miracles. And, in recognizing the Son of God (the perfection, the unity of all of God’s creation) one can save themselves, bypass, thousands of lifetimes. (Kind of like the second colony of algae by passing generations). What would a thousand lifetimes of human evolution be like? No disease, perfect communication (as in telepathy), no lack, no want, nothing to fear, no death thus no need for rebirth, no snake even.
Sources: too numerous to list.
– MFA Chapter (L) Ancient Chinese Sages and Greek Philosophers:
– MFA Chapter (K) Rupert Sheldrake – “Morphic Resonance”:
Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani TEDx Bay Area:
Dr. Eben Alexander – Near Death Experience, Proof of Heaven, Universal LOVE:
May 26, 2017 – Boise, Idaho
“Lady, you knew all along I was a snake.”
During this past week (as of this writing) I had a series of three synchronicities within a three day time span related to the same subject, snake bites, as well as a couple of other miraculous occurrences.
Nature’s cycles of creation, destruction, and transformation, including reincarnation
The subject of snake bites appeared in two written works: One was in a chapter about reincarnation in a book I was reading by Stafford Betty titled, “When Did You Ever Become Less by Dying.” The book was not about reincarnation specifically; only that chapter explored the possibility of such. The author mentioned an individual, a little eastern Indian girl, who had provided compelling evidence of a previous life of hers including the information that, that life ended as a result of a poisonous snake bite. And the other (coincidentally, just prior to reading the chapter about reincarnation in Betty’s book) was in an email I wrote to a friend describing to him of a hypnotically induced past life regression I tried around a year ago where I died the result of a poisonous snake bite. I cannot make the claim that the hypnotic regression revealed an actual past life. I tend to think that it was imagined by me and allegorically similar to actual events having happened in my current life.
During the regression I saw, or imagined myself to be, an aboriginal African male (dark-skinned and of small stature, possibly a pigmy) who was banished from his tribe; for what offense I do not know. He, with a small sack of possessions, climbed into a primitive boat and headed down a river eventually docking his boat along the bank of the river with the intention of turning in for the night. As he was in the water up to his thighs, pushing the boat ashore, a poisonous water snake bit him in the thigh. The man knew instantly what his fate was; that he was to die very soon. And, as he was lying on the shore of the river he thought to himself, “Here I will die just as the animals in the jungle die.”
What was peculiar about this was, following this I noticed a slightly painful, reddish colored bump on my leg but a few inches lower than where the tribesman was bitten, and it lasted for a couple of days. It was not there before the hypnotic regression.
I tried another hypnotically induced past life regression that was equally as sorrowful. Both times I ‘came to’ crying. Therefore, I haven’t been particularly interested in attempting another one since.
The next snake bite event (again, all within 3 days) involved an actual encounter I had with a snake as I rode my bike along a path near the Boise River. It was endangered and I considered rescuing it. I then recalled an old African folk tale where a lady encounters a dying snake by a river (note the three river connections) and decides to be its savior. She takes the creature home with her and nurses it back to health. As she is caressing the snake prior to releasing it back into the wild it bites her. And, as the venom is coursing through her veins and she is dying she asks it, “How, after all her loving kindness, could he do this to her?” The snake replies, “Lady, you knew all along I was a snake.” So I left the snake in its imperiled state though it appeared to be but a harmless garter snake [image below].
On this MFA website I’ve repeatedly pointed out that synchronicities are always meaningful. Here [below] one can see that the symbolism of the snake appears in religious mythology and folklore throughout the world since ancient times; in particular in reference to creation and destruction, birth, death and rebirth, renewal, and as referred to above, reincarnation.
For example: In Ancient Egypt, the tail-eating snake, or serpent, the Ouroboros, is featured in the funerary text in the tomb of Tutankhamun (1332 -1323 BC.). Two serpents, holding their tails in their mouths, coil around an enormous god and this, according to some interpretations, represents a unified Ra (the Sun God – the primary God of Ancient Egypt) and Osiris (the God of the afterlife, the underworld). Both serpents are an aspect of the deity Mehen, the coiled one, who protects Ra during his underworld journey. The whole of the divine Mehen figure represents the beginning and the end of time.
From the Egyptian museum: Ra, The Sun God, is protected by Mehen, the coiled one during his underworld journey.
In Norse mythology, the serpent Jörmungandr is an enormous oceanic beast and one of the monstrous children of the god Loki; a creature so large it encircles the whole world holding its tail in its mouth. One day, according to Nordic prophecy, it will release its tail from its mouth and rise from the ocean depths to harken in the end, then rebirth, of Earth.
In Hindu iconography, the snake, Vasuki, often surrounds the god Shiva, one of the principle deities of Hinduism; the God of creation, destruction, and transformation.
In Buddhism, the naga (Sanskrit and Pali word for a deity or class of entity or being taking the form of a very great snake specifically the king cobra) which is seen sheltering the Buddha while meditating is known as Mucilanda. Mucilanda is believed to have protected the Buddha from the elements like rain and storm after he attained enlightenment. It is said that the four weeks after the Buddha began meditating under the Bodhi tree, the heavens darkened for seven days and a heavy rainfall started. The mighty king of the serpents, Mucilanda then is believed to have emerged from beneath the earth and protected the Buddha with his hood as the Buddha is considered the source of all protection.
In many cultures the power of the serpent is a representation of primal energy (or Shakti). This energy remains coiled within at the base of our spine in the sacrum, a triangular bone. There it sits dormant until it’s ready to move thus achieving kundalini, or awakening. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of “awakening” kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment and a range of supernormal powers.
Again, globally, a snake biting its tail repeatedly appears representing cycles; eternal return or cyclicality; the infinite cycle of nature’s creation and destruction, of life and death and renewal as in the snake shedding its skin. Because it has appeared across so many cultures for so long, the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung considered the icon one of the primordial archetypes of the human psyche. The serpent biting its tail is sometimes also seen as a symbol for infinity.
In a different context entirely, here is a testimony by the organic chemist, August Kekulé (1829 – 1896), considered the principal founder of chemical structure who, in a dream state, discovered the molecular structure of benzene: “I was sitting, writing at my text-book, but the work did not progress; my thoughts were elsewhere. I turned my chair to the fire and dozed. Again the atoms were gamboling before my eyes. This time the smaller groups kept modestly in the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by the repeated visions of the kind, could now distinguish larger structures of manifold conformation: long rows, sometimes more closely fitted together; all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes …”
Note: Benzene is a widely used industrial chemical and a major component of gasoline. It is also used to make plastics, resins, synthetic fibers, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides. It is naturally produced in volcanoes and forest fires.
Gandhi’s views on reincarnation
According to Dr. Stafford Betty, Gandhi, a Hindu, seems never to have doubted reincarnation. He regarded is as a great mercy. Rather than giving us one long Earth life of hundreds, or even thousands of years God chose instead to give us many lives of far shorter duration. Gandhi suggested that we consider the mess most of us make of our lives due to foolish choices. Many have ruined their reputations, if not their very lives, and the world may view them with contempt. Others nurse hatreds, resentments, and jealousies that destroy the sweetness in them. And in other cases still, there are those who have been scarred by psychological or sexual abuse, or have been driven to insanity due to extreme pressures. Imagine how miserable most of us would be if forced to live with all this debris for a thousand or more uninterrupted years. Most of us need a fresh start, and if not us, then those whom we love. And reincarnation, according to Gandhi, is God’s way of providing such.
Now bear with me here as the text will seem to veer too far from its original subject matter, snake bites and symbolism. As I mentioned in a previous post, I had undergone a daily practice of listening to the “Miracle Healing Recording” on this site and, as well, had been doing the daily exercises in “A Course In Miracles” which, or so it seems, has produced a considerable increase in miraculous experiences – as many as four daily. For around four weeks during the course and chaos of my move from Colorado to Idaho they ceased. Yet now that I am reasonably settled and I have returned to the practice, the increase in miraculous events also seems to have returned.
Link to the “Miracle Healing Recording”:
Extra Sensory Perception
The aforementioned snake bite synchronicities I experienced are not all of the surprising set of events that have occurred during this past week. I tried an ESP experiment with a deck of 45 colorful cards featuring images of fruits, flowers, a waterfall, a forest, a rainbow, etc. The results were nothing short of shocking. I would think of a card and peruse, by slowly observing the full deck (the backs of the cards) I had fanned out in my hands, then pull out the very card I thought of; many times on the first try, but if not, the second. I should add that if the first card was incorrect it was a card I had previously selected! I did this maybe fifteen times before quitting. Each time, of course, I was careful to shuffle the cards in such a way that I could neither consciously nor subconsciously have known where in the deck the sought for card was.
A similar circumstance is reported of on this website in Chapter (A) Miracles, titled “ESP and a Deck of Cards”:
The painting “White Centerpiece” foretells of a difficulty
Recall in the previous post [dated May 7, 2017, below] I write beneath the artwork, “I was to ceremoniously hang the first painting titled “White Centerpiece” on a wall in my new home. I placed it on the floor below where it was to be hung then removed the bubble wrap intended to protect the frame’s corners only to have the masking tape, securing the bubble wrap, tear off the silver finish exposing the wood underneath! It looks not at all presentable in its current condition. I could not avoid the feeling this was telling me something.”
This proved to be prophetic. I had a minor tooth problem that I had seen a dentist about in Boulder, Colorado just prior to my departure for Boise. The dentist seriously botched the work which, once I had arrived and settled in Boise, had resulted in the extraction of the tooth; that combined with the rest of the work necessary to remedy the situation will cost me several thousand dollars. For one week, once the tooth was removed, I felt quite self-conscious given the vacancy in my mouth where the tooth had been. Not feeling presentable, I kept a low profile; not venturing out into my new habitat much. Currently, there is a temporary tooth in its place and I feel better, less self-conscious, about my appearance (not the outlandish expense though).
Now, ready to get out and meet new people, I discovered online a local meeting of spiritually minded people. Being one myself I decided to attend, following which I did not feel inclined to become a member of this particular group. For, I was not interested in further familiarizing myself (as I already had in the past) with the various ideologies expressed by the members of the group. However, once the meeting had ended and I headed homeward, driving along a four lane road, I pulled up behind a car stopped at a red light. In the rear window of the car was a small sticker that read, “God is All.” Then, a car pulled up alongside that one and, in the very same position on its rear window, there was a small sticker that read, “Christ is the way.”
To me this was significant because of all the works (spiritual, religious, philosophical, of paranormal evidences, and scientific theories and findings) I have read, studied, and listened to lectures and interviews about, I have found “A Course In Miracles” (Jesus Christ being the source of the written works) to be the most profound and true, and actually produces results – miracles. It rarely contradicts, or is in conflict with, other religious, spiritual and philosophical concepts I have explored (many in-depth) and highly regard. In fact, I find ACIM to be all-inclusive which is important to me.
The serpent in the Garden of Eden
Yesterday (Sunday, May 27), believing the above essay to be complete, I emailed it to my friend Chad for editing without this part [below] for, it hadn’t happened yet. I intentionally did not include the Biblical story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden [above], an obvious omission, for I’ve never cared much for the story. Having finished Betty’s book a couple of days ago and with no other book lined up, I decided to again read “A Course in Miracles” from the beginning as well as continue with the ACIM daily lessons especially since miracles are again occurring in my life more and more frequently. This morning (Sunday, May 28), minutes ago in fact, I began reading Chapter 2 and at the bottom of the page it reads:
“The Garden of Eden, or the pre-separation condition, was a state of mind in which nothing was needed. When Adam listened to the “lies of the serpent,” all he heard was untruth.” “Yet the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam, and nowhere is there reference to his waking up. The world has not yet experienced any comprehensive reawakening or rebirth.”
Now the story of the snake in the Garden of Eden is included. I shall also add:
In A Course In Miracles, chapter 1, THE MEANING OF MIRACLES, (page 4, number 13) it states: “Miracles are both beginnings and endings and so they alter the temporal order. They are always affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back but really go forward. They undo the past in the present, and thus release the future.”
Sources: “A Course In Miracles,” Wikipedia, an article by Nick Keppler titled, “Orobouros, the snake that bites its own tail,” and the book “When did you become less by dying?” by Stafford Betty.
May 7, 2017 – from my new home in Boise, Idaho
“A Course In Miracles” Daily Lesson #169: By grace I live. By grace I am released.
For several years now I have studied many brilliant philosophies and spiritual concepts, and as well have read of, or listened to, numerous testimonies of extraordinary experiences (e.g. near death experiences [NDEs], out-of-body experiences [OBEs], communications from the world of spirit, and various other valid (and some not) accounts of the mystical or miraculous experience to say nothing of my own similar-type experiences. The ACIM lesson featured here well illustrates why I always return to ACIM as my primary guide. However, this is not to negate the value of the many other thoughtful philosophies and points of view (scientific included). ACIM itself states that there are many paths to the top of the mountain, as there needs to be. Here I have written the lesson in such a way that it is easy to follow.
Note: Grace can be thought of as the miraculous, or the other than the ordinary causal experience that brings about a healing of the mind, and sometimes, as well, the body of the experiencer thus restoring their awareness of their own, and all others, true nature: Son of God.
1) Grace is an aspect of Love, of God. An occurrence of grace is most like the eternal, timeless state prevailing in truth [in timelessness, in unity with God, with All that Is]. In this world, in this temporal physical state, grace is the most lofty of aspirations for, it leads one (and therefore all) beyond the world of space and time, and thus separation, entirely. Grace can only come to the mind that prepares for its acceptance by its willingness, by its forgiveness.
“Grace becomes inevitable instantly to those who have prepared a table where it can be gently received; an altar clean and holy for the gift.”
I was to ceremoniously hang the first painting on a wall in my new home titled White Centerpiece. I placed it on the floor below where it was to be hung then removed the bubble wrap intended to protect the frame’s corners only to have the masking tape, securing the bubble wrap, tear off the silver finish exposing the wood beneath. It looks not at all presentable in its current condition. I could not avoid the feeling this was telling me something.
2) Grace is the acceptance of the Love of God within a world teeming with hatred and fear. It is by grace alone that hate and fear are thus gone. Those whose minds are lighted by the gift of grace cannot believe the world of fear is real believing instead that it is an illusion, a dream.
Considering the prospect that this world is not real allows for miracles, for grace.
3) Grace is not the goal ACIM aspires to attain. Yet, we prepare for grace with a quiet and open mind that can then hear the call to awaken. It then becomes aware that there are things it does not know and is ready to accept a state completely different from its current, familiar experience.
This state is in contrast that which the immutable, dogmatic materialist insists: that belief in miracles are evidence of a deluded or insane mind.
4) It may appear to be a contradiction to state the revelation that the Father and Son are one is to be realized and, at the same time, state that this unity is and has always been (eternity). But, it is also stated that the mind determines when that time will be, and indeed has already determined it. ACIM urges the student to, here and now, welcome the experience of truth, of grace, and speed its advent into every mind that recognizes truth’s effects on the student.
5) Oneness is simply the idea that God is. We say “God is” then cease to speak. For, in that knowledge words are meaningless being that no part of mind is distinct from any other part; all, everyone, and everything are One. And, like its Source, it just Is.
The goal of meditation, is it not?
6) This cannot be spoken nor written nor thought of at all. Rather, it comes to every mind when it recognizes that its will is God’s will and has received grace and therefore is given grace wholly; no one left out (the part forgiveness plays). The mind returns to the endless present where past and future are not conceived. It lies beyond the need of salvation; past all thoughts of space and time (separation), the need of forgiveness, of miracles, and eternity remains a constant state.
7) This aforementioned eternal state is beyond the experience of grace we try to hasten. And, forgiveness supports that which the mind itself has decided to most value: the truth.
8) All learning was already in His Mind (God’s perfect Son healed and whole) accomplished and complete. He recognized all that space and time holds and gave this knowledge to all minds (for, all minds are joined) that each one might determine, from a point where space and time ended, when it is to be released to revelation, to eternity. ACIM states that we but make a journey that is done. For, in eternity there are no beginnings and endings.
As an aside: I recently heard a woman speak of her observing something like “Indra’s net” (a Buddhist metaphor representing non-duality) during an out-of-body experience; something she has frequently and spontaneously experienced throughout her life. To her, each point on the spherical net, where the strands in the net intersect, represented her many incarnations, past and future and, from her non-physical state beyond space and time, she knew everything about each and every one of her incarnations. To others, Indra’s net is similar to the concept that the universe and all the parts within the universe are hologram-like – that the intersecting points on the net, where the individual parts are, are jewel-like reflecting the whole and therefore are as the whole is.
9) Oneness must be here and now. Whatever time the mind has set for this revelation is entirely irrelevant to what is a constant state, forever extended as it has been, always will be, and is now. We merely take the part assigned and fully recognized as perfectly fulfilled by the Son of God who wrote salvation’s script in His Creator’s name and in the name of His Son.
10) There is no need to further clarify what cannot be understood in this world. When revelation of your oneness comes it will be fully known, fully understood. Yet, now we have work to do. For, to speak of things beyond space and time, and that which has not yet been, as having past already is incomprehensible. Thus the necessity of grace, of miracles.
11) Suffice it to say that you have work to do to play your part as the ending remains obscured from you until your part is done; your part being that which all the rest depends upon. And, as you take the role assigned to you, salvation comes a bit nearer to each uncertain heart that does not beat as yet in tune, as one, with God.
12) Forgiveness is the central theme that runs through salvation, holding all its parts (the parts all others play) in meaningful relationships. In the meantime we ask for grace. The experience that grace (the miracle) provides is necessary in space and time for it precedes, lights the way, toward Heaven without replacing the thought, the idea, of space and time for a little while longer.
13) This interval suffices for, it is here that miracles are laid then given by you from the holy instants you receive to all who see the light that lingers in your face. What is the face of Christ? He who went a moment into timelessness then brought back to bless the world a clear reflection of the unity he felt for an instant. How otherwise could you finally attain to it forever while a part of you (any one or more of your brothers for any reason whatsoever) remains outside, unknowing, unawakened, and in need of you as a testimonial to the truth?
14) Be grateful to return (to the earthly experience) for you were glad to come an instant and accept the gifts that grace provides then carry them back to yourself. Revelation (the eternal truth) stands not far behind. Therefore, we ask for grace and for the experiences that come from grace. We do not ask for the unattainable nor do we look beyond where and that which grace can provide. However, we can give the grace (the miracles) that has been given us; that which is from beyond the laws of space and time, separation, cause and effect, with the understanding that giving and receiving are one and the same.
15) Today’s learning goal does not exceed this prayer [above and below] for what could be of more value than what we ask this day of Him who gives the grace, the miracles, as they were given Him?
By grace I live. By grace I am released. By Grace I give. By grace I will release.
… and your wholeness is now complete, as God established it. You are His Son, completing His extension and thus your own.
Here is an account of a near death experience “Life Felt Insignificant” by Dr. Joe B. Geraci (7:12 minutes) that perfectly describes what is stated above. I’ve watched it repeatedly whereas with other NDE video testimonies but once:
Here is the link to the “A Course In Miracles” Chapter (D) on this website:
March 2017 – Niwot, Colorado
Barnes and Noble Synchronicities – and as I have stated several times they are always meaningful
I realize I risk boring the reader by excessively reporting of seemingly minor and insignificant (although they never are) synchronicities. However, as already stated in the posts below this one, I am experiencing far more of these and other similar type events since I began the practice of reading, and doing as instructed, the “A Course In Miracles” daily lessons, and listening to the “Miracle Healing Recording,” also on a daily basis. Therefore, I consider it of value to report these additional synchronistic occurrences thereby underscoring the results of the practice.
Angels and Demons and the Pantheon in Ancient Rome
This morning I tried but was unable to recall the name of a movie produced by Ron Howard which features a scene inside the Pantheon in ancient Rome [see image below]. A previous synchronicity, or precognitive vision actually, involving the movie is reported on in this MFA website: Chapter (B) MIRACLES – Precognition, Visions, Synchronicity, etc. (go to: page 43, “Visions – The Pantheon in Ancient Rome,” then on to page 44 “Angels and Demons” and “The Pantheon and the Rotunda of the University of Virginia”). It reports of an account of a rather sudden and striking vision (meaning that it was not at all vague nor subtle – very clear as in a photograph or movie) that appeared in my mind that was precisely the same as a scene depicted in the movie which I saw following the vision. Despite that, without looking it up on my website I could not recall the title of the movie.
An hour or so later Chad and I met for lunch downtown then went to Barnes and Noble bookstore to find a good book on meditation practices. He has mentioned repeatedly that I would benefit considerably from meditation and I cannot argue that point as my mind, it seems, is quite undisciplined and thus wanders more often from the present moment than would otherwise be beneficial.
We entered the store and went toward the back where the restrooms were located. As I waited for him my eyes wandered in the direction of the book shelves on my immediate right where I observed a book with the author’s name, Dan Brown, (whom I recognized as having also written the book that the movie was based on) prominently featured on the cover. The book was placed with the cover facing forward, not sideways as books are usually shelved in a bookcase. With that information (meaning the author’s name) Chad, on his cell phone, found the title of the movie I was trying to recall: “Angels and Demons.”
There are innumerable synchronistic events in my life associated with the Parthenon and other more contemporary structures designed to imitate the Pantheon. For example: Thomas Jefferson’s architectural design of the Rotunda at the University of Virginia [see image on left], the Jefferson County Courthouse in Aurora, Colorado, and the gazebo structure as described in my “Miracle Healing Recording” on this website. The dominant feature of these structures is the ornate dome-shaped ceiling with a circular opening in its center allowing for a beam, or column, of light from the sun (suggesting a divine, or heavenly, light from above) to shine downward into the foyer, or atrium, below.
Everything Happens for a Reason
As I have mentioned in several recent posts below a childhood friend, Robert Morse, who is now a real estate broker, recently met up with me in Boise, Idaho (he traveling from San Diego, California, and I from Boulder, Colorado) in an effort to, among other reasons, help me find a home to purchase there then move into. He and I are now in our 60’s and both of our fathers have passed on. I pointed out to Robert how our connecting again, as we have on other occasions throughout our lives, was for a reason. He agreed and added that his elderly father had told him that as one gets older they begin to realize that everything happens for a reason.
At Barnes and Noble, Chad and I next arrived at and paused before another bookcase displaying books on sale, and we both noticed the one titled “Everything Happens for a Reason.” I did not purchase that particular book nor any other in that section but soon found elsewhere in the store what we were looking for: a book on meditation practices for the beginner, “Meditation Made Simple.”
Emerald City
We then stood in a line behind several others at the sales checkout area waiting for an available clerk to make my purchase. As we waited Chad pointed out the book directly in front of us amongst a display of children’s books. The book’s title was “Emerald City.” Why this is meaningful is explained in the post below dated March 15.
“The David” and the Italian City, Florence
A few days prior I had been on the phone with Robert and asked him whether he had read the recent synchronistic events published on this website; specifically those involving him. As I have previously stated [below]: During our trip to Boise I spoke often of the miraculous experience and the significance of such events. Robert was not particularly familiar with the subject. In such circumstances (specifically regarding matters of a spiritual and/or paranormal nature) one does need to be mindful as to how the person they are speaking to regards these topics. In response to my question he stated that he had not, as of yet, read the last piece. Therefore, I informed him of its content a bit.
During our conversation I got the impression that Robert remained unconvinced of the meaningfulness, or reality for that matter, of synchronicities or any other supernatural phenomena. However, he did confess that he was superstitious. He had been told that if he was having difficulty selling a property for one of his clients, he needed to bury in the dirt, upside down, a small statuette of “The David,” as he referred to it, somewhere on the property and this would bring good fortune and soon the house would sell. He went on to describe a particular property he could not sell for months so he thought he would give this a try. He purchased a miniature statue of The David then dug a hole in the ground in the front yard of the home and placed it in the hole, burying it upside down as instructed, and lo and behold the home sold in just three days. He said a realtor friend of his bought a whole case of these statuettes. In fact, he added that he was having difficulty selling a particular home and was planning on burying one of these little statues on that property later, on that very day.
I’m not sure but, he may have been making fun of me. What he didn’t know, and I was not at all inclined to tell him, was that I used to regularly post comments in the local online newspaper, the Boulder “Daily Camera,” specifically addressing the adverse effects on the atmosphere, magnetosphere, and humans, and other species, due to all of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from wireless technologies; from the satellites, the microwave/radio towers, and the billions and billions of wireless devises operating all over the planet. And, that my commentary pseudonym was none other than, The David.
Robert and I then went on to discuss the Italian city of Florence (we’ve both been there) where the sublimely beautiful statue of Michelangelo’s David is located.
Back at Barnes and Noble: Chad and I had moved forward in the checkout line and on the next table before us was a display of perhaps five movie DVDs, one of which was titled “Florence.” I could add other reasons why the name Florence is synchronistically significant, but this is enough as is.
Note: Just after I had finished writing the above piece I went to my social email inbox and had one email from a member of a local hiking group I belong to wanting to organize a trip to Italy. The subject line of the email read, “Traveling in Italy Together.” (Note that most of the above synchronicities take place in Italy). The next morning I woke up to find the front door wide open (the wind must have blown it open during the night not having been shut properly). After having shut the door and made a cup of coffee I sat down to read the ACIM lesson for that day: Lesson #137, and in the first paragraph it reads, “Sickness… becomes a door that closes on a separate self and keeps it isolated and alone.” Next, I went to my computer to my Google Analytics page to see whom, if anyone, has visited this “Miracles For All” website and there was one visit from Florence, Italy.
Behind the Scenes
Nearly every day is like this now. What this suggests to me (suggests, meaning that I cannot say for sure) is that this day-to-day, temporal, material experience is more dream-like than we, or most of us anyway, ordinarily realize and that the origin, the source, of our daily experiences is our thoughts which are in the form of language, words (which also produce feelings and mental images). And whether or not the thought precedes, or is simultaneous with, or follows an experience, or event, is irrelevant for the actual manifestation process is beyond space and time. (This is why we sometimes experience precognition, for example). And that process, to say nothing of what beyond space and time would be like, is not comprehensible to us within spacetime. [Spacetime: space and time are one and the same; like two sides of the same coin. One only exists because of the other which only exists because of the other]. How this works behind, beyond, the scenes is sort of like driving a car: you can operate the automobile without knowing how the machine works.
Scientists create cats and rats that glow in the dark!
Later that day, Chad expressed his concerns that I am getting too consumed by spiritual and supernatural matters and that I talk about them too much. I cannot disagree with him on this point. So, on the following day (yesterday as of this writing) I watched a science program on bioluminescent and bioflorescent species.
During the program a Nobel Prize winning neuroscientist states, “Brains give us consciousness, memory, behavior, personality – everything we do derives from it.”
The program demonstrated how scientists extracted tissue from florescent fish and from there, spliced genes [from strands of DNA] that cause the florescence. Then, using genetic engineering, they fused their genetically manipulated florescent proteins to other natural, organic proteins in other organisms. This enabled a glowing of the proteins within the organisms’ brain cells [neurons] involved in neural electrochemical processes. In other words, by inserting the florescence producing proteins into the organism’s brain they were able to observe in real time neural activity as it was thinking. This was the first observation of the electrochemical activity of individual neurons; as opposed to viewing the activity of neural regions as is currently observable with fMRI [functional magnetic resonance imaging] technologies. (As an aside, it is estimated that there are 80 to 100 billion neurons in an adult human brain). This genetic engineering was not limited to brain research however. The program also showed images of live (presumably, they were not mechanistically animated) cats and rats whose entire bodies were artificially, genetically mutated to glow in the dark! Creepy.
And here scientists consider themselves rational thinkers and that claims of psychic or supernatural phenomena, and evidence of consciousness surviving bodily death, etc., are all indications of a deluded or insane mind.
Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet
Following that program I turned my attention to a fascinating online interview by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove on “The New Thinking Allowed” program with Stephen Schwartz titled “Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet” [see link below]. Schwartz was quite successful as a script writer while still in his twenties. He tells of being at a party in New York during the 1960s at the home of the famous author, Truman Capote (“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “In Cold Blood” among numerous other films based on his novels). And, as he was leaving the party he looks into a gilded antique Italian mirror and upon seeing his reflection he had what he referred to as an existential crisis. Schwartz then goes on to say that this was soon followed up by a very unusual encounter with a couple where the woman asked him if he believed in reincarnation. The man, it turned out, was the production designer of the movie “The Magnificent Seven.” These events, he states, led him toward a very different path, or purpose, in life. Schwartz then mentions Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia where he had attended college. He also describes a psychic ability test he created where he buried small objects (a Barbie doll, a jar, etc.) in the ground in his yard to see if a subject could psychically reveal (from a distance) what was hidden where. Later in the interview he mentions one of Edgar Cayce’s healings where the psychic was suddenly and mysteriously able to speak fluent Italian in an effort to heal a woman in Italy.
“Thinking Allowed” interview with Stephen A. Schwartz “Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet”:
March, 2017 – Niwot, Colorado
Impressive Results Thus Far: “Miracle Healing Recording” and “A Course in Miracles” Daily Lessons –
I began a practice 130 days ago. I know exactly how long ago because that is the “A Course In Miracles” daily lesson I am on as of today (as of this writing), March 5, 2017: lesson #130 titled, “It is impossible to see two worlds.” Along with reading and doing the daily lessons I also listen to (again, daily) the “Miracle Healing Recording” on this website [Chapter (O) Miracle Healing Recording]. All humility aside, for I produced the recording, it is excellent; quite soothing and effective which I will elaborate on later. The script for the recording is entirely based on the teachings in “A Course in Miracles.”
The “Miracle Healing Recording” was not at all easy to produce. For example, to coincide the timing of the verbal content with the thirty minute musical piece was no easy task. I could make no mistakes during the reading of the script (which I authored) into the microphone for, the recording program had no editing function. More difficult still was to speak in a harmonious cadence along with the rhythm of the music. These requirements necessitated that I rerecorded the work over and over again, how often I could not say, until I got it right. Once satisfied with the outcome I really did not care to listen to it again for a couple of months having put so much effort into the work. However, following that time period, I began the method described above curious to know what, if any, the effects of the two-part practice, or exercise, might be. Chad [mentioned throughout this website] had been doing the same only less frequently – perhaps half as often. However, he too, over time, having noticed significant results is now listening to the recording and reading the ACIM daily lessons more frequently.
This exercise appears to be producing more than the usual amount of synchronicities and other miraculous events I am typically accustomed to. The same is true for Chad. I have also noticed that I am of a generally happier mental state; more uplifted. As well, I am less likely to become anxious about the future, or agitated with others, or circumstances in the present whereas otherwise, prior to this process, I probably would be more so (especially now as I am in the process of selling my existing home, buying a new one, and moving out of Colorado to the state of Idaho). These latter effects [greater happiness and peace of mind], I was not at all expecting. Many readers of this personal testimony would be inclined to think that Chad and I are but two participators, and that I in particular, too biased a participant at that, which is indeed a valid criticism. Yet, to them I would respond that the practice is quite pleasant and one has nothing to lose, only to gain, from trying it themselves.
The three events mentioned here (“Mozart and Vivaldi,” “Dirty Laundry” and “Emerald City”) along with those posted [below] on March 6, 2017 titled “Here Comes the Sun“ are but a couple of examples of recent (over the past four weeks as of this writing) synchronistic events I have experienced. There have been several others, too numerous to mention, and sometimes as many as three or four over the course of a single day. Additionally, Chad has also begun to experience more synchronicities and other similar-type miraculous phenomena; several along with me and a few on his own. As I have stated elsewhere on this “Miracles For All” website, prior to meeting me he never before had these experiences nor did he consider accounts of miraculous experiences particularly valid let alone useful events.
Mozart and Vivaldi
Chad and I drove in our separate cars to meet at a particular location where, from there, we both got into my car to travel together to a trailhead for a hike in the foothills bordering Boulder, Colorado. We both showed up with two recorded classical music songs to share with the other; his on his iPhone and mine on a cassette to play in my car’s cassette player. Our choices, as we explained to each other, were: in Chad’s case two Vivaldi pieces to, as he explained to me, energize him (he’s rather laid-back), and in my case two Mozart selections intended to relax me (I’m a bit high-strung). We had never done this or anything like it before. Also, it had been my impression he was little interested in classical music.
Dirty Laundry
I pay scant attention to the news anymore and recently upon my mentioning this fact, and why, to someone it brought to mind a song popular in the 1980’s by the singer Don Henley titled “Dirty Laundry;” a parody on the news media’s reveling in fatalistic and tragic news stories. I could not recall the song’s title nor the lyrics, only the artist’s name and the general theme of the song. For two days I would repeatedly try to recall the name of song. Then, on the third day, I went into a liquor store to purchase some wine, and as I was perusing a shelf displaying several different brands of bottles of chardonnay, the music in the store began to play this very song. It is rarely played publicly anymore that I am aware of.
Emerald City
For many years during my marriage (which ended in divorce in 2007) my then husband, Adam, and I traveled by car to the Colorado mountain towns of Aspen, Vail, Breckenridge, Crested Butte, etc. during the Fall and Summer months for biking and hiking. En route, following our departures from Boulder and driving along the main road through Golden, the next neighboring town, the Jefferson County Courthouse building located there is plainly visible from the road. The building is beautiful (image on left). Every time we passed it, without fail, I would state that it was the building at the entrance to Emerald City (a fiction of course). For years I used the mental image of the building as a model for a transcendent, celestial university that I often imagined as I was falling asleep at night that I would attend in my dreams. Also, while immersed in the difficulty of being assaulted by local members of organized crime and doing my best to get help from law enforcement officials, I envisioned the circumstance being resolved there. In both cases I would visualize beautiful, enlightened persons both outdoors in a college campus-type setting, and indoors in the building’s circular atrium with the glass dome overhead producing a beam of light shining downwards. In these visualizations these individuals were always glad to see me, to have me there with them. And, as I would stand in the beam of light, others would join in.
On February 27th, Robert Morse (mentioned in posts below) sent me an email stating, in reference to my plans to move to Boise, Idaho: “FYI [for your information] Boise is known as Emerald City.”
Here is the official “A Course In Miracles” website where one can read and/or listen to an audio recording of ACIM’s Daily Lessons:
Here is the link to another website of mine titled “A Course In Miracles Website” where at the bottom of the single page website, beneath the image of the flute, one can also (meaning as well as on this “Miracles For All” website) listen to the aforementioned “Miracle Healing Recording”:
On this MFA site:
For an MP3 file to listen with an IPhone:
February 2017 – Niwot, Colorado and Boise, Idaho
Here Comes the Sun
A childhood friend, Robert Morse, who now works as a real estate broker in Southern California, and I arranged to meet in Boise, Idaho for five days in February, 2017. We spent two days in the city of Boise looking at property for me to potentially purchase and then, on the third day, Friday morning, we drove from there (just over two hours) to spend three days in a nearby ski resort called Tamarack. Tamarack is a charming resort development project in progress. The weather forecast for the weekend predicted snowfall.
We settled into our apartment at the resort lodge and the next day, on Saturday morning, Robert departed from Tamarack headed to a nearby town to catch up with his son and grandson. His young grandson was on an ice hockey team competing in final, statewide matches. After he had left I turned on the television. I never watch television; I do not own one. I was hoping to find a music station as there was no other source for music in the room.
What caught my attention as I switched from channel to channel was a scene from an old, 1958, black and white movie titled The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima. I recalled having seen it years ago when I was a child. The scene depicted thousands of people trudging up a hill during a torrential downpour. In a cottage a priest was expressing his concerns to a man and his daughter that these people whom had come to witness a miracle would become angry when none occurred for there was no shelter for them and the conditions were miserable. The child and her father insisted that the miracle, “a sign that will make them believe,” promised to the child and her two young cousins by an apparition of a lady a few months prior, would indeed occur. I watched for maybe ten minutes; up until the scene of the sun breaking through an opening in the clouds followed by the raptures expressed by the pilgrims. Then, from there, I continued my search for a music channel. There was none.
Note: Wikipedia provides a more detailed description of the story of “The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima.”
After I had turned off the television I recalled a sequence of events that happened years ago while still married and living not far from where I live now in Colorado. On that occasion there were a series of days on end that were gray and overcast. I grew quite weary of it and told my husband I was going to create an opening in the sky enabling the sun to shine through the clouds and onto our home. For the next three days, seemingly, at my (sort of) prayerful request and visualizing, this very thing happened lasting for much of each day. I would call my husband at work asking him if he could see from his office the opening in the clouds and the light shining down on our home and surrounding neighborhood. I didn’t take the incident all that seriously although, I’ve never forgotten it and have had similar, yet less dramatic ones, since then. At the time I would joke with my husband claiming I could do this because I believed I could – whereas most people do not.
I then reflected on an incident that occurred just a couple of days before arriving in Idaho. My friend Chad and I headed out for a hike in the foothills in Boulder, Colorado. We had been experiencing for several days what is renowned as the Chinook Winds (winds up to 70 miles per hour; some of the highest peak winds of any city in the U.S.). Regardless, we decided to go. When we arrived at the trail head the wind was blowing hard. The hiker in front of us soon quit returning to his car; however, we persevered. As we hiked along I considered the possibility that I could calm the wind and thought of the Biblical story of the miracle of Christ calming the stormy Sea of Galilee. This seemed to work. When it kicked up again I focused my attention on the large rocks on either side of the path thinking that the wind had no effect on them and felt their [the rocks] calmness. This too seemed to work. Throughout the hike I intermittently used both mental concepts anytime a breeze began (which was rather pleasant as we got warmer and warmer) preventing, or so it seemed, stronger blustering gales. I mentioned what I had been doing to Chad. He’s come to the point where he now takes my claims of producing miracles rather seriously; or, at the very least, considers them plausible.
Back at the Tamarack Lodge in Idaho and following these ruminations I opened a book I was, and still am as of this writing, reading titled “Men Who Have Walked With God” by Sheldon Cheney published in 1948. I began where I had left off in the chapter titled “The Buddha.” Within a couple of paragraphs l read the words, “A great rock remains undisturbed in a storm.”
That day, Saturday, the weather was okay (overcast and light snow on occasion as predicted) and I managed to get outdoors for a relatively long walk. Sunday however, was less promising. Upon awakening I could see that there was a thick cloud cover and snow coming down. While having coffee and looking out the large window in the living room of the lodge apartment I thought I would create an opening in the sky above just as I had done years before in Boulder, Colorado, and as was depicted in the movie. As I focused on my intentions, I saw the clouds directly overhead thinning out and breaking up. And, throughout most of the day a clear blue sky, in a circular region perhaps a half to three quarters of a mile or so in diameter, appeared directly above. The ski resort and lodge were in sunshine whereas much of the rest of the observable sky from my vantage point was overcast, and this persisted much of the day. In fact, when it appeared that it would cloud up again, which it did now and then, I would state that I wanted the area to remain clear and sunny following which the clouds in the same circular area above would recede.
I decided not to mention this to Robert for it is my impression that he is not familiar with, nor before has he been much interested in, these type of events. During our time together in Idaho I had made several references to spiritual, religious, and metaphysics books, valid mystical, and paranormal or miraculous accounts of others, along with a few of my own. And, at one point, he had stated that this was all quite new to him and that he “needed time to process the information” thus completing our conversations over the course of our journey on these topics.
“The Reality of ESP; A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities” by Russell Targ, Ph. D.
Here’s a far less dramatic, perhaps every day, similar type incident: In an excellent book written by the physicist, Dr. Russell Targ titled “The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities”I had mentioned to Chad of a case reported in the book involving remote viewing experiments being conducted at the Stanford Research Institute [the SRI] in the 1970’s and 80’s headed by Dr. Targ and funded by the U.S. government on behalf of the U.S. military and CIA.
Remote viewing is a telepathic communication between two separated individuals (distance is irrelevant) where one individual, the sender, is to attempt to forward mental images depicting where the sender is to the second individual, the receiver, who is to attempt to telepathically receive the imagery. The receiver then draws the images that appear in their mind and the results (the comparison of the receiver’s drawing with the structures and/or landscape at the sender’s location) are then determined as to the drawing’s accuracy. The results produced some impressive, striking similarities. In fact, there were three individuals who were exceedingly adept at mentally picturing the sender’s environment: an artist Ingo Swan, a police officer, Pat Price (both renowned psychics), and a neighbor of Targ’s, a professional photographer, whom he asked if she’d like to give it a try.
The particular, and the only, successful remote viewing account mentioned in the book that I told Chad about was where a sender was able to transfer the information (both in the form of imagery and sound) to a receiver that he was in a park at a children’s metal swing set. And, as the sender was swinging back and forth on one of the swings it squeaked. A week following my reporting of this account to Chad, upon my return from Boise, he and I decided to go for a walk in downtown Boulder, Colorado. We proceeded in the direction of a nearby park approximately a half-mile distance from where we were. Once we had arrived at the park we observed a swing set, just like the one described in Targ’s book. Chad and I both immediately headed for the swing set and, like little children, back and forth, up and down, we swung as the swings loudly squeaked.
In Addition:
Physicist Russell Targ and the Book “A Course In Miracles”
The physicist Russell Targ is a fascinating individual. It is particularly interesting that he is nearly blind, and since birth, yet has developed a passionate interest in seeing without the body’s eyes. His work with remote viewing, ESP and other similar type faculties, as well as his knowledge as scientist have led him towards a profound, spiritual philosophy of life.
In an interview with him that I watched online he mentioned that in the 1970’s he had met the publisher of “A Course In Miracles,” Judith Skutch, and she had given him a copy of one of the very first publications of the book. Targ stated that being as he was Jewish, and that Jews can be uncomfortable with the concept of Christ as Son of God and Savior, the book sat in his bookcase unopened for decades. He then went on to say that not only has he since read the book but now hosts in his living room in his home in Palo Alto, California, readings and discussions of the works with his neighbors. He also mentioned that he was particularly impressed with the “Manual for Teachers” section of the book.
February 2017 – Niwot, Colorado
“Gang Stalking” and FBI FOIPA Report
I have mentioned throughout this site of my being terrorized by members of organized crime involved in pornography and prostitution and of my filing for an FBI FOIPA [freedom of information act] report in hopes of learning of the status of my case. I have received information back in response to my FOIPA request and I know nothing more. I only received back digital copies of the information I provided to them. I can do no more than that which I have already done to provide evidence to the FBI and to learn of the efficacy of my efforts to expose the criminal activity, referred to, in part, on this site. If I were confronted with the same situation, yet knowing what I know now, meaning that even though my efforts appear to have been futile and required far more effort of me, and was far more discouraging and difficult than I had anticipated at the onset, I would do the same (only more intelligently, hopefully) for, there was no other way, no other better option.
What is important to mention here is that the terrorizing tactics are systematic and sophisticated in their methodology and, if the individual is caught completely unaware of them they can be quite effective, or more so anyway (they would still be effective). In other words, they can thoroughly destroy a person’s life leading to enslavement, or death even either by homicide or suicide which may be the intent. These tactics are not uncommon. They are known of and referred to as “gaslighting” and “gang stalking.”
Gang stalking tactics described:
Organize crime is a malignancy in our country. A malignancy, if not exorcised from a body, will destroy the whole of the body. The same is true of organized crime. I have met, by chance, two other persons who were victimized by the mafia in the manner described here below; one, a man in his forties from New York who worked on behalf of a woman abducted and held hostage by mafia thugs and repeatedly gang raped by them for 2 weeks. He advised that I not give up and told me not to accept anything from them (which I haven’t). He added that many of the thugs (involved in the rape) did go to prison and some, he said, will never get out. The other was a woman, a nuclear physicist, who lived in Boulder, Colorado, and she told me she had met yet another local woman who was also victimized in this manner and went on the suggest that gang stalking is probably far more wide spread than realized. She was exceedingly depressed. She had two grown daughters, one a mother and the other an attorney, and they thought their mother had lost her mind. She stated that she would not go to the police for help.
Our country, the whole world in fact, has a great deal of problems to contend with presently. We do not need internal terrorism orchestrated by members of organized crime, to say nothing of their illegal and tawdry business practices, on top of everything else. They are not charming, nor clever, nor interesting as the entertainment media so often depicts them. Again, they are but a malignancy.
I found most of the information [written below] in an article online about gang stalking (and there are many) that included particulars much like those of my own experiences.
Psychological warfare tactics are being used against unsuspecting citizens to destroy their jobs, their families, and their lives. The perpetrator’s objective is to utterly destroy the individual very often resulting in a person taking his or her own life (which I nearly did), or ending up in a mental hospital (which nearly happened). This has been taking place for years and nothing is ever reported about it. The article’s author states that, “For the sake of those who came before us, and those who come after us, the world needs to know what is happening.”
For many people, this [terrorizing] comes out of nowhere. They don’t know what they did in order to warrant such a brutal attack (thus adding even more confusion on top of everything else). For others, whistleblowers for example, they know full well how they garnered such attention. One might eventually deduce that they are, for reasons unknown to them, the targets of orchestrated (meaning involving many persons) attacks to destroy their lives. Yet, the assaults are either so subtle that it is difficult to tell for certain that they are intentional, or at other times so nonsensical in the objective seems purposeless. On other occasions the attacks can be blatantly destructive and obvious leaving no doubt that an effort to completely destroy their lives is underway. (I’ve experienced all three circumstances and repeatedly for many years, up to the present [2017] in fact).
What makes this crime so heinous is that these sophisticated techniques of psychological assault are employed against a person specifically in order to make them appear as though they are insane. Friends and family members do not believe the things that the individual claims are happening to them and conclude that the person is crazy thus increasing the fear, stress, and isolation experienced by the targeted individual.
This whole exercise is an organized crime and terrorist activity. One aspect deals with what the author refers to as “gang stalking” which targeted individuals experience to varying degrees. This involves stalking by a multitude of persons both on foot and while driving. I observed this frequently and realized I could not tell others of this particular activity for, I knew I would then be accused of being crazy – which I was accused of regardless. For example, the police attempted, yet failed, to commit me to a psychiatric ward.
It also involves vandalism to one’s house, car, and personal property to the extent where responding to and protecting oneself from these assaults is a full time job, and very expensive. The intent here is to not only to break the person psychologically but to break them financially as well. The article goes on to state that gang stalking can also be referred to as cause stalking, vengeance stalking, and multi-stalking. What is hard to believe, but actual, is how many persons in a community will willingly participate, invest their time and effort, in this coordinated, mean spirited, sadistic activity.
The article also mentions that the attacks are so well orchestrated that only the victim is aware of, or experiences, them. This is intentional, and it appears that these criminal organizations have perfected these techniques over decades. Mistakes are rarely made, the author claims. He adds, clearly the perpetrators are successful at what they do especially given that new targets are completely bewildered as to what is happening to them (I know I was) having never before heard from the media about such occurrences except in relation to mental illness. Although in my case, thankfully, the professionals in the psychiatric ward at the hospital where the police attempted to commit me knew I was of sound mind, and telling the truth, and I was released.
These tactics are based on many of the same ones as those employed in ritual abuse, and are designed to weaken the targeted individual’s mind. And, I can attest that it does; when encountering others, even new acquaintances, it is apparent that the individual is not quite right with themselves. The author claims that these perpetrators are becoming increasingly addicted to this game of predator/prey; always needing more targets to satisfy their thirst for a sadistic thrill. In other words, he believes it is becoming more common. I even wondered if they placed bets on when their victims would “off” themselves.
I would add that one experiences fear, not just for themselves, but for their friends and family as well and feels the need to protect them by keeping their distance thus furthering their isolation. Thankfully, in my case, I do not have children. Also, fortunately for me, I had no need of employment which they would have somehow managed to interfere with adding financial stress on top of everything else. Although, they tried other means of attempting to render me indigent. These criminals also utilized hypnosis and drugging which the article did not mention.
Coincidentally, I met an elderly man who told me his grown daughter had become paranoid. He described to me what she had told him she was experiencing; these very tactics of which I was quite familiar with. He did not believe her. When I mentioned my circumstances, on her behalf, hoping he would consider the possibility that she was telling the truth, he determined that I was crazy too. As stated above, I met another woman, a scientist, who also was experiencing these same assaults. I felt badly for her; as I already stated she was exceedingly depressed. She would not consider going to the police or a doctor for help whereas I did seek help from a physician and am very glad I did – it kept me alive, in fact.
In conclusion: I’ve done everything I could as best I could – never backing off. I have been told, “At least I am still alive and I should be glad of that.” However, being that spiritual evolution is of primary importance to me, well above all else, bodily survival was not, nor is not at the top of my list (though I certainly desire to live as much as anyone who considers themselves spiritual or otherwise).
January 16, 2017
The Ghost Dance
Produced in Niwot (named after Chief Niwot, Arapahoe leader 1825 – 1864), Colorado.
I don’t have a television set and reading is my preferred way of discovering what is going on in the world beyond my own experience and current understanding. One of my methods for finding a good book to read is to return from the library with five to six books and perhaps one or two of which I will find interesting enough to read. Sometimes I find real gems — a few of which have been reviewed on this website.
I am now reading, “The Roots of Consciousness” by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. He was, perhaps still is, the only person to have received a doctoral degree in parapsychology from a major university, the University of California, Berkeley. In the back there is a photograph of him. Obviously he was still a young man when he wrote this impressive work. I have linked to a number of his “Thinking Allowed” and “The New Thinking Allowed” television and online programs [interviews with various experts] on this Miracles For All website [see chapter (J) Brilliant Scientist Philosophers].
About a fifth of the way through Mishlove’s book, I put it down for the evening and reached for another, a much smaller book, titled “A Sense of Wonder;” a collection of thirty-six essays. I randomly opened it to the middle of one titled “We Have Always Been Here.” After reading a paragraph or two, captivated, I began at the beginning of the essay and then discovered who the author was and the subject of her work; an American Indian woman named Roberta Conner [Sisaawipam is her birth name] pondering the Corps of Discovery; The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804 – 1806) commissioned by Thomas Jefferson following the Louisiana Purchase.
The astute reader will already see the synchronistic links following the two previous posts (dated Dec. 23 & 16). Yet, they go beyond that. For example, in my basement I have an oil painting I started at the [repeatedly aforementioned] art studio titled “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” featuring the most noble and courageous Chief Joseph who was born in 1840 in the Wallowa Valley, in what is now Oregon, and the leader of one band of the Nez Perce people. It was my last painting (although I never finished it). However, in keeping our attention on the important subject matter below, I’ll refrain from much pointing out and reporting of additional synchronistic events.
We Have Always Been Here
Roberta Conner begins her essay with a notation by William Clark dated October 19, 1805 (his spelling and capitols):
“The great chief Yel-lep-pit [and other chiefs] presented themselves to us very early this morning. we Smoked with them, enformed them as we had all others above as well as we Could by Signs of our friendly intentions towards our red children Perticular those who opened their ears to our Councils … They said we came from the clouds …”
Conner states that, “From the animals, plants, water ways, and the cycles provided by the seasons, we learned what to eat, where to live at different times of the year, how to heal ourselves and take care of one another. Our traditional laws, still in place (never replaced nor superseded) tell us how to take care of the gifts from the Creator. In our cultures, children are sacred as are all the beings made by the Creator.” “That is the ages-old context into which Lewis and Clark arrived in 1805. By virtue of them saying so, these newcomers proclaimed we were children to their Great Father. Not so. We are children of this landscape.”
She goes on to say that their [the expedition] arrival was not a threat to their local way of life and that the thirty-three travelers were a curiosity and trade opportunity. She mentions that it is likely that the peoples Lewis and Clark called Wallahwollah [they called themselves Waluulapam] originated from “Walla Walla”; meaning the many small flows of water that make their way into the Columbia River. And, more than likely, their two Indian, Nez Perce, escorts informed the Corps [the expedition] of the waterways. Connor notes that at the confluence of the Snake and Columbia Rivers on October 16, 1805 [now in Pasco, southeast Washington] Lewis and Clark heard at least three languages and learned not how many nor which ones they heard. However, she continues, what matters here is that the knowledge embedded in these tribal languages accurately and efficiently tells the history of the ecosystems of the Columbia River drainage system.
President Thomas Jefferson observed during his second inaugural address on March 4, 1805:
“These persons [the Indians] inculcate a sanctimonious reverence for the customs of their ancestors; that whatsoever they did, must be done through all times; that reason is a false guide, and advance under its [reason’s] counsel, in their physical, moral, or political condition, is [to the Indians] perilous innovation; that their duty is to remain as their Creator made them, ignorance being safety, and knowledge full of danger…”
Conner states that, “Today, our people persist in resembling the observation regarding our sanctimonious reverence for the customs of our ancestors. It would be unwise to do otherwise.” “This reverence for the ancient covenant … for example, resulted in the ethic that one should never take all of anything in harvest. Always leave fish to pass up river, roots for others, berries for the other species who eat them.” She points out that this same ancient covenant led the modern Umatilla tribes to undertake extraordinary efforts to successfully restore water flows and salmon to the Umatilla and Walla Walla Rivers.
William Clark writes on October 17, 1805:
“This river is remarkable Clear and Crowded with Salmon in maney places, I observe in assending great number of Salmon dead on the shores [following spawning most likely, although he knew not why] floating on the water and in the Bottoms which can be seen at the debth of 20 feet … So it is I must have seen 3 or 400 dead and maney living …”
Conner includes notations from another member of the Corp’s party describing a game, gambling, the Indians enjoyed playing where he mentions that they appear merry and peaceable as they play. She adds that varied games and forms of gambling have been used for centuries, if not longer, to redistribute wealth along the Columbia River and that the judgement that gambling is inappropriate is not their cultural conclusion. That judgment arrives with the missionaries, she claims. Conner goes on to inform that roughly 40% of federally recognized tribes use gaming as a means to an end. Tribes use the net profits from gaming to provide fire, police, sanitation, and emergency medical services as well as education, youth care, and elder care among other services. Gaming, she says, also provides jobs and incomes on reservations where unemployment previously stagnated for decades between 40 and 80 percent.
Seven months later, on April 28, 1806, Clark wrote of the arrival of the “Chim nah poms” and their joining the “Wallah wallahs” (about 350 men, women and children) in song and dance:
“… most of them danced at the Same place they Stood and mearly jumped up to the time of the musick.” “Some of the men who were esteemed most brave entered the Space around which the main body were formed … and danced in a Circular manner [moving] Side wise, at 10 P M … they were much gratified in Seeing Some of our Party join them in their dance.”
Conner adds, we had philosophy, laws, order and religion: we were not uncivilized nor wild. We lived according to our laws in the order established in our homes and homeland. Our law emanated from our ecosystem and our philosophy is celebrated in our music. The expedition did not distinguish the kinds of songs and dances they witnessed; each song is a prayer and they [the dancers] were participating in a ceremony in which the fulfillment of the prophecy of the new people coming was proclaimed. Our people still sing the prayer songs that were likely sung that night. And, people still mark time to the songs and dance jumping in time to the music in a circular side-ways manner as was described 200 years ago.
She writes of how their homeland became a “fur desert” as otter and beaver were obliterated for a hat craze in “civilized” nations. Horses were the Indian’s stock and trade and their selective breeding practices yielded fast hearty horses. By the 1950’s she reports that farming, ranching and railroad [industries] found horses a nuisance. And, that post-depression economics, and the automobile, resulted in thousands of horses being canned for dog food and glue. Conner goes on to inform that within modern Indian tribes are persons who rodeo, race horses, rope, teach horsemanship, round up cattle, etc.
The author states that indigenous people’s diet was lean, rich and diverse and they were physical and athletic (especially compared to today’s diabetes-inducing nutrition and lifestyles). Whereas members of the expedition, according to scholarly estimates, ate 9 pounds of meat per man per day. If they found Indian customs peculiar and our diet distasteful, imagine what we thought of them. They [the Corps] preferred horsemeat and dog to salmon. There was no alcohol in the Indian diet then; unlike the expedition who made spirits from rotting camas roots. (Author Ian Frazier [referred to below] states that alcoholism is a serious problem on the reservations and suggests that companies like Anheuser-Busch, that trumpet their community service, might open a few alcohol treatment services on the reservations). Connor continues, for regular cleansing, both physical and spiritual, Indians had sweathouses and bathed frequently in streams and rivers. According to their oral history, they found the members of the expedition smelly.
She goes on to say that native peoples were not heathens, thieves, nor savages. And, while Indians were described as such in the journals of six of the members of the expedition who could write, these were all terms, largely derogatory, given to us by others outside our culture. When our Nez Perce relatives escorted them into the mid-Columbia Plateau [covering approximately 2,264 square miles in Eastern Oregon and larger areas in Washington] they found people unafraid of new commerce opportunities, people who were multilingual, and displays of tremendous hospitality. She goes on to say that they continue to be welcoming, straightforward, and heartfelt in their endeavors. Yet sadly, racial epithets and derogatory labels persist.
Our tribes were sovereign nations, says Conner, when President Jefferson dispatched the expedition. We were nations at the Walla Walla Treaty Council in 1855 and we are nations today. Lewis and Clark carried the message of U.S. sovereignty to each of the tribal nations they met; diplomacy was part of their directive. During the face-to-face diplomatic overtures made by the expedition, no one deliberated over our ownership, our occupancy, or our authority over the lands we inhabited. Lewis and Clark had no doubt that they were visitors. But, says Conner, the “seventeen great nations” across the continent on the other coast, had set precedents that would become our destiny — their manifest destiny borne of the rights of discovery.
According to the Lewis and Clark Law School professor Robert Miller, Napoleon’s so-called “discoverer’s rights” were what was actually bought in the famous “Louisiana Purchase,” not land. And, “Discovery” was applied by European/Americans to legally infringe on the real property and sovereign rights of the American Indian nations and their people without their knowledge or consent, and it continues to adversely affect Indian tribes and people today.
The author continues, our spokesmen at the Treaty Council were not naïve, nor were they oblivious to the fact that decisions were being made for them with neither their consultation nor consent. At the Council, Cayuse leader Young Chief said, “The reason we could not understand you was that you selected this country to live in without our having any voice in the matter. You embraced all my country. Where was I to go? Was I to be a wanderer like a wolf? Without a home, without a house, I would be compelled to steal, consequently I would die … I think the land where my forefathers are buried should be mine.”
She points out the while some would become successful farmers and ranchers, most would adjust to subsisting on the fishing, hunting, gathering, trapping and grazing rights reserved for them in the Treaty of 1855, “without which our suffering would have been much worse.” She also addresses that government policies and practices in reservation life and boarding schools further disenfranchised and fractionalized native peoples yet, did not do them in. They still work to overcome the social, psychological, and economic consequences of what followed the Lewis and Clark Expedition. She states that they have been patient but, the land and animals that the Creator placed here with us need our help. Our imperative is constant; we must protect our home and all the gifts from the Creator.
The author, Roberta Conner (Sisaawipan, to use her birth name) is Cayuse, Umatilla and Nez Perce in heritage. This piece [above] is excerpted from her book “Lewis and Clark through Indian Eyes” edited by the late historian Alvin Josephy Jr., of Joseph, Oregon whom is described at the end of her essay as a “great gentleman.”
Around 1952 Alvin Josephy Jr. joined “Time” magazine as photo editor. One assignment in particular sparked his interest in the history of American indigenous people – the Nez Perce Indians who lived primarily in Oregon and Idaho. Later, Josephy went on to serve as a senior advisor on Indian affairs to Secretary of the Interior Stuart Udall during the Kennedy Administration, and following that as an advisor to President Richard Nixon on matters of government policies relating to Indian Tribes. Prior to this time, more than 100 tribes had lost federal recognition and their land holdings under Federal policies of “termination” and forced assimilation. However, based significantly on Josephy’s advice and encouragement, the Nixon Administration adopted a policy of “self-determination” for Native Americans, and furthered policies and practices to encourage their cultural survival. Josephy has authored numerous historical books on the history of Native American Indians (e.g., Chief Joseph’s People and Their War, The Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest, The Indian Heritage of America, Red Power: The American Indians’ Fight for Freedom).
Following having read Connor’s essay, I looked further into “A Sense of Wonder,” to see if amongst the 36 essays there were more Indian themed stories and I found one other; a relatively short one titled, “Native: Notes on Americanness” by Ian Frazier.
Land of the Free and Home of the Brave
Ian Frazier writes that there were perhaps 60 million [indigenous] peoples living in North and South America at the time of the first European contact. And, 400 years later, at the onset of the 20th century, U.S. Census counted a quarter of a million. Edward Curtis’s (1868 – 1952) famous photographs of the last of the Native Americans were a conscious effort to record people whom it was believed would soon become extinct.
A few paragraphs later the author states that in 1874 the Lakota chief Red Cloud (whose portrait I drew while in Aspen, CO during my twenties) gave a speech in New York City, and that upon hearing it people went crazy – they lined Fifth Avenue just to watch him walk by. The speech was reprinted in newspapers and made him a star, following which people fell all over themselves trying to help the Sioux [a confederacy of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes – The Great Sioux Nation). As a result of Red Cloud’s very successful speech, the federal government made a generous concession to the Sioux and a treaty was signed giving the Lakota huge parts of the American Northwest, including the Black Hills of South Dakota; a holy place for the Sioux.
Almost immediately thereafter, according to the author, gold was discovered in the Black Hills. This put the government in a difficult position; it is very hard to stop a gold rush; hundreds of thousands of people rushed into the Black Hills. For a while the government stationed soldiers around the hills to keep prospectors out, but that did not last long. By 1875, not long after Red Cloud’s speech, the hills were filled with white prospectors illegally talking gold worth millions of dollars from Sioux land. The government tried to buy the hills back (and not for a generous sum). The Sioux declined.
Violence and argument ensued. The government decided that the solution was to require all Sioux and Cheyenne people to move onto reservations by January 1876 following which the government sent U.S. Army troops to bring all of the off-reservation Indians in. There were three military operations. One of which was led by General George Custer who came upon a huge encampment of some 5,000 or more Sioux. Custer, perhaps dreaming of a huge victory that would propel him to the presidency he craved, thinking of a resounding military victory (which then was, as is still the case, great political fodder) attacked with his 276 soldiers. The Sioux killed Custer and all his men. Note that this is 1876 – 100 years following the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776; the nation’s Centennial.
Frazier writes that when the news of the Battle of Little Big Horn arrived at the Centennial Celebration in Philadelphia that summer, everyone was crushed. It had been an exciting and successful exhibition; something like a World’s Fair. The telephone had been introduced to the public. You could speak to someone all the way across the crowed and bustling fairground. It was a miraculous thing. In many ways the celebration was the beginning of the modern era in America. But, news of the battle cast an immediate pall on everyone.
The results were: A year later the Black Hills had become federal property purchased under duress from the Sioux for next to nothing. Sioux reservations were greatly reduced in acreage and the Hills were legally opened to prospectors. Nearly every Sioux man, woman and child on the plains were rounded up and forced onto reservations. The subsequent years of famine and disease were brutal. The author states that this theft, and theft it was, has resounded throughout history. To this day the Sioux refuse to negotiate for anything less than the sacred land they wanted in the first place.
The Ghost Dance
Frazier informs us that at this point, around 1980, the Indians all over the West were ripe for any kind of idea that would offer them salvation. And so rose The Ghost Dance; a sort of combined religious revival and political rebellion.
Frazier goes on to say that it is safe to say that if any tribe would take something to the limit, dancing for example, it would be the Sioux. They danced and danced and danced; falling down in traces and exhaustion, rising up and dancing some more. Some claimed that they had flown to the morning star and brought back pieces of it. Some reported that they had seen and spoken with their dead relatives. Some dancers painted the visions that they had seen while dancing on beautiful white shirts. And, it was reported that a shirt with such a vision painted on it was bulletproof.
One point Frazier makes in his article regards criticisms about his writing of others, in this case Indians, different than he (he being a white middle-aged male). He responds by asking how better can one learn beyond that which they already are quite familiar; that being, in his case, of the culture and quality of being a middle-aged white guy.
Ian Frazier is a contributing writer to the “New Yorker” magazine and the author of the book, among others, of “On the Rez,”an account of the modern-day American Indian experience, especially that of the Oglala Sioux, who now live on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the state of South Dakota.
I found this additional information about the Ghost Dance online [link below text] at a site titled “Teaching American History in Maryland” from the Maryland state archives [including additional links to various PBS reports on the subject]. It is a fascinating site that includes not only more information about The Ghost Dance but audio recordings as well:
Wavoka: “When the Sun died, I went up to Heaven and saw God and all the people who had died a long time ago. God told me to come back and tell my people they must be good and love one another, and not fight, or steal or lie. He gave me this dance to give to my people.”
“The Ghost Dance religion (or movement) was an answer to the subjugation of Native Americans by the U.S. government. It was an attempt to revitalize traditional culture and to find a way to face increasing poverty, hunger, and disease, all representing the reservation life of the Native Americans in the late nineteenth century.”
“The Ghost Dance originated among the Paiute Indians around 1870. However, the tide of the movement came in 1889 with a Paiute shaman named Wovoka (Jack Wilson). Wovoka had a vision during a sun eclipse in 1889. In this vision he saw the second coming of Christ and received a warning about the evils of the white man. The messianic religion promised an apocalypse that would destroy the earth and the white man [due to satellite (microwave radiation) technologies saturating the planet, the atmosphere, the magnetosphere, and the planet’s species (e.g., cell phone’s effects on our brains, lymph nodes in our necks, and nerve damage extending from the face downward – I know of two cases)]. The earth then would be restored to the Native Americans. Salvation of individuals was to be achieved by purging oneself of the evil ways learned from the whites. The religion required frequent ceremonial cleansing, meditation, prayer, chanting and, of course, dancing The Ghost Dance. Each ceremony lasted for five successive days. The participants danced each night, and on the last night the dance continued until morning. The ceremony was to be repeated every six weeks. Within a year, the new religion spread throughout the Native camps in the West, giving Native peoples much needed hope.”
“White settlers reacted differently to the new religion. Some traveled to the reservations to observe the dancing, others feared the possibility of an Indian uprising. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) eventually banned The Ghost Dance because the government believed it was a precursor to renewed Native American militancy and violent rebellion. The reaction of the BIA is somewhat ironic, since one of the goals of the agency was to convert the Natives to Christianity. The agency did not recognize that the Ghost Dance religion’s fundamental principles were parallel with Christianity and brought many Indians to believe in one God.”
“Misunderstanding and ignorance were part of the BIA decision. Wovoka’s message clearly promoted pacifism and warned against making any trouble with the whites or refusing to work for them. However, the spreading rumors of Indian treachery ignited fear and panic. In November 1890, President Benjamin Harrison ordered the military to take control of the Lakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota. On December 29, 1890, 300 Lakota men, women and children were killed in an event that came to be known as the Massacre of Wounded Knee. What started as a peaceful religious movement in 1889, was brutally ended a year later by the U.S. military.”
Link to “Teaching American History” website:
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